Pok?mon GO - Best battery practices without sacrificing gameplay


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Sep 4, 2014
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Pok?mon GO has a Battery Saver setting on its Settings screen.

iOS has Low Power Mode to throttle down CPU performance and make one?s battery charge last longer.

I very often use Low Power Mode, sometimes I set it on when I?m even at 80%! I do not really play a lot of 3D games or power-hungry games. One of my most oft-used apps in Words With Friends.

But now?Enter Pok?mon GO, an app which loves to bogart one?s iPhone battery charge. I can?t really blame it?it?s doing a LOT of work behind the scenes, so I understand the necessity for all that juice.

Bottom line: Will my gameplay be compromised?even by a small amount? if I enable both iOS?s Battery Saver setting and also Pok?mon GO?s Battery Saver setting simultaneously? Have you guys tried enabling both of these battery-saving features with no ill effects?

Or should I just stick to one or the another at a time?

Thank you kindly,

Miami FL

PS: I still need a way to determine which gym I joined. I?m almost certain of the one that I joined, but it isn?t too close to my home (I don?t own a car?pathetic, I know). If I walk on over to that gym that I think I joined and tap on it, will there be some kind of message telling me ?You are a member of this gym??

Apologies for camming two questions in one thread. Thanks again for helping me so much during these past few days with my Pok?mon GO questions.:cool:
Jul 23, 2016
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I haven't tested them both out, but I feel they could work together. As for the gyms, if you look at the names of the trainers and see yours in a gym, that's how you know. If you go to your pokemon too, one of them will have a little speech bubble with your team logo on it, meaning the pokemon is currently defending a gym.