Microsoft Teams


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Apr 26, 2011
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Who is on board?

Is the mobile app working for you?

This is learning for me. I have a test "team" and created one based on an existing Office 365 Group. I'm poking my users to start learning and experimenting.

Understanding that this is all still in preview: I've seen two app store updates since I've started. The latest has not fixed the "We're having trouble updating your messages." on the iPhone. That doesn't seem to be a problem with Mac and Windows apps but sometimes the browser-based session goes back into that flashing before we could officially start using Teams.

This consolidation of the Office 365 elements Slack style looks very promising for my challenges such as data control, getting the company on same page, and using IT to make a more nimble company.

I'd love some shared experiences and feedback.


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Apr 26, 2011
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I know and use Slack in a volunteer group I'm in. I'd love to catch more about Microsoft Teams and am surprised by the overall silence in the business and enterprise areas here.


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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I know and use Slack in a volunteer group I'm in. I'd love to catch more about Microsoft Teams and am surprised by the overall silence in the business and enterprise areas here.

Maybe check Windows Central? :)


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
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Maybe check Windows Central? :)

I get that but have a c suite where all but two are iPhone users. Our marketing dept uses Macs. There are many Apple products in the circle of users who are BYOD. Input from Apple users would be nice.

I digress but also find a lot of Apple users who do not realize how good Microsoft is right now and they apply stereotypes from a past era.

Thank you.


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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I get that but have a c suite where all but two are iPhone users. Our marketing dept uses Macs. There are many Apple products in the circle of users who are BYOD. Input from Apple users would be nice.

I digress but also find a lot of Apple users who do not realize how good Microsoft is right now and they apply stereotypes from a past era.

Thank you.

Right and I get the same from Windows & Linux users about Apple. Or from Android users on the phone side! Myself, I appreciate multiple platforms. At home I'm on Macs (well I do own 1 PC), but I support PCs at the office. I work in IT for my city. Phonewise I have an iPhone 7 Plus and a Huawei Mate 9. (Plus a Pixel that mostly just gets used for VR) For a long LONG time I used BlackBerry but for obvious reasons that is no longer an option although I DO try their Android phone when they put them out. Well I tried the Priv and liked it anyways. :)


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Apr 26, 2011
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The 1/24 mobile update is good and the server side keeps improving. Having used Slack, I'm very pleased with the Teams rollout. Be it just chat-based or all the Office 365 integration, it's good stuff.

We are going forward with moving a department that services the whole enterprise to Teams.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2011
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Tuesday was the general release of Teams. It makes Office 365 more valuable than ever.

Our organization had this in pre-release and I have to agree with the ARS review here that it's a remarkably fine version 1.

I also use Slack and G Suite - not just free Google. With that I see and feel just how really good and how really changed Microsoft is right now.

The Office "quick starts" are a good place to get an overview of the elements including Teams.

Teams is superb for an iPhone and Apple Watch user. There's no Apple Watch Teams app but your watch gives you alarms that include reading important messages.

My history is not much of a Microsoft fan boy but I'm more than a year past implementing a mix of Essentials and Premium tier licenses at sites as small as 9 employees and as large as 650+. This has honestly been a work smarter vs work more product.

This contradicts my being an Alphabet (Google) stock holder but I'm a board member (board of directors) of an organization that uses G Suite and was part of it's implementation. It certainly works and is stable but Office 365 is way ahead as far as features and customer support.

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