The iPhone is the best device to date for me


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Nov 7, 2012
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iPhone vs Android

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

There is a considerable difference between opinion and facts.

You made the claim about Samsung’s premium segment doing well. They aren’t.

Samsung still does well in the high end segment.

The s21 series flopped, that’s not an opinion but a fact. Don’t think the morung express is going to invalidate that due to your personal opinions.

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Oct 28, 2011
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Re: iPhone vs Android

I went from Blackberry to Android back in 2014, then bought my first my iPhone in 2020. Apple had me very intrigued with the 12 mini and I have to say I’m very happy with my purchase. The carrier deals on trade ins these days are hard to pass up, I was able to trade in my Pixel 3 for the 12 mini which made my upgrade free. iOS still has it’s limits but overall Apple has done a good job with this device.


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The numbers for the s21 series are in and they are simply put, awful.

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Jun 29, 2014
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Re: iPhone vs Android

Samsung’s ship are sinking. And that’s because the company are putting it’s money in the wrong horses. S line without SD card. End of the Note line without any proper replacement (aka any new model with the SPen included and inserted in the phone’s body, without the need to buy it separately paying another lot of money). All that emphasis put on the foldable line of devices, without making it even remotely affordable. Simply an awful lot of bad decisions.

For my part I decided some months ago that, without SD card and SPen the best option was an iPhone. My wife decided the same. I don’t have any loyalty to any brand, so as soon as Samsung makes a model that suits my needs in an affordable price, I can come back without a problem. But right now, there’s simply no option offered to replace my old Note 10+, and I’m sure there’re a lot of people in the same situation.


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Oct 15, 2015
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Re: iPhone vs Android

Samsung’s ship are sinking. And that’s because the company are putting it’s money in the wrong horses. S line without SD card. End of the Note line without any proper replacement (aka any new model with the SPen included and inserted in the phone’s body, without the need to buy it separately paying another lot of money). All that emphasis put on the foldable line of devices, without making it even remotely affordable. Simply an awful lot of bad decisions.

For my part I decided some months ago that, without SD card and SPen the best option was an iPhone. My wife decided the same. I don’t have any loyalty to any brand, so as soon as Samsung makes a model that suits my needs in an affordable price, I can come back without a problem. But right now, there’s simply no option offered to replace my old Note 10+, and I’m sure there’re a lot of people in the same situation.

So yet you choose a phone with no SD card or Spen inside the body…. People want to talk crap about Samsung taking away the SD card like it’s some new technology. Apple has never had an SD card slot. Just use the cloud whether it’s Googles or apples. Time to leave old tech behind…


Mar 31, 2012
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Re: iPhone vs Android

I guess I just use iPhone now for convenience, other than that they are both awfully close feature wise these days.


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Nov 7, 2012
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Re: iPhone vs Android

So yet you choose a phone with no SD card or Spen inside the body…. People want to talk crap about Samsung taking away the SD card like it’s some new technology. Apple has never had an SD card slot. Just use the cloud whether it’s Googles or apples. Time to leave old tech behind…

I guess when the feature that differentiated Samsung from the iphone gets eliminated, some users elect to go back to an iPhone, better apps, better ecosystem, better privacy.

Some Samsung users have switched to Apple and the iPhone when Samsung removed the sd slot and cancelled the note. The s21 sales cratered compared to the s10 and s20, so it might be more than some users.


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Jun 29, 2014
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I guess when the feature that differentiated Samsung from the iphone gets eliminated, some users elect to go back to an iPhone, better apps, better ecosystem, better privacy.

Some Samsung users have switched to Apple and the iPhone when Samsung removed the sd slot and cancelled the note. The s21 sales cratered compared to the s10 and s20, so it might be more than some users.

This! Thanks God somebody got it.

I had Samsung because of the SPen and SD card. Without these two, Samsung makes no sense for me anymore. Simply like that.

And, sorry, but I don’t think tech gets old just because somebody tells it or some companies try to force it. MicroSD are useful. And why should I be forced to pay to use some cloud service if I already payed for a 512GB card acquired to be used exactly in a Samsung phone?

