Most common iPhone issues?


Oct 2, 2013
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Hello! That would depend on which iPhone and which operating system. Which iPhone and iOS do you use? I don't recall seeing any lists like that. It varies too much from phone to phone.

Sent from from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5


Mar 11, 2013
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Welcome to iMore blackguard

I see you posted in the 5s Forum so assuming this is your device your not going to find many issues and definitely not a list


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Referring to the most recent, to 5/5s and iOS 7.x

I'm sorry, but I have an iPhone 5 that is currently running iOS 8 beta 4, however, running iOS 7+, I can't say that there are "common" issues with it. There are pros & cons to any device, but even those are subjective.


Jul 10, 2014
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Are you shopping for a possible new device and trying to get a comparisons?
Currently own an Xperia Z1 but other devices in our house are owned by family members: 5s and mini retina. None have complained to me of any problems, but they're also not even remotely into tech as a hobby like I am so if there were any commonly complained about but not very noticeable issues it's very likely they wouldn't catch them or be as picky as I am about it. Which is why I'm asking here ;)

FWIW I myself have noticed through my own digging that Apple's rate of persistent nagging issues is exceptionally low and easy to get support and remedy. I really enjoy Sony's quality as well though as well as the features I love most about Android. But.... iOS has been creeping up in cool new stuff lately just enough to tempt me away. I really love the new quick contacts feature and the ability to reply to SMS directly in the notification panel without even opening the SMS app.

For example I really don't find using android as-is all that interesting. But I'm absolutely tickled about using Android with the new wave of "smart" launchers coming out now like this one called Aviate:
But the problem is that enjoyment rests on the fragile base that Aviate will always be as good as it is now. Lose a good experience like that and I'm stuck right back to boring old vanilla stock or plain holo theme launchers like Nova. As it stands right now, given the choice between using Android stock and iOS I like iOS a little more.

The secondary dilemma I'm faced with is that the only way I'll get any bugs patched immediately is to buy a Nexus. But between the Nexus 5 and the Xperia Z2 there's just no contest. Therefore all it takes is for one crummy patch to slip through and I'm waiting months for it to get fixed.

Sorry for the long post, just trying to clarify the motives behind my curiosity


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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Currently own an Xperia Z1 but other devices in our house are owned by family members: 5s and mini retina. None have complained to me of any problems, but they're also not even remotely into tech as a hobby like I am so if there were any commonly complained about but not very noticeable issues it's very likely they wouldn't catch them or be as picky as I am about it. Which is why I'm asking here ;)

FWIW I myself have noticed through my own digging that Apple's rate of persistent nagging issues is exceptionally low and easy to get support and remedy. I really enjoy Sony's quality as well though as well as the features I love most about Android. But.... iOS has been creeping up in cool new stuff lately just enough to tempt me away.

For example I really don't find using android as-is all that interesting. But I'm absolutely tickled about using Android with the new wave of "smart" launchers coming out now like this one called Aviate:
Android Launcher Review - Business Insider
But the problem is that enjoyment rests on the fragile base that Aviate will always be as good as it is now. Lose a good experience like that and I'm stuck right back to boring old vanilla stock or plain holo theme launchers like Nova. As it stands right now, given the choice between using Android stock and iOS I like iOS a little more.

The secondary dilemma I'm faced with is that the only way I'll get any bugs patched immediately is to buy a Nexus. But between the Nexus 5 and the Xperia Z2 there's just no contest. Therefore all it takes is for one crummy patch to slip through and I'm waiting months for it to get fixed.

Sorry for the long post, just trying to clarify the motives behind my curiosity

A great reply. Thanks for outlining where your mind is at.

To be honest, I've had an iPhone since 2007 and an iPad since 2011 and apart from one issue that required me to take my iPad to an Apple Store (They replaced it with a brand new one inside of five minutes) and the issue about four years ago when alarms wouldn't work after the New Year rolled around, iOS and my personal devices have been bullet proof.

Sure, some people report that a little bug creeps in here and there but these get squashed in the next update and the vast majority of these bugs don't effect the majority of users anyway, just a select few in unusual circumstances.

I have an HTC One M7 and up until very recently had a Samsung Note 3 too. My Samsungs are usually rooted due to the sheer avalanche of bloatware installed on them and I use Nova Prime as my launcher of choice.

My iPhone 4 and 5 were jailbroken but my 5S isn't, as a jailbreak has become less and less relevant for me due to iOS getting better with each iteration and including variations of some of the best tweaks within the stock OS.

My theory is that if you go looking for the minutest problem with your device, you will find one. Not because it is there but because you are convincing yourself that a problem exists somewhere. I had a friend a few years back with a Sony Ericsson phone (shows you how long ago, eh?) who was obsessed with the fact that his phone wasn't durable and my Nokia was (I hated that Nokia). So he got a hammer and proved to me that his phone was less durable by smashing it. He was very smug until I pointed out that he has just destroyed several hundred pounds of his own technology and has no way of replacing it without buying a new one. My point is this: a person shouldn't go doggedly looking for a problem where one doesn't exist as usually the only person they will inconvenience is themselves.

Your post was very well written so I hope this helps in some way. I feel sure that you will make the right decision for you, whether that is move to an Apple device or stick with your Android devices. Good luck on your decision. :)


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Mar 17, 2012
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I've had zero problems with my iPhones or my iPad. I can't think of "issues" with them.

Apple detractors will mention iTunes or battery life. I've had no issues with either.


Oct 2, 2013
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My iPhone 5 has been problem free. It's been smooth sailing for almost a year now. This phone will be a keeper when I upgrade in February.

Sent from from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5


Jul 10, 2014
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Thanks guys. What really tickled my noggin was that I felt that the most prudent laptop purchase to send my kid to college with was a macbook pro and I asked myself, why do I not apply that reasoning to my mobile devices? Well that's not entirely true, I actually do know why. Apple wasn't giving me all the things I want on mobile until this year. I have always had the highest respect for their quality though. But iOS 8 will have enough features that I want this time around and the screen size that I need too, which is why I'm wavering.
Then there's the android lottery. I've owned a lot of android devices over the last few years and only one so far out of all of them that didn't have a really disappointing issue. Every time a new patch comes out I cringe because it's a dice roll. Will it bring a deal breaker bug? Because if it does, it'll be months before another patch to fix it comes.


Mar 31, 2012
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I can only think of specific app problems but if you are talking about operating system problems I must say I have none so far.

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