the iphone name :]


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Dec 27, 2012
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hey there :D

i created this thread to know what do you think about the future iphone name :p they cant just keep calling it iphone 5,6,7,8,9
so... how do you think they should call the future iphone?
and when do you think they will replace the name?
i'd love to hear your ideas :]


Sep 7, 2010
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hey there :D

i created this thread to know what do you think about the future iphone name :p they cant just keep calling it iphone 5,6,7,8,9
so... how do you think they should call the future iphone?
and when do you think they will replace the name?
i'd love to hear your ideas :]

Sure they can...and i expect that is how it will progress honestly.


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Apr 28, 2009
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The Mac has always been just that. The only way you can tell them apart is by the year they're produced. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually they dropped the numbering and they are all just iPhone with a date.


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Dec 17, 2012
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When Apple launched the "new iPad" this year, they replaced it just 6 months later with the "iPad with Retina display", but didn't the previous iPad have a Retina display anyway? They realised that they could not change the name of the "new iPad" when it was no longer new after just 6 months, so they scrapped it. What will they call the next iPad? The "newer iPad with Retina display" or if the display is enhanced, it could be "iPad with super Retina display".
That does not seem to be their policy with the iPhone, where older models remain on sale. If they call the next one the "new iPhone" they cannot change the name if it remains on sale, so the next one could be "the newer iPhone" or "the newest iPhone".
It's much easier to just stick to numbering, which is what they should have done with the iPad.


Sep 13, 2012
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When Apple launched the "new iPad" this year, they replaced it just 6 months later with the "iPad with Retina display", but didn't the previous iPad have a Retina display anyway? They realised that they could not change the name of the "new iPad" when it was no longer new after just 6 months, so they scrapped it. What will they call the next iPad? The "newer iPad with Retina display" or if the display is enhanced, it could be "iPad with super Retina display".
That does not seem to be their policy with the iPhone, where older models remain on sale. If they call the next one the "new iPhone" they cannot change the name if it remains on sale, so the next one could be "the newer iPhone" or "the newest iPhone".
It's much easier to just stick to numbering, which is what they should have done with the iPad.

I agree with this. When I went to purchase the 'newest' ipad, I was finding confusion in trying to determine what was the newest model given the naming convention seemed a bit ambiguous. I saw the tag of 'with retina display' but since the ipad 3 had retina display, this tag didn't seem to distinguish anything. As long as they name the future iphones something to distinguish as being different from the other models.....I will be happy.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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hey there :D

i created this thread to know what do you think about the future iphone name :p they cant just keep calling it iphone 5,6,7,8,9
so... how do you think they should call the future iphone?
and when do you think they will replace the name?
i'd love to hear your ideas :]

Why can't they keep naming that way?

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