Palm Pre iTunes Sync

Should Apple just allow Pre syncing via iTunes?

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Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
Today Palm fired back at Apple with their latest update to it's WebOS and once again Pre owners can sync via iTunes. So what do you think? Should Apple just let this go and allow Pre owners to sync or not?

Personally I'd be flattered if I were Apple and let it go, but that's just me.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
I voted for "yeah", but I would find it amusing if Apple and Palm went back and forth on this a few more times. I honestly don't think it makes Apple look bad, instead it makes Palm look like a bunch of 12 - 25 year old hackers.

I know everyone loves their jailbreak, but would you trust the same people to build the hardware and software for your cell phone from the ground up???


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
Where's the "<yawn> who cares" option? I'm not sure why it's become such a big deal.

While it doesn't interest you there are others out there who actually do find it interesting. I for one do. It's similar to how I find Apple's cat and mouse game with the jailbreak community interesting.

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
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Well... depends. If I'm Apple, heck no. If I'm Palm, Yes.

If I'm a consumer, Yes -- I have the Pre as well and it's awesome to be able to sync. Oh wait, I don't even use the iPod.

I like the game of hide and seek... keep it going! Palm has to find the backdoor. And Apple has to find a new place to put the backdoor.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2008
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I voted - never..

I'd like to see Palm be creative and create their own store.. like RIM did.

i agree. if palm were to create their own app to sych with itunes music or playlists, like blackberry media sync, i'd be ok with it. but to blatantly put the pre on itunes and have it mimic an ipod, just seems kinda wrong.


TiPb Forum Staff
Jul 10, 2008
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As a consumer, I would like to see everything compatible with everything. I know I will never see that day, but it is a dream of mine!

To be more specific, I voted yes. But in all honesty I really don't care since my plethora of iPods are syncing just fine! :D


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Another issue is if the Pre sync doesn't work exactly right and people think the Pre is supported by iTunes. This would make Apple look bad even though they are using a hacked device to connect to iTunes. At least the cat and mouse game will make more people aware of what's going on.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2009
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What's going on right now with the cat and mouse game is bad for consumers. It leads people to believe that iTunes syncing with the Pre is all fine and dandy and then they update their iTunes, b/c hey it came up saying it needed to update, and suddenly it doesn't work anymore.

This looks bad for BOTH companies. Suddenly Apple is getting calls asking why syncing is broken, and time is spent to diagnose only to find the device isn't officially supported and told to call Palm, who in turn will blame Apple for breaking it. The average Joe customer LOSES in the end. I'm not talking about the people that visit forums like this or or crackberry or anything like that, I'm talking about people like my parents who get these devices b/c they can do so much but are more of a headache in the end for them. And yes, I know the adoption rate outside of techies is going to be low, but it won't be 0.

This game is bad for users, either Palm needs to get on the phone with Apple and figure out a way to make this pairing legitimate or Palm needs to come out with their own software, even if it just syncs against the iTunes XML file.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
What's going on right now with the cat and mouse game is bad for consumers. It leads people to believe that iTunes syncing with the Pre is all fine and dandy and then they update their iTunes, b/c hey it came up saying it needed to update, and suddenly it doesn't work anymore.

This looks bad for BOTH companies. Suddenly Apple is getting calls asking why syncing is broken, and time is spent to diagnose only to find the device isn't officially supported and told to call Palm, who in turn will blame Apple for breaking it. The average Joe customer LOSES in the end. I'm not talking about the people that visit forums like this or or crackberry or anything like that, I'm talking about people like my parents who get these devices b/c they can do so much but are more of a headache in the end for them. And yes, I know the adoption rate outside of techies is going to be low, but it won't be 0.

This game is bad for users, either Palm needs to get on the phone with Apple and figure out a way to make this pairing legitimate or Palm needs to come out with their own software, even if it just syncs against the iTunes XML file.

While I think Apple should let it go, they won't but that's their right. I don't think Apple looks bad at all. It's their software and they are protecting what is theirs. Palm knows what they are doing and they are putting their customers into a bad position at the end of the day.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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I say they should. It's not like iTunes is Windows so the price to support third party devices (not just the Pre) can't be that great. It might take a little extra work but users of those devices could be potential iTunes Store customers buying music. After some time they may just cave and get an iPod or iPhone after using iTunes. I don't see how it can hurt in the long run.
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