
New member
Nov 7, 2008
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I'm a newbie to the iPhone and am really confused by all this jailbreaking stuff. I know someone has probably already answered these questions but i have a few and I can't find clear answers to them all. I have iPhone 3g

So my first question is if I jailbreak I know i can restore and my warranty will not be voided but is there anyway Apple can tell that it has been jailbroken and restored?

2. I really don't care about all the themes and stuff I just want to be able to send MMS messages and forward and send bulk SMS messages. Is this possible if I jailbreak?

3. If I jailbreak only for the messaging and not for the themes and stuff will it slow my iPhone down??

4. What is Open SSH?? I don't know all these terms :)

5. I've read alot of posts about apps crashing and this common??

6. What about bricking my iPhone?? I think that means it will not work at all anymore. Is this common??

7. And finally if i do decide to restore after jailbreaking will it erase all my apps or can i restore from iTunes backup?

Overall I'm just nervous about jailbreaking. I spent alot of money on my phone because I'm not new to AT&T and was not eligible for upgrade so I don't want to tear it up.
Thanks so much for any help you can give me :)


TiPb Forum Staff
Jul 10, 2008
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1. They won't know.

2. There is a MMS app in Cydia (the jailbreak store) but it is not free. You might try some of the options in the official app store as well.

3. It won't slow down.

4. Secure Shell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Basically a way to move files to/from iPhone/computer.

5. It happens, but not that often. Happened to me even when not jailbroken.

6. All you have to do is restore and you should be good to go.

7. DON"T RESTORE AFTER JAILBREAKING!!!! You don't want Bad Ash hunting you down! Being's better to start from scratch than restore a jailbreak backup.


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Jul 5, 2008
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MY responses. :)

So my first question is if I jailbreak I know i can restore and my warranty will not be voided but is there anyway Apple can tell that it has been jailbroken and restored?

They won't know. I even sent mine in with for warranty repair (after I restored it to the normal state) and there were no problems.

2. I really don't care about all the themes and stuff I just want to be able to send MMS messages and forward and send bulk SMS messages. Is this possible if I jailbreak?

I don't know about bulk SMS messages, but there is a program to send MMS.

3. If I jailbreak only for the messaging and not for the themes and stuff will it slow my iPhone down??

I don't imagine it will slow it down. I did notice mine was slowed down a little bit when I had a lot of jailbroken apps like the backgrounder program, but that may have been the specific combination of apps I was using.

4. What is Open SSH?? I don't know all these terms :)

Don't know. :)

5. I've read alot of posts about apps crashing and this common??

I have had apps crash that are jailbroken and not jailbroken. It's a computer, it happens.

6. What about bricking my iPhone?? I think that means it will not work at all anymore. Is this common??

It can happen if you don't follow the directions exactly, but it isn't common. At least I don't think it is.

7. And finally if i do decide to restore after jailbreaking will it erase all my apps or can i restore from iTunes backup?

If you back up prior to jailbreaking, and then restore to the non-jailbroken state, you can use that backup to restore your phone. You can not restore with a backup of a jailbroken phone.

Worst case scenario, you will lose the apps when you restore the phone, and you just reinstall them.



New member
Nov 7, 2008
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Thank you guys so much.....still haven't made up my mind if I'm gonna do it or not....a little scared...but I'm sure I will eventually


TiPb Forum Staff
Jul 10, 2008
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It's not bad and it is easy to restore. I have screwed up the process before and restored with no problems.

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