Again, if Samsung and Apple offers the same, for the same price, so I have a no-brainer choice. For me. Everybody with their needs and their money to be put where they decide to. But as the numbers are showing… Samsung appears to be made some very bad decisions lately.


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Nov 7, 2012
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This! Thanks God somebody got it.

I had Samsung because of the SPen and SD card. Without these two, Samsung makes no sense for me anymore. Simply like that.

And, sorry, but I don’t think tech gets old just because somebody tells it or some companies try to force it. MicroSD are useful. And why should I be forced to pay to use some cloud service if I already payed for a 512GB card acquired to be used exactly in a Samsung phone?

Again, if Samsung and Apple offers the same, for the same price, so I have a no-brainer choice. For me. Everybody with their needs and their money to be put where they decide to. But as the numbers are showing… Samsung appears to be made some very bad decisions lately.

No worries.
Given price parity apple outsells Samsung by a wide margin . Most consumers seem to have made the same decision as yourself.

Regarding Samsung… yeah, it’s not just their premium smartphones that flopped but their entire mobile business is in decline.

Kind of feel sorry for Samsung fans, first the note gets cancelled and now Samsung is reviewing their mobile business.
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May 11, 2011
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Re: iPhone vs Android

Over the many years of playing with phones and keeping up with with the news on tech, I think I’ve reached a point in life where I don’t want to experiment anymore and just stick to what suits my life.

Up until now, the last iPhone I owned was the 7 plus. The battery was a huge problem so I went to the note 9. I stayed with Android up until April of this year and got a 12 pro. My friends were overjoyed as they could easily text me now with iMessage for media purposes. And while it feels good to be able to have that experience with my friends, it’s probably one of the only things im liking about being back on iPhone.

Don’t get me wrong: I’ve been back and forth on different platforms for years and at one point, iOS was definitely perfecting the art of doing things right and having a consistent experience. But Android is almost buttery smooth, especially Samsung, in 2021. Im having major reception issues at my jobs that I didn’t have with my last device which was a Samsung S20 FE. I came back to iOS to see if I was missing anything, but truth be told, in only a few months, im missing my experience with Android

So with that being said, im looking at getting the Z Flip 3 in November. They’re taking good condition iPhone 12 pros for $600 on Samsung’s site and it’s a good deal. I want to be excited for a phone that im paying over $1000 for. I miss Android’s interface but I overall miss the touches Samsung puts on their devices: dual simultaneous Bluetooth streaming, wireless Dex, customization with Good Lock, impressive hardware, and most of all: an ecosystem that’s becoming on par with Apple. Im ready to invest in that and im going to do it with Samsung. First the watch, I already have galaxy buds, then maybe a tablet.

My friends are gonna hate that im going back but oh well. They can always message me on Facebook messenger.


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May 11, 2011
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Re: iPhone vs Android

I almost got caught up in certain posts. I’m glad I didn’t reply LOL. People, use what you love and what you think deserves your money


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Sep 19, 2012
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Re: iPhone vs Android

I have used them both extensively since 2009. I also used Windows Phone from 2011 thru about 2015.

I like them all and never consider one “better” than the other, just different.

People who constantly bash one or the other when nobody else cares have issues that go beyond what mobile device they prefer.

I agree. As I have said on a few occasions over the years on here, I use whatever device fits my needs at the time, having variously used HTC (bulletproof), Samsung (beautiful hardware, terrible OS in my experience) and LG (an all-round OK phone that didn't wow me but didn't break either), as well as a succession of iPhones.

I used to run two phones, an Android for work and an iPhone for personal use, but I had such a bad time with my last Samsung that I moved over completely to iPhone, I still have an Android tablet that is still running well after a few years use, and an iPad that is similarly running well.

Horses for courses.


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Nov 7, 2012
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Just stop. Nobody is here to argue about Apple vs Samsung (or Android).

Why, have you seen the title of the thread .

You seem to be taking Samsung performance personally. No need to justify why you have an iPhone over a Samsung .

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