Stock iOS ruined Jailbreak for me


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Jul 21, 2009
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I haven't done all of my usual JB apps and tweaks like I usually would have by now. I'm on the fence trying to decide if I want to keep the JB. I blame it all on running the stock iOS. In the 5 years I've been an iPhone user I have never run a stock iOS. So the only experience I ever knew was the JBen one. Now that I have been forced to run the stock iOS 6 on my iPhone 5. I have now been bothered by two little insignificant issues I've noticed but they bother me :0( Every time I reboot my iPhone it gets stuck on the Apple logo which I know is a known issue. I also noticed that the battery usage never shows and though it shouldn't bother me it does. So I'm going to continue using it for the rest of the week to start to enjoy the new capabilities and make a final decision. Have any of the guys doing this for the first time come up against little things that is making you second guess the JB?


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Jan 3, 2013
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It all depends on what tweaks you install and what repos you use once you JB. I only have a few very well known and secure tweaks on on here to help enhance the stock iOS, not to complete revamp it (things like themes, lockinfo, etc...) and I've had no more trouble than if I had did have stock.


Sep 13, 2012
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I have experienced getting stuck on the Apple logo as well while rebooting. And I have determined that for me, it is winterboard that seems to be the issue. That is just my case, and I am not sure that would be the case for anyone else.


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Jul 21, 2009
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hmmmm I have Winterboard and I don't know if I will even be theming so I'm going to get rid of it and see if I still get stuck. If you are correct my friend you have just earned my eternal gratitude :0) I'll let everyone know.


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Jul 21, 2009
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I have experienced getting stuck on the Apple logo as well while rebooting. And I have determined that for me, it is winterboard that seems to be the issue. That is just my case, and I am not sure that would be the case for anyone else.

you sir are a genius :0) two reboots and no sticking I'm back not thinking of turning back now!


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Oct 12, 2010
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I still get hang ups on iPad 3 and iPhone. Neither have winter board. The 4 actually has nothing installed but cydia. So, not to cause you more doubt, just wanted to pass on info


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Sep 13, 2012
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It'd appear you fixed your bootup issue, but I'm not sure this would be a "ruin" for me. The OS is stable enough I'm rarely restarting my phone to see the logo in the first place.

As far as the battery not showing, that's a result of one of your tweaks. The battery shows up fine with the jailbreak. I'm not sure which one is turning that off, but check through the settings of tweaks you've installed. That should bring your battery back.


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Aug 17, 2011
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I haven't done all of my usual JB apps and tweaks like I usually would have by now. I'm on the fence trying to decide if I want to keep the JB. I blame it all on running the stock iOS. In the 5 years I've been an iPhone user I have never run a stock iOS. So the only experience I ever knew was the JBen one. Now that I have been forced to run the stock iOS 6 on my iPhone 5. I have now been bothered by two little insignificant issues I've noticed but they bother me :0( Every time I reboot my iPhone it gets stuck on the Apple logo which I know is a known issue. I also noticed that the battery usage never shows and though it shouldn't bother me it does. So I'm going to continue using it for the rest of the week to start to enjoy the new capabilities and make a final decision. Have any of the guys doing this for the first time come up against little things that is making you second guess the JB?

I haven't experienced either of the issues that you are having with being jb. My battery percent works and phone boots up like normal.


Retired Moderator
Mar 9, 2009
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I have experienced getting stuck on the Apple logo as well while rebooting. And I have determined that for me, it is winterboard that seems to be the issue. That is just my case, and I am not sure that would be the case for anyone else.

Evasion updated in Cydia today to fix long reboot issue.


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Jul 21, 2009
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Thanks guys they weren't going to make me run for the hills but after running the stock iOS it just feels weird now when I encounter stuff like this. Anyway in my case I rebooted about 5 times after getting rid of Winterboard and haven't gotten stuck. I think I'm ditching theming now though although in a little while I might change my tune and make another custom theme or tweak the one I made for my iPhone 4. I also also am loading up my iPad so I can always test the Winterboard guess on that since I don't care if that sticks on boot and it also has the updates. I always do updates in Cydia just like I would in the App Store. I asked a friend about his battery percentage and he reported it was fine so I figured it was one of my tweaks. Now it is back though so that issue is gone I'm guessing it has something to do with hiding the lock screen taskbar clock because it came back after I installed Lock Screen Clock Hide which flips the setting back to on in Bulletin.


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Sep 12, 2008
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When I was on iOS 3, I installed all kinds of things on my 3GS to compensate for what
iOS was lacking. Three iOS's later, I find myself being very vigilant in what I install. Just
a couple of tweaks here and there. I got over modifications and themes a long time ago.
As a matter of fact, I don't even like to install Winterboard anymore.


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Jul 21, 2009
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I have always been a very functional based JBer Themes being the only aesthetic thing I did. Even then the only themes I ever used were my own custom themes. I like discoverig where the icons are located and changing them to fit my own custom taste. I'm still intrigued about doing it for the bigger screen of the iPhone 5 but unsure right now. Honestly I have always used a handful of JB apps it's so small I have a list. They are tried and true tools that enhance the features of my devices and what I want to do with them right now my iPhone is Perfect!


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2011
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im an old crotchety man and am very pleased that threads around here are getting back to normal!

have you checked the winterboard reboot bug since the newest update?


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
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im an old crotchety man and am very pleased that threads around here are getting back to normal!

have you checked the winterboard reboot bug since the newest update?

When evasion tells me to unlock my phone, do I need a special key? :p


Apple Watch and AirPod Champion, Ambassador
Nov 2, 2009
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I had to run stock for even longer than you, testing iOS betas etc for work. I missed my BiteSMS more than anything else. Something about having to close out of the app I was using to reply to a text made me nuts.

As for my new JB install, I am not going to theme or mess with the look and feel too much. Little subtle things, like foldercloser and showcase. I found the less tweaks installed the better the phone worked.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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im an old crotchety man and am very pleased that threads around here are getting back to normal!

have you checked the winterboard reboot bug since the newest update?

nah work has me too busy but I'm going to install it on the iPad right now and then try rebooting it on my way home.


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2009
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I had to run stock for even longer than you, testing iOS betas etc for work. I missed my BiteSMS more than anything else. Something about having to close out of the app I was using to reply to a text made me nuts.

As for my new JB install, I am not going to theme or mess with the look and feel too much. Little subtle things, like foldercloser and showcase. I found the less tweaks installed the better the phone worked.

I feel the same way and showcase is one that I was contemplating whether I should bother putting back or not


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Jul 21, 2009
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It doesn't sound stupid at all to me it's like one of those things when you don't know how you got along without it. You just don't realize until you use it.

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