The iPhone may be late to features, but only Android users care


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Nov 11, 2013
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Whenever Apple announces a new version of iOS it is often criticized as ?playing catch up? to Android. Third party keyboards in the upcoming iOS 8 is a good example of iOS adding something that Android users had for years. In digging through my article archives I found this article that is still applicable to today:

The iPhone may be late to features, but only Android users care - CNET

But what say you? If you own an iPhone how do you feel when Apple adds features that have long been on Android? And if you own an Android phone how do you feel when Apple adds features to iOS that you have had for a long time? Is Apple really playing catch up?


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Nov 12, 2012
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Personally, I feel Apple has always been a copy cat. That's not a bad thing though as they generally copy it and make it more polished than Android and as polished as Windows Phone.


Oct 2, 2013
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I don't see it as copying. They have had the technology probably longer than Google. But they take their time so that when that technology is used, it's going to work great. That's why the iPhone is a much more stable phone than the Androids.

Sent from from my iPhone 5


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2012
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I don't see it as copying. They have had the technology probably longer than Google. But they take their time so that when that technology is used, it's going to work great. That's why the iPhone is a much more stable phone than the Androids.

Sent from from my iPhone 5

No, they definitely copy... Steve Jobs often celebrated that point in his own quotes. Since the beginning, Apple has copied and improved upon. Nothing wrong with it but it does happen.
Jan 20, 2014
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I'm very happy. I do think that adding new features is nice. Eventually I'd like to be able to not have to use both an iPhone and an Android. However, I do immensely enjoy both for similar and different reasons.

I feel they are trying to please the crowds while yet attempting to stay non-convoluted. They don't want to become fractured across the board like Android yet want to provide features their users crave.

It's a fine line but so far they are walking it nicely.

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Jan 20, 2014
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No, they definitely copy... Steve Jobs often celebrated that point in his own quotes. Since the beginning, Apple has copied and improved upon. Nothing wrong with it but it does happen.

Can you stop trying to provoke all the users here? Please?

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2012
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Can you stop trying to provoke all the users here? Please?

Sent from something using Tapatalk.

That's not my intention... If you read most of my posts, they have little but good to say. I just want people to know the facts rather than wrap themselves up in some sense of disillusionment.
Jan 20, 2014
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That's not my intention... If you read most of my posts, they have little but good to say. I just want people to know the facts rather than wrap themselves up in some sense of disillusionment.

It's not that, it's just that we see how you feel but continuing to hammer it in, I think that's a little bit going over the line. I understand how you feel it's just that there has to be a line drawn you know? This is a forum full of people with their own opinions too, we have to all coincide and coexist. There are times I might want to blow my stack but biting my tongue is the tactful thing to do.

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Jan 20, 2014
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I generally bite my tongue in public... In most situations anyway but forums are kinda an outlet.

It's just that like in real life, there are real people here too. Just because it's the internet, it doesn't mean we can forgo our better sense right?

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Nov 12, 2012
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It's just that like in real life, there are real people here too. Just because it's the internet, it doesn't mean we can forgo our better sense right?

Sent from something using Tapatalk.

No, it's more that being abrasive might get me in trouble in real life. Were that not the case, I'd likely be just as rude. I don't feel I've been rude here though, just corrected someone on their mistakes. Android has tons of features. Both Windows Phone and iOS take those features and improve on them exponentially.

Beyond Fire

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Nov 23, 2012
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Let's get this thread back on topic before someone decides to compare Micky Mouse to Stalin.

OP, I always say better late then never. All companies take ideas/features from other companies and improve upon them. In the end it's us the consumer who wins right?

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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Personally, I feel Apple has always been a copy cat. That's not a bad thing though as they generally copy it and make it more polished than Android and as polished as Windows Phone.

Personally, I feel you have no idea what you are talking about. ;)



Well-known member
Nov 12, 2012
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Personally, I feel you have no idea what you are talking about. ;)

Newton! I actually own one still. Still works and was a hell of a device. It was the first to put the PDA and the touchscreen together. Trying to get that thing to recognize handwriting was fun. I played with the currency converter way too much... I was a kid and I thought like $20 USD made me rich in India because I didn't fully understand currency conversion.


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May 5, 2012
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I have a Newton in a dresser drawer somewhere. Still works as well, if I am inclined to put batteries in it. What a freakin' beast it is!

Sent from my XT1060 using Tapatalk


Jun 2, 2011
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Whenever Apple announces a new version of iOS it is often criticized as “playing catch up” to Android. Third party keyboards in the upcoming iOS 8 is a good example of iOS adding something that Android users had for years. In digging through my article archives I found this article that is still applicable to today:

The iPhone may be late to features, but only Android users care - CNET

But what say you? If you own an iPhone how do you feel when Apple adds features that have long been on Android? And if you own an Android phone how do you feel when Apple adds features to iOS that you have had for a long time? Is Apple really playing catch up?

When I first came to iOS after having a few Androids, it aggravated the mess out of me because I was use to certain things. As I became accustomed to iOS, those features that were missing didn't stand out as much. Although I customized the heck out of my Androids, I realized I didn't need all of that with iOS because it works as its suppose to out of the box. In my case simple was better. I also valued the integration with my Mac & iPad more than anything. Now that they are adding more options, I think its great but I'm ok with my device the way it is.


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Dec 26, 2012
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I care because I know what's possible with Android or BlackBerry/RIM.

But, the overall experience, integration with OS X, iCloud, support, and timely updates and incremental improvements outweigh the minor disappointment that iOS is lagging behind or feature deficient.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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I don't see it as copying. They have had the technology probably longer than Google. But they take their time so that when that technology is used, it's going to work great. That's why the iPhone is a much more stable phone than the Androids.

Sent from from my iPhone 5

Couldn't agree more. All Android fanatics who moans over Apple copying them believe that Apple couldn't do it earlier due to lack of expertise/skills? Really?

Apple could have supported 3rd party keyboards long back but as mentioned by so many people here- Apple strives for a nearly perfect, polished user experience.

I know when Apple would introduce NFC, these Android deep ****s would start moaning again but just wait and watch. The day it gets on iOS, companies would actually start supporting NFC in departmental stores etc.

Sent from my Darth Vader black iPhone 5 using iMore Forums

BlackBerry Guy

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Mar 4, 2011
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You guys should've seen how "lively" the CrackBerry forums were after WWDC. Certainly kept all of us mods busy lol.

When you really look at it, everyone borrows concepts and features from others and puts their own spin on it. Apple more often than not seems to be able to hit the sweet spot and make their versions very user friendly. As I said over on's not about who does it first, but it's about who does it best!

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