Fox often does find a patsy to shout at. You are right - they are unique in doing that. And its more evidence of their clear agenda. You love their point of view. Why pretend the bias doesn't exist?
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Where did I say that bias didn't exist? I didn't. And if you want to call the liberal talk show hosts, and Democratic congressmen "patsies", then have at it. About the only time that you will see a Republican commenting on MSNBC is on "Morning Joe".
So, if Fox has an agenda by having opposing opinions on their shows, then what is MSNBC's agenda when they only have liberals?
Plus, Fox News' anchors at least can report news, unlike those id**ts on MSNBC such as Sharpton, Chris Matthews, and the one who said ON AIR that he wished that D**k Cheney would die, Ed Schultz. He is a real winner, huh?