Question for ladies about iPhone carrying options???


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Jul 1, 2009
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My wife is interested in switching from a PalmOne Centro to an iPhone for a variety of the features. However, since moving from a phone to a "smartphone" in general, one constant annoyance for her has been how to carry the phone when she doesn't want to take her purse with her. Putting it on a belt clip and then on her waist seems to make clothes sag (unless she has a well-cinched belt on) and particularly with nicer work clothes. Holding the phone in her hand or on a wrist strap feels bothersome after awhile. I don't know of other carrying options except something like a waist pack and wondering... are there any professional ladies that have found a comfortable carrying option for your iPhone? If so, what would you suggest she consider and/or avoid to address the above issues?

Thanks for any feedback!


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
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Let's face it, women dress differently from men. I don't own anything with a belt, and don't own any case with a belt clip for this reason. I try to buy sweaters or vests with pockets just to keep my phone. Otherwise, I tend to just toss it in a side pocket of my purse - alone, so it's its own case.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2009
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Alli. I do the same thing. I'm not into belt clips all. I've even bought snap on cases but took them off after awhile. I put mine in the front compartment of my handbag for easy access.


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Jun 2, 2009
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I am my girlfriends phone case when she doesn't want to lug around a purse. Of course when she is lugging around a purse often times my phone finds a home there, so it evens out :)

Leanna Lofte

App and photo editor
Sep 7, 2008
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I pretty much only wear jeans or something with pockets. If using a case with a belt clip, I clip it to my pocket. If not, I put my phone in my front jean pocket. Or if I'm wearing a hoodie, it goes in that pocket.

I know that probably wasn't much help...


May 27, 2009
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Gee this is a hard one;

If she doesn't carry a purse she doesn't want to, wear the phone on a clip, carry the phone in her hand or use a wrist strap, I think the only other options are wearing an iPhone Sports Band on her arm, wearing the phone around her neck on a strap, putting the phone in her pocket (if she has one), or leaving it at home.....


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2009
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I am my girlfriends phone case when she doesn't want to lug around a purse. Of course when she is lugging around a purse often times my phone finds a home there, so it evens out :)

I hear that! One of the many privileges of being a husband is getting to carry and hold things when my wife doesn't want to or is just feeling tired ;) Just one of those roles you settle comefortably into over time. I always have a belt clip or put my phone in my pocket so we don't do the trading off thing with phone carrying, though.


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2009
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Let's face it, women dress differently from men. I don't own anything with a belt, and don't own any case with a belt clip for this reason. I try to buy sweaters or vests with pockets just to keep my phone. Otherwise, I tend to just toss it in a side pocket of my purse - alone, so it's its own case.

She bought a purse not too long ago with that very thing in mind... a dedicated pocket just for the phone and that has worked well for her when she carries the purse. It was a big help because she used to fumble around in the main compartment for it when it was ringing, but the dedicated pocket makes it easier to find and gets less of a beating there too.

The clothing issue seems to be a big one. My wife runs a ballroom dance center and between the clothing they wear and the dancing, having something clipped to her outfit is generally a no-go at work which is okay for her. But, all the time to/from work and any activities she does (shopping, errands, whatever) while she's in work clothes makes "clip on" type of carrying options dicey.

For those that carry in their pockets, I would have thought the iPhone would be too bulky for that? I use belt clip cases in general, but most of my clothes have belts so it's not an issue. It's not a bother putting into a pocket???

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