One author described the HomePod as “Openly Hostile”.....WTH!


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Mar 31, 2016
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When I was at Best Buy earlier, that was my experience, too. The one sales guy I spoke to didn’t know anything about it. I basically gave him a crash course on what it was, what it did and didn’t do as well as it’s focal point the guy was in awe of it after that.

WHat’s the reason to buy it in BB instead of an Apple Store ?
I think Apple employees could be a little more helpful regarding Apple’s products...


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Dec 2, 2008
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WHat’s the reason to buy it in BB instead of an Apple Store ?
I think Apple employees could be a little more helpful regarding Apple’s products...

Some people might not have an Apple store near them I would imagine. Could just be personal preference also.
I agree you will get the best information in the Apple store though.


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Dec 23, 2017
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WHat’s the reason to buy it in BB instead of an Apple Store ?
I think Apple employees could be a little more helpful regarding Apple’s products...

For those that finance, they offer better options. Generally will put Apple products on sale (Beats especially), more available Best Buys than Apple Stores, typically less crowded, and for many of us up to 45 day return policy.


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Oct 11, 2011
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For those that finance, they offer better options. Generally will put Apple products on sale (Beats especially), more available Best Buys than Apple Stores, typically less crowded, and for many of us up to 45 day return policy.
And I use them for Best Buy rewards... I can't get anything like that at the Apple Store!


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2011
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WHat’s the reason to buy it in BB instead of an Apple Store ?
I think Apple employees could be a little more helpful regarding Apple’s products...

#1 . Best Buy is about 5 min away, and Apple Store about 1-hour to 1.5-hours based on traffic.
#2 . I get credits at BB (basically coupons back) I can use on other purchases
#3 . Longer return periods w/o question asked (45-days)
#4 . I can get it Tax Free and avoid the 10.1% sales tax.
#5 . I can use my BB Discount Coupons or Credits on the purchase.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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WHat’s the reason to buy it in BB instead of an Apple Store ?
I think Apple employees could be a little more helpful regarding Apple’s products...

Oh heck, I'll have to sit back and think about it. I mean, there are 3 Apple Stores in the Orlando area and all are located in three different malls. Since I didn't want to go to a mall, I opted to go to a Best Buy store to get a feel for the new Apple HomePod. Unfortunately, the one I visited didn't have one on display.


Feb 6, 2012
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It could indeed be hyperbole, but with all of the Anti-Apple sentiment out there, it *could* also be an attempt to dissuade perspective buyers from actually buying the HomePod.

I guess I can only hope prospective buyers read a range of reviews and make an informed decision on if the HomePod suits their personal needs. Who knows though. I personally enjoy reading critical pieces simply for a different perspective. Though I agree that this authors sub title is a bit sensational. Anything for the clicks, right? Think about it...the iPhone X review on this site is partly titled, “...the best damn product Apple has ever made”. Bias goes both ways sometimes.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I guess I can only hope prospective buyers read a range of reviews and make an informed decision on if the HomePod suits their personal needs.
I hope so, too.
Who knows though. I personally enjoy reading critical pieces simply for a different perspective. Though I agree that this authors sub title is a bit sensational. Anything for the clicks, right?
Like you, I enjoy reading various reviews, especially those that provide both pros and cons.
Think about it...the iPhone X review on this site is partly titled, “...the best damn product Apple has ever made”. Bias goes both ways sometimes.
I can deal with ‘bias’, but this was, in my opinion, a deliberate misrepresentation.


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Dec 23, 2017
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I hope so, too. Like you, I enjoy reading various reviews, especially those that provide both pros and cons.
I can deal with ‘bias’, but this was, in my opinion, a deliberate misrepresentation.

Did you happen to go to the Apple store and listen to one? If so what did you think?

I ended up not buying one to try after listening. It does sound very good even in the large space Best Buy had it in. I really wish they’d run it in the Magnolia room. I considered trying it for a while but the more I thought about it the more I realized it wasnt going to change my mind by taking it home. At that point Im just opening an item that someone else could have bought.

Its great if you dont have a speaker system already and are heavily into Apple Music. For me thats not the case. I wouldnt be able to justify it over my current setups.

I cannot believe how heavy it is. Didnt expect it to weight that much. I had to look up the weight and find its 5.5 pounds.

