iTunes Store truncates title text


New member
Feb 15, 2017
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Hi all,

While browsing the iTunes Store, I notice song and album titles are truncated with "..." if they exceed a certain character length.

Is there a way to view the additional characters? It would be nice to be able to read the whole title. See example below.

Thanks and Happy Wednesday!

(This is on an iPhone SE)



Feb 20, 2014
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Tap and hold on the truncated text and it should popup with the full text?

That doesn't work. I've tried.

Hi all,

While browsing the iTunes Store, I notice song and album titles are truncated with "..." if they exceed a certain character length.

Is there a way to view the additional characters? It would be nice to be able to read the whole title. See example below.

Thanks and Happy Wednesday!

(This is on an iPhone SE)


I found a loophole to read the whole text. By clicking the share button on the upper right and selecting message, you will be able to read it as plain text. Simply tap cancel to return to iTunes after that.
It's not ideal but it works.