tmobile data question


Sep 2, 2008
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hello everyone i am new to this forum and new to the iphone

i have a iphone unlocked and using it on t-mobile
i called t-mobile today and told them i wanted the unlimited data plan they offer they had a few plans and the rep told me the one i wanted was the total internet plan. i orderd the plan and becuase i have a flex pay account the rep told me i had to wait untill september 8th for my data to go on becuase thats the date of my billing cycle

now my question is this when the service does go on is there any settings i need to put on in the iphone and if yes what are they ?
or will the phone data just start to work presto on the 8th. i dont mind the wait almost eveywhere i use the phone has a wi-fi spot/ So for now im ok


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
No, you will need to go into the network settings and add this:

Don't worry about a password.

*I will be moving this thread into the Jailbreak/Unlocking forum.


Sep 2, 2008
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thanks for the reply
everything works great now

i dont mean to hijack my own thread but maybe you can help me im confused

if u need me to start a new thread i will

this phone was given to me as a gift

i have another phone 8gig (not a 3g) that is not unlocked and i am going to try it myself.

i have done some reading and watched some utube videos and i think im going to do it with pwnang

i am a windows user and the phone is at 2.0 firmware now

when i download the tool i think it is for mac
i followed the link in this forum for the windows one but i cant find it on the page. i did find a quickpwnang

can u just tell me which is the proper file for me to use on a windows pc

then i can just follow the utube video unless you have a better set of instructions



Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
thanks for the reply
everything works great now

i dont mean to hijack my own thread but maybe you can help me im confused

if u need me to start a new thread i will

this phone was given to me as a gift

i have another phone 8gig (not a 3g) that is not unlocked and i am going to try it myself.

i have done some reading and watched some utube videos and i think im going to do it with pwnang

i am a windows user and the phone is at 2.0 firmware now

when i download the tool i think it is for mac
i followed the link in this forum for the windows one but i cant find it on the page. i did find a quickpwnang

can u just tell me which is the proper file for me to use on a windows pc

then i can just follow the utube video unless you have a better set of instructions


Here is a link to the download for WinPWN. This should do the trick. Pretty straight forward after you start it up. Just be sure to kill all iTune related programs running in the task manager along with anything Apple related before you start.

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