Pop up player for iPhone

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Oct 19, 2014
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I own a Galaxy Note 3 and an IPhone 6 plus. I utilize the pop up video player feature on the note almost daily for watching movies while reading and doing other things. Does anyone know if there's an app for this on iPhone or a way to do it without jail breaking. I would love to be able to watch my movies on a little pop window that I can move around the screen while reading on my iPhone. If anyone knows how to do this I would greatly appreciate the advice. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus


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Oct 19, 2014
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I know the iPhone is capable. It sucks so bad that there isn't a simple app to do this. Is there a way with jailbreak?

Sent From A Galaxy Note 3 Far Far Away


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Sep 12, 2012
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Not sure it is. I imagine a feature like that would eat ram up pretty good. If it did, the rest would probably be bogged down.

Posted via the iMore App for Android


Sep 7, 2010
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Mmmmmmm. Considering it only has 1 gig of ram u may be right. My note has 3

Sent From A Galaxy Note 3 Far Far Away

Wow! That is so cool man! Can you tell us more about your awesome Note with 3 whole GB's of RAM? I'm extremely envious of it and wish I could read more about it on iMore! I mean what was Apple thinking not including a native app to watch a video in a microscopic little box on my screen while I'm doing something else important on my phone? I mean there's nothing like watching Guardians of the Galaxy in a box the size of a couple of postage stamps...you really FEEL the action!


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Oct 19, 2014
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Wow! That is so cool man! Can you tell us more about your awesome Note with 3 whole GB's of RAM? I'm extremely envious of it and wish I could read more about it on iMore! I mean what was Apple thinking not including a native app to watch a video in a microscopic little box on my screen while I'm doing something else important on my phone? I mean there's nothing like watching Guardians of the Galaxy in a box the size of a couple of postage stamps...you really FEEL the action!

Well....thank you for bringing high-school bullying to the forum pal. Unfortunately for you I'm about to reverse it on you. No one likes a fan boy on either platform so relax. Pop up window is not the size of a postage stamp on a ginormous phone like the note 3 and wouldn't be on the even bigger iphone 6 plus. It fills the top half of the screen. I got the iPhone 6 plus as a gift and I actually like it. I was simply trying to see if it could possibly do the only thing I actually favorite on the note. Unlike you I'm not a fan boy of either. You picked the wrong one today.

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Feb 20, 2015
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I wasn't going to say anything now... Yeah, I'm going to. That was a bit out of line. We may like the iPhone platform here but that doesn't at all mean that the iPhone is perfect. There are a number of features that I'd like to see come to the iPhone platform that Android has. I've spent life in both the Android and iOS camps so I have a rather unique perspective on the matter.

I love my iPhone, there's no denying it. The difference is that I try not to be a fanboi about it.


Sep 7, 2010
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Well....thank you for bringing high-school bullying to the forum pal. Unfortunately for you I'm about to reverse it on you. No one likes a fan boy on either platform so relax. Pop up window is not the size of a postage stamp on a ginormous phone like the note 3 and wouldn't be on the even bigger iphone 6 plus. It fills the top half of the screen. I got the iPhone 6 plus as a gift and I actually like it. I was simply trying to see if it could possibly do the only thing I actually favorite on the note. Unlike you I'm not a fan boy of either. You picked the wrong one today.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Where to begin...

You mentioned my profile of replies (whatever that means, lol)...there's over 10,000 of them, so honestly, I'm impressed you were able to look through them all. You deserve some kind of medal and a place in the Guinness Book of World Records! Bravo!

Now onto the rest of your blabber...

I picked the wrong one today? You're going to "reverse it on" me? So far all I've asked you to do was tell us all about your unimaginably powerful Note with all it's impressive RAM, but for some reason you took offense! I just really enjoyed your posts man! They were so fascinating...what with all the GB's and RAM's and stuffs.

And bullying? That word is used far to loosely these days. I'm not sure you have a grasp as to what the word means. You seem to use the term 'fan boy' pretty generously too...some how applying it to what I said about your comment. Again, perhaps you've just never had it clarified for you...but as the "fan boy bully", I can't be bothered to define either for you...maybe you can use that cool little pop up screen to ask your note for the definition of both words, and then combine it with a tutorial in verbiage application.

Before this drags on too long...and lastly...I never said it was the size of a postage stamp. I said it was the size of TWO postage stamps. That's TWICE as big as you gave me credit for labeling it as, and I would appreciate it if you would at least represent my post accurately since I represented your beloved pop up window accurately in description.

Unlike you, I'm not parading around an iPhone forum talking about what another device does better.

And as far as picking the "wrong one" today...that scenario wasn't possible. There was no right or wrong one...you just happened to be one of the "easy" ones.

Have a great evening buddy!



Sep 7, 2010
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I wasn't going to say anything now... Yeah, I'm going to. That was a bit out of line. We may like the iPhone platform here but that doesn't at all mean that the iPhone is perfect. There are a number of features that I'd like to see come to the iPhone platform that Android has. I've spent life in both the Android and iOS camps so I have a rather unique perspective on the matter.

I love my iPhone, there's no denying it. The difference is that I try not to be a fanboi about it.

I wasn't going to say anything either until our new friend decided to talk about how the iPhone only has 1GB of RAM (which is all that it needs to run optimally while we're on the subject)...and then making sure he clearly and concisely pointed out how much MORE then Note had...with such a pronounced implication that it would take a blind, deaf giraffe not to see what is going on here.

And you know, I'm all for people wanting things MORE from whatever device they prefer...I want more all the time! Just today I was so frustrated with the fact that the landscape mode on the 6 Plus, when using the music app, is pretty much worthless. That really sucks, especially when the iPad has such a great music app in landscape mode. Go figure.

By no means do I think the iPhone is perfect...I find flaws with it all the time. But you know, I guess I just expect people to post in the community here with a little dignity and regard for the core of the community. Perhaps my expectations are too high, but when I see someone come into the sub, and start clamoring on about things we see all the time from trolls that visit sporadically, you'll have to forgive me when I start proactively responding in kind.

A bit out of line? Sure. And I don't regret it one bit.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2014
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Dude your absolutely paranoid. There's nothing 'going on here'. I had a legit question.. Your a little sick do you know that? It's pathetic how serious your taking yourself on these forums. What a nerd.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2014
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You've been trumped. Goodnight. I won't give you the satisfaction of one more post. Enjoy your forum rants nerd fan boy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Sep 7, 2010
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Dude your absolutely paranoid. There's nothing 'going on here'. I had a legit question.. Your a little sick do you know that? It's pathetic how serious your taking yourself on these forums. What a nerd.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Weird...remember that one time you talked about high school bullying? And then you resorted to name calling?

Well I guess it's not EXACTLY the same here...name calling would be more in line with elementary school level bullying I suppose...but I digress.

Funny you talk about me taking this too "seriously"...when my initial response to you was pure sarcasm and you came out of the box swinging aimlessly as you were apparently absolutely appalled someone could talk to you like that, lol!

Perhaps you could try taking some of your own medicine? They say laughter is also a great medicine, and trust me, it's working for me fantastically...I've been laughing at your posts for about 15min. now!
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