Now the other problem with me going to Best Buy. They had a TON of airpods and now Im sitting here debating saying screw it and buying some tomorrow before I hit the gym even though I had issues with my friends. If I do and they start to smoke, I wont run away like the other guy.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Did you happen to go to the Apple store and listen to one? If so what did you think?
No sir. I really didn’t want to go to one of the malls today. Since the weather was mostly clear and around 85°, I figured the malls would be packed. Make no mistake about it, however, I will find one on display somewhere soon.

I ended up not buying one to try after listening. It does sound very good even in the large space Best Buy had it in. I really wish they’d run it in the Magnolia room. I considered trying it for a while but the more I thought about it the more I realized it wasnt going to change my mind by taking it home. At that point Im just opening an item that someone else could have bought.
Even if the HomePod exceed my expectations in regard to sound, I don’t have any intentions of buying it right away. It’s something I may purchase later on.

Its great if you dont have a speaker system already and are heavily into Apple Music. For me thats not the case. I wouldnt be able to justify it over my current setups.
I hear you.

I cannot believe how heavy it is. Didnt expect it to weight that much. I had to look up the weight and find its 5.5 pounds.
The weight will probably help keep it from rattling when playing at high volumes or something.

Now the other problem with me going to Best Buy. They had a TON of airpods and now Im sitting here debating saying screw it and buying some tomorrow before I hit the gym even though I had issues with my friends. If I do and they start to smoke, I wont run away like the other guy.

(Laughing).... Go for it!


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Jul 20, 2015
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I’ve not researched it, I admit, but how many trusted audiophiles have written that this is a product that delivers?


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Dec 23, 2017
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I’ve not researched it, I admit, but how many trusted audiophiles have written that this is a product that delivers?

Ive only seen one “Audio based” website review. “What Hi-FI”. They gave it pretty good reviews. The only negatives were:

Over-reliance on voice control

Mid-range a little muddled

Too Apple-centric (That ones gonna hurt some feelings)

Not multi-room at launch


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Dec 11, 2016
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You know, I read Vlad's article on The Verge as well and, being honest, felt he was kinda stating the obvious. I've never seen any indication from Apple that this speaker was being positioned for anything more than what he stated. So considering that, I didn't really understand his critique.

I still contend that the HomePod is meant for the core Apple consumer and remain a bit puzzled as to how or why some sites seem to want this particular device to be something outside of that.


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Dec 2, 2008
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You know, I read Vlad's article on The Verge as well and, being honest, felt he was kinda stating the obvious. I've never seen any indication from Apple that this speaker was being positioned for anything more than what he stated. So considering that, I didn't really understand his critique.

I still contend that the HomePod is meant for the core Apple consumer and remain a bit puzzled as to how or why some sites seem to want this particular device to be something outside of that.

I think there’s a general population that just hates anything Apple does. They’ve been doing business like this for years. They put their customers first and some people don’t like that. They don’t like that they’re the top dog. I just ignore it.


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Dec 23, 2017
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I think there’s a general population that just hates anything Apple does. They’ve been doing business like this for years. They put their customers first and some people don’t like that. They don’t like that they’re the top dog. I just ignore it.

There absolutely is a segment that will dump on anything apple does. Thats part of being on top. Theres also a segment that will excuse everything apple does. Then theres the normal people who praise whats great and question whats questionable.

Ive seen some ridiculous articles on Pro apple blogs that make you wonder where the authors integrity went. Then Ive seen some articles on anti-apple blogs that make you wonder if the author even picked up the device they reviewed. I prefer to read them for what they are and form my own opinion.


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Dec 2, 2008
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There absolutely is a segment that will dump on anything apple does. Thats part of being on top. Theres also a segment that will excuse everything apple does. Then theres the normal people who praise whats great and question whats questionable.

Ive seen some ridiculous articles on Pro apple blogs that make you wonder where the authors integrity went. Then Ive seen some articles on anti-apple blogs that make you wonder if the author even picked up the device they reviewed. I prefer to read them for what they are and form my own opinion.

Well said.


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May 6, 2013
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Citing a comment appeared in one of another Apple fan sites.

