Thoughts from an Android Fanboy.


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Feb 11, 2011
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so... the iphone has no notification bar on top? what if you miss those popups? what if you have more than one notification?

I mean it does show a big red number on your missed alerts over the app so is it really that big of a thing? Plus if you jailbreak there are apps that show the missed alerts in your status bar.
May 6, 2010
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I have used all 4 major mobile OS's out there, minus W7. So far this is my 2nd favorite behind Palms but I really like the simpleness of this OS and the way it just works.

The screen on this phone is amazing and the hardware is right on point. The sound quality from the phone is great too. I jailbroke this thing right away too in order to get Bite SMS because I didnt like the pop ups. This has really made a huge difference. The phone has no additional lag or battery drain.

My biggest draw to iOS was the battery life and smoothness. I had an Evo and loved it but the battery wasnt the best and it tended to lag when I added custom things to it. Maybe I did it work but iOS just seems to get it done right and simple. I am very excited to see what iOS brings, hopefully much better notifications.

Just my opinion.


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Feb 24, 2011
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I use my D2 mostly for surfing "reading". It hurts my eyes after an hour or so and I need a larger screen. I was playing with a DX in the store recently and found that a forum like this is smaller on the screen than on the D2. On iPhone or D2 I can tap the screen and the text I want read is fitted to the screen. On the DX there was a lot of pinching and trying to fit the text where I wanted it.

So I hope the rumor about a future iPhone with a 4" screen will come to be a reality.

On my DX i just double tap the screen and it sets it self to fit the screen perfectly. And i am a girl with small hands, i need to two hands no matter the device, so i sorely miss my 4.3.


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Sep 12, 2008
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On my DX i just double tap the screen and it sets it self to fit the screen perfectly. And i am a girl with small hands, i need to two hands no matter the device, so i sorely miss my 4.3.

The double-tap for text fitting works fine with one thumb for me. Honestly,
going back to using an i4 with retina made up for the lack of screen size. But
it's so much easier to type faster. The iPhone's keyboard just works well for me.
I was constantly switching to different keyboard's on the DX and couldn't get
into a zone. That and the auto-correct for me is ten times better on iOS.


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Feb 24, 2011
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The double-tap for text fitting works fine with one thumb for me. Honestly,
going back to using an i4 with retina made up for the lack of screen size. But
it's so much easier to type faster. The iPhone's keyboard just works well for me.
I was constantly switching to different keyboard's on the DX and couldn't get
into a zone. That and the auto-correct for me is ten times better on iOS.

Send me your MOJO, because i am a hot mess on the ip4 keyboard.
For me it was all about the swype..


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Sep 12, 2008
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Send me your MOJO, because i am a hot mess on the ip4 keyboard.
For me it was all about the swype..

Be very careful what you wish for ;)

The fact that you mentioned swype is where you and I differ in typing technique.
I couldn't use it at all. It was difficult. I just found it as something can just use or
just can't plain out use. No in between.


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Feb 11, 2011
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Send me your MOJO, because i am a hot mess on the ip4 keyboard.
For me it was all about the swype..

I was very worried about not having swype but in all honesty I can type as fast on the ip4 keyboard as my wife can on swype. Just gotta get use to it I guess :)


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Feb 24, 2011
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See i was blazingly fast with swype. I guess there is a reason that the all the speed texting records have been set using it.. Because i just flew on it. My GF is also experiencing some drag with it as well. But aside from that she has transitioned far better than i..


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Sep 12, 2008
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The biggest problem I had with swype was spacing and actually getting the word that I wanted. It was
just an awful experience for me. I'm pretty impatient with things sometimes. Just couldn't get the hang
of it.

With the iPhone keyboard, I can literally type a six letter word and get three letters wrong. And as long
as those letters are in the vicinity of what was supposed to be there, it's correct 95% of the time.


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Feb 24, 2011
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LOL, we are truly have mirrored effects on different devices.. Because i found swype vastly more intuitive that the ip4 keyboard. And the room afforded by the DX's larger keyboard was marvy!

I guess i need more time on it or just accept that i will not like it as much as my swype.


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Oct 1, 2008
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This is my confession.

I am a former Palm user who when through 2 iphones on ATT. I finally moved over to VZ b/c of dropped calls and very bad coverage. After playing with a few friends DX's and others I bought a DX at Costco for $10 and signed up w/ VZ. I thought it would be like my old Palm days where I could play with every aspect of the phone. I realized right away that I wasn't the same person that I use to be... After a week I gave the DX back and went through a number of hoops to get to an iPhone 4. I don't miss android or the DX a bit.

What I liked about the DX.
Status Bar at the top.
Form Factor.
Big Screen.
Better browser.

What drove me back to the Iphone:
Battery Life was horrid and I did download a few different apps to fix this.
Mine was HOT to the touch!!
TOO Complicated!! It took usually 2 steps to do what I wanted on the phone.
The apps weren't smooth. Lots of herky, jerky....

I got my iPHone 4 witch was an upgrade from a 3gs to me.
I love the simplicity and the battery life. I just hooked it up to my iTunes and was back to where I belong.

This is my confession..


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Aug 1, 2010
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IMO, the speakerphone on the DX was one of the worst I've ever had. It wasn't nearly loud enough. As for Swype, I see I'm not the only one who hated it lol. I love the keyboard on the iPhone :)


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Feb 24, 2011
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Well like i said, to each their own. I am sure i will adjust to its short coming just fine.
But a few things i will always miss.
In no particular order

1. Swype
2. Notifications (without jb)
3. Status Bar
4. DX Speaker phone (which was far superior to my ip4)
5. Screen Size
6. Ability to use any music on it as a ring tone (without an app or jb)
7. Just some of the over all custom-ability of it i guess. deep down i am a tinkerer..;)

But i am getting used to working around what my ip4 cant do, and exploiting what it does. So all should be well




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Jun 17, 2008
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I type faster on the iPhone keyboard, but I love Swype. On my Nexus one, it was a nightmare to use.
I really don't have many negatives about either platform. I do prefer the iPhone because of the things that it does, it does well and looks good well doing it. App switching, copy & paste, the screen and the video editing to name a few.
Mar 4, 2011
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I had swype on my original droid and loved it. Then I got the fascinate and the swype wasn't as good. Not sure if the screen size was the issue for me because I had to slide further or not. I found my self typing on the swype keyboard instead. I rooted my droid and didn't see much of a point to it. All the themes you could get by downloading an app. I JB the iphone and changed my icons and removed some of the apps I would never use and that might be all I do with it.


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Feb 24, 2011
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I had swype on my original droid and loved it. Then I got the fascinate and the swype wasn't as good. Not sure if the screen size was the issue for me because I had to slide further or not. I found my self typing on the swype keyboard instead. I rooted my droid and didn't see much of a point to it. All the themes you could get by downloading an app. I JB the iphone and changed my icons and removed some of the apps I would never use and that might be all I do with it.

That' because luv, nothing works right on the galaxie phones:eek:. My friends simply will NOT perform GPS correctly.. Lovely screens. Bad important things.;)


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2011
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so there is a notification bar? one that will show me what new emails i have, what texts i received, missed calls, facebook updates, etc? not like i have to hunt them down myself if i miss the popup thing?


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Feb 11, 2011
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so there is a notification bar? one that will show me what new emails i have, what texts i received, missed calls, facebook updates, etc? not like i have to hunt them down myself if i miss the popup thing?

If you stick with the stock look of the phone when you have a missed call, text, facebook, email etc there will be a red circle around that app with the number of missed alerts.

If you jailbreak there are many apps that will put the notifications in the status bar.

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