The loss of not one, but two iPhones - a sad day


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Mar 24, 2009
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Well, Friday came and myself and friend of mine were both having issues with our iPhones so we decided to visit the local (thats probably not so local) Apple store.

We'd booked appointments to have them looked at. My friend was having issues with wireless, call quality and it just generally playing up. Mine, it was struggling to get a signal sometimes, wireless access was appauling and call quality was terrible, the majority of the calls I'd get some crackling on-and-off, and the people I was talking to constantly had to ask me to repeat myself as I was apparently cutting out every now and then.

My friends was first up, he explained the problems and the 'Genius' said that he'd get it swapped out, which of course cheered him up. This was until the Genius got his little inspection torch (like those things doctors put in your ears) and then proceeded to tell him the bad news - "It looks like you've had some water damage" he said. My friend was completely perplexed by this, trust me, he looks after his iPhone very very well.

My friend asked him how he worked out it had water damage. Apparently, the iPhone has some form of white 'paper' inside that goes red when its got water damage, this was completely new to me and him. Unfortunately, the only way of getting it replaced after this discovery was to fork out ?130 for a replacement. He ummed n aaared about it for a bit, until I pointed out that if he was to buy a new one it would probably be 3 times as much. So he paid out. That was his sorted.

Onto mine - the Genius looked at it and much to my relief there was no water damage. A visible sign of relieve was no doubt on my face. He went through and tested it etc, picked up that i'd restored etc. So, much to my pleasure he opted to swap it out for a new one, and free. I felt awful for my friend however, as i'd probably not looked after mine anywhere near as much as he had.

Both of us have noticed massive differences in the replacement models, both call quality and speed of the phone (no doubt due to fragmentation on the old ones).

Moral of the story, NEVER let your iPhone go anywhere near moisture...if its raining, dont use your phone or you could land yourself with a bill like him if warranty work is needed.

What I will say however is that for warrenty replacements, Apple are fantastic. Their customer care and swap out policys are second to none (that i've dealt with anyway).

It does go to show however that in some cases, iPhones may not last out the length of the contract the carriers make you sign. Perhaps if the Apple warranty could be the same as the length of the contract but as well all know, thats never going to happen.


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Aug 27, 2009
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Hello I am curious a white piece of paper is it in the screen or was it in the back of the phone reason being I am a new i phone user and went to the car was this weekend an my sun roof was cracked and i had sprinkles of dried water spots on my screen protector but my phone works perfectly well no problems I was just wandering where on the phone did genius inspect


Active member
Mar 24, 2009
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Hello I am curious a white piece of paper is it in the screen or was it in the back of the phone reason being I am a new i phone user and went to the car was this weekend an my sun roof was cracked and i had sprinkles of dried water spots on my screen protector but my phone works perfectly well no problems I was just wandering where on the phone did genius inspect

Hi Ree,

Actually its in two places. As Chobbs1 has pointed out, the first place is deep inside the headphone socket. The second spot is in the corner of the dock connector on the bottom of the iphone, thats what the genius said. Not good about the sunroof though, hope your iPhone survived its shower!!

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