Quote-Overpricing of Apple products is not new. Apple have been succeeding in establishing the high end image and convinced users to pay higher price. Good for them, and I admire them.
And I for one did not mind paying “premium” price for good products, but certainly not “over price”.
This walled garden practice is not new either, and initially, Apple fans, myself included”, embraced it, and we were deep into the Apple’s ecosystem, which really gave us a real convenience. It worked well. But lately (under Cook), I am increasingly feeling that we have been corralled into this walled garden, and by the time we realized it, we were too deeply trapped in it. To make sure that we won’t easily be able to jump out of the Garden, Apple has also been tightening up the “my way or no way” approach. You can see these in non-upgradable, soldered components in Mac products, normally user replaceable power cord for HomePod is tightly locked, use of pentalobe screw head so that we cannot do any kind of DIY work (it’s a deliberate attempt to interfere with the users’ choice/right), only a couple of the storage capacity choice for most iPhone models, such as only 2 choices (64Gb and 256Gb) with a huge price jump (i.e., we are paying more than $200 for the difference, i.e., Apple is selling overpriced memory chips), recent debacle of not giving users a choice between CPU clock down vs. battery replacement on some newer phones to urge upgrading, charging $79 for the battery replacement but lowering to $29 when caught, and the list goes on and on. Apple always argue that it was for the protection of the consumers. Really? I guess not.
What is increasingly blatant under Cook is that the mentality that they can control everything and absolutely no kind of choice given to consumers. Once we were locked into this situation, Apple have had almost free-hands in doing what they wanted to do, particularly for overpricing, and not allowing user upgradable measurements etc. Hey, those of us who are deep into the Apple’s ecosystem are Apple’s “captive market” that has been supporting the growth of Apple. Return us the benefit in return for the loyalty of faithful Apple fans, rather than further exploiting and milking us. You are milking the wrong market. HomePod is useful mostly for those in Apple ecosystem, and they overpriced it. On the front of the iPhone, Cook seems to be enjoying applying his past expertise and knowledge of supply chain management, controlling tight inventory, less choice in anything (colour, No. of available models, choice of storage etc etc), a very efficient cost control. But not much else. Apple is the Apple Inc., mind you, not Apple Phone Inc. So far, nothing significant has come out of his “pipeline”, as he does not care about anything but the phone. There is a rumour that a slew of new products might be coming out next month. We’ll see. Sorry for ranting.-Unquote

HomePod is essentially the copy of other similar competitions. Apple has been increasingly the follower that the innovator these days. I am happy to be in the "walled garden" and tolerated overpricing. But once in a while, I wish Apple gave us a break (more competitive price, or other forms of benefit) for those who consistently buy Apple products, partly because of ecosystem, particularly when they offer a prodct like the HomePod, which is apparently targeting the Apple faithfuls.


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Dec 11, 2016
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@xanadome See... I have an issue with that poster and their rant, for a number of reasons...

1) Every brand targets their core/faithful customer with products and services. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. HomePod is meant to appeal, first and foremost, to that group.

2) Market forces take care of pricing miscalculations on their own. If it was truly overpriced, then the speaker would sit and collect dust until the price reduced. That's not been the case from what I've read. So it appears to be priced to market.

3) I don't necessarily disagree with the "captive market" sentiment, but it's a bit overdone I think. A company can't make you stay with their brand or force you to buy their products. Any consumer can "leave" whenever they get ready. (and no, the iMessage/Facetime excuse is just that, an excuse)

4) Every company works for it's own best interest, as it should. They aren't your brother-in-law and they don't own you anything outside of what they've promised to deliver in exchange for payment.

5) It's not a gateway product, since you have to already have an Apple device for it to work. So why are people acting so surprised that it's being marketed to existing Apple customers!?!? That's so strange to me...

6) If someone doesn't like the HomePod, don't buy it. Buy something else.. Sonos or whatever you like ..

Just so I'm clear.. I am by no means an Apple fan. I own one product and even that wasn't until recently. But I'm balanced enough in my opinion to recognize when this company doesn't get it's proper framing. Apple isn't trying to fool anyone into buying a speaker and the "walled garden" isn't new by any means. So I don't understand why, for the life of me why, are people's expectations for the HomePod outside anything besides what Apple is positioning it to be. A CHOICE for the core Apple consumer. A product for the core Apple consumer to consider when they are looking at competing products like SONOS.

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