Jailbreaking my iPhone?


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Oct 26, 2014
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Hello. I have jailbroken 2 of my previous iPod touch devices (2nd and 4th generation) in the past, so I know most of the basic facts of jailbreaking. However, I have couple questions about jailbreaking my iPhone.

1. Will the jailbreak void out my warranty? When I jailbroke my iPods, they weren't in warranty. I'm currently on Apple's 1 year warranty and I don't want to void it out. Also, if the jailbreak does void my warranty and if I restore my iPhone, will I have my warranty back?

2. Is it safe to back up my iPhone when it's jailbroken?

3. This is my first time jailbreaking an iPhone. I heard that sometimes the jailbreak can make my iPhone drop calls and stuff. I hope that's not true, because I've been thinking about jailbreaking.

4. Restoring. If I restore my iPhone to its original, non-jailbroken state, will there be any evidence that shows that it's been jailbroken?

Thanks guys so much for helping me! I really appreciate it!


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Aug 29, 2014
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I've been jailbroken for like a month now on my 6+ I can think that I can help you with some answers. First of all, your iPhone won't drop any calls, or stuff. Secondly, if you jailbreak you're going to lose your warranty, however if you restore, you gonna get it back, at least that's what I know. About the back up, you'd better do it before jailbreaking, as it is the safest way. I hope that I helped you and good luck with the jailbreak!!

Sent from my iPhone 6 PLUS!


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2013
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Hello. I have jailbroken 2 of my previous iPod touch devices (2nd and 4th generation) in the past, so I know most of the basic facts of jailbreaking. However, I have couple questions about jailbreaking my iPhone.

1. Will the jailbreak void out my warranty? When I jailbroke my iPods, they weren't in warranty. I'm currently on Apple's 1 year warranty and I don't want to void it out. Also, if the jailbreak does void my warranty and if I restore my iPhone, will I have my warranty back?
You'll lose your warranty while it's Jailbroken but a simple restore will bring it back. It does not leave any traces as I've had devices exchanged after restoring them to stock

2. Is it safe to back up my iPhone when it's jailbroken?
I use icloud to back up my device so it's all in the air. I haven't tried to plug it in and back it up but I'm running 8.1 and don't wanna upgrade yet so I'm scared of the prompts in iTunes

3. This is my first time jailbreaking an iPhone. I heard that sometimes the jailbreak can make my iPhone drop calls and stuff. I hope that's not true, because I've been thinking about jailbreaking.
Not true


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
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1. Will the jailbreak void out my warranty? When I jailbroke my iPods, they weren't in warranty. I'm currently on Apple's 1 year warranty and I don't want to void it out. Also, if the jailbreak does void my warranty and if I restore my iPhone, will I have my warranty back?
Yes and no. It'll "void" your warranty. But, that's really meaningless. If you ever need to take your device in to take advantage of the warranty, one of two things will be true: the phone will be operational or it won't. If it isn't, the staff at Apple aren't going to spend the time to extract data from the phone to determine if it was jailbroken. They'll honor the warranty. If it's operational, you restore it and anything that might show evidence of a jailbreak will be contained on the flash rather than on the screen. Again, they aren't going to scan the storage to determine if there are any remnants of a jailbreak. They'll honor the warranty. The threat of voiding the warranty is lip service meant to scare a few people on the border away from jailbreaking. This shouldn't be something you look at to help you make your decision either way.
2. Is it safe to back up my iPhone when it's jailbroken?
It's not unsafe. Backing up your phone just saves your settings to your iCloud or computer. Any data that you're worried about being stolen could easily be stolen without backing up the device. The backup is going to be more of a file than anyone is interested in going after. That said, take more care in determining which apps you want to install. You're taking more risk. It's not a risk that I've ever had an issue with. But, you should be aware it exists and take a more practical look at where the risk really exists.

In terms of problems related to backups, they can save data from jailbroken apps that you'll lose the ability to access if you return to a pure iOS. This means it might be better for you to choose to restore the device as new if you ever decide to go back. This is something that's entirely up to you. It's generally unimportant unless you live near the maximum of your storage.
3. This is my first time jailbreaking an iPhone. I heard that sometimes the jailbreak can make my iPhone drop calls and stuff. I hope that's not true, because I've been thinking about jailbreaking.
I've never seen this happen. But, I'm not going to say it CAN'T happen. If you're worried about stability, the most stable option is to not jailbreak. There are times when the jailbreak sends your phone to safe mode. The frequency relies mostly on what you install and how what you install interacts with other things. For me, it's a minor annoyance. Others feel differently. You'll have to decide how much this matters to you.
4. Restoring. If I restore my iPhone to its original, non-jailbroken state, will there be any evidence that shows that it's been jailbroken?
I covered most of this up above. But, the short answer is "yes, but not in a noticeable manner if you restore from your backup. No, it won't if you restore the device as new."

If you have more questions, feel free to ask. I'm sure there are plenty here that can offer opinions.

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