Metal back for iPhone 4!


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Feb 22, 2011
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CORRECTION: After testing photos with both backplates further, I found out that the real problem with the vignetting was actually due to my AGF case and improper installation. Figured this out because when my phone was in my Commuter case, no problems with vignetting. Noticed that the openings for the Commuter were larger for both the camera lens and flash (substantially larger for the flash). Also, the Commuter has a felt lining around the openings to prevent light from leaking into the lens portion. These small differences definitely make a difference in preventing vignetting so great job on the behalf of Otterbox. They apparently did their research. Could probably modify the AGF case to work properly, but not really wanting to mod it.

In regards to the improper installation, there is foam surrounding the flash inside the iPhone. This foam is there to prevent light from bleeding into the lens side. If you aren't careful while installing the backplate, you can misalign this foam which then results in vignetting with both the original backplate and metal backplate.

Did all this testing after removing the diffuser as the diffuser was a culprit too because it causes a lot of light to reflect back into the phone. My conclusion is that these aftermarket backplates are good if you want to be different or want the added protection. Haven't noticed a decrease in reception and pics come out close to the original backplate.

Weighed my phone with the metal back which was 5.6 oz compared to 5.0 oz with the original back.
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