Thoughts on 2.2.1?


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Sep 9, 2008
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We've only just had the 2.2 update and I'm already seeing rumours of what may be coming for the next update. Yet again, push notification has reared its promising head.
Anyone else got any thoughts or heard any rumours? Will this be a Christmas present from Santa Steve or will it come as a post-Christmas surprise (probably more likely to be post-Christmas, I think). Anyway, post your ideas people. :)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
I think if 2.2.1 just adds push there is a chance we could see it before years end. But if I were a gambling man I would place my bets sometime in the beginning of January, I think there is some apple get together around that time :)

Which reminds me I need to add the 2.2.1 poll to my website now.


Nov 28, 2008
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Newbie here...

My guess is that 2.2.1 will be released prior to Macworld 09. Whatever 2.2.1 may have (push notification??????, minor bug fixes, etc) it will come and go briefly. At Macworld Steve will announce 2.3 probably to be released in early Feb as well as a NEW 32 GB option and discontinuing the 8 GB model. My question is will prices go back up if it is now a 16 and 32 GB option? One would think but who knows.

My guess for 2.3: Push notification, Turn by Turn GPS, Landscape mode Text/Emails, and Copy and Paste. A guy can dream, right.

Jdub out.:D


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2008
My guess for 2.3: Push notification, Turn by Turn GPS, Landscape mode Text/Emails, and Copy and Paste. A guy can dream, right.
Jdub out.:D

All that would be great but add MMS, disk mode, and OBEX, File Transfer, A2DP Bluetooth profiles and we have a winner.

I know I am dreaming big time and if we wanna hit the wish list, well then....


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Nov 19, 2008
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Ill be honest the landscape email text and mms I have now via jailbreak. If they would just add the push notification which they have promised since the Mac LC III was launched :), and enhanced bluetooth I would be happy.

E Pow

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Jul 23, 2008
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I would just suggest they add push email and turn by turn GPS. Every other feature I wanted has been achieved by jail breaking my iphone 3g. Pretty soon all the jailbreak apps are going to take over and nobody is going to request from Apple anything. Thanks Cydia for taking care of us!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2008
Pretty soon all the jailbreak apps are going to take over and nobody is going to request from Apple anything.

Jailbreaking is still "illegal" so if it takes over, the iPhone will die the Newton's death. Just cause "everybody does it" doesn't make it legal. Now if Apple would loosen the noose and allow the best of those Jailbreak apps to have a legitimate way onto the phone you would have a point.

ie, bring things like SwirlyMMS, SBSSettings, Winterboard into the legitimate realm instead of requiring a jailbreak just to get these basic functions most smartphones (and even cheapies) have.

Honestly, I can understand why they wish to have some control, but its waaayy to draconian as it is and that kind of noose WILL kill the platform eventually. I mean we are the Users and we do own the phone. Most of us are smart enough to realize the risk involved. The whole "its our phone and we just let you use it" is just bad.
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E Pow

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2008
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Jailbreaking is still "illegal" so if it takes over, the iPhone will die the Newton's death. Just cause "everybody does it" doesn't make it legal. Now if Apple would loosen the noose and allow the best of those Jailbreak apps to have a legitimate way onto the phone you would have a point.

ie, bring things like SwirlyMMS, SBSSettings, Winterboard into the legitimate realm instead of requiring a jailbreak just to get these basic functions most smartphones (and even cheapies) have.

Honestly, I can understand why they wish to have some control, but its waaayy to draconian as it is and that kind of noose WILL kill the platform eventually. I mean we are the Users and we do own the phone. Most of us are smart enough to realize the risk involved. The whole "its our phone and we just let you use it" is just bad.

I totally agree with you. I think it's a shame that we have to jailbreak our phones just to get basic functions that you can get on a free phone from At&t or a pre-paid service. The apps that everyone has been complaining about are legitimate. It's not like we are jailbreaking our phones to tap into government networks or to do anything illegal. It's a shame we are breaking the rules for basic functions.
Apple is WAY to advance and superior over the competition not to allow us to have the basics (video recording, copy/paste, etc...) Apple has created one of the most sought after devices in our time so far and you would think the best phone would have the best features.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2008
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I'd like to see legit landscape e-mail and texting, MMS. I have push e-mail with an Exchange server. What other push notification is everyone requesting?


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
I'd like to see legit landscape e-mail and texting, MMS. I have push e-mail with an Exchange server. What other push notification is everyone requesting?

Push for apps. Example a twitter app now when you are not running the app you will not get updates until you start it up again. With push you could get alerts even when it's not running.

Right now text messaging and push email are the only push technologies on the iPhone.

att is should be good for a lose of income when everyone scales back their text plans after push comes out :D


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2008
Jailbreaking is still "illegal" so if it takes over, the iPhone will die the Newton's death. Just cause "everybody does it" doesn't make it legal. Now if Apple would loosen the noose and allow the best of those Jailbreak apps to have a legitimate way onto the phone you would have a point.

ie, bring things like SwirlyMMS, SBSSettings, Winterboard into the legitimate realm instead of requiring a jailbreak just to get these basic functions most smartphones (and even cheapies) have.

Honestly, I can understand why they wish to have some control, but its waaayy to draconian as it is and that kind of noose WILL kill the platform eventually. I mean we are the Users and we do own the phone. Most of us are smart enough to realize the risk involved. The whole "its our phone and we just let you use it" is just bad.

jailbreaking IS NOT illegal. In any way shape or form... no government cares if you manipulate the software on your phone.

Jailbreaking CAN BE against your contract with At&t if you use it to tether which is not allowed by your att contract.

The only people that care if you jailbreak are the phone carriers cuz they cant get their piece of the pie and Apple, cuz you dont have to give them money for an app...

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