Is it true that you share bandwidth with your neighbors?

Chris Cook5

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2013
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Ever since I switched to a new Wi-Fi modem/router that my ISP provides (Cox communications) which is panoramic. My Netgear router that I bought a while back worked A lot better than my panoramic does. Is it true that you share “ bandwidth” with your neighbors according to one lady that I spoke to on the phone? I currently have about 4-5 devices connected to my hardwired modem/router that is connected to my computer


Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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There are a couple of issue you could be talking about here. My provider, Comcast, DOES share some of the connection with every other Comcast customer via their Xfinity Hotspot feature. They claim you don't lose ANY of your bandwidth as a result, IF you pay for 25M you still get that, or if you pay for gigabit you get that, they just use a small portion of your modem to provide for the blanket of hotspot. We ALL benefit from that.

Ok the other issue is your router's security, do you have it? Are you password protected and/or MAC filtered? If your network is wide open, then maybe your neighbors are connecting to it. BUT likely you are password protected at the very least.

Chris Cook5

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2013
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Wi-Fi question

What’s the difference between guest network and your primarily network? The guy came out this morning and it on my speeds look fine but he suggested I move all my devices that need more power to 5G which are now on 2.4
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Q&A Team Leader, VR Expert
Jun 16, 2009
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What’s the difference between guest network and your primarily network? The guy came out this morning and it on my speeds look fine but he suggested I move all my devices that need more power to 5G which are now on 2.4

The guest network is just that a network for your guests, those visiting you. It should have a different password than your regular network. This way you don't need to give out your regular password to temporary guests. You can even change the guest password often.

Ok the 5G, 2.4G thing. 5G is a little better, it can be faster, BUT it's over all coverage is not as good as 2.4G. 2.4G covers your house better AND some equipment my only support 2.4. I have a "smart plug" for example that is 2.4 only. Some older computers might be 2.4 only also. Generally you should choose 5G, but don't worry too much if something is connected to 2.4G.

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