Iphone and Itunes - Im neewbie!


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Jul 7, 2009
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Hello to everyone. Just bought a 3GS. had it for one day. Im totally new to iphones and apple.

First issue:

Creating an account at the Itunes Store. Im not receiving the confirmation email from them.
First I tried with my main email, a hotmail account. The I tried with a new Gmail account I created.
Nothing no email from them.....Ive looked at tutoriales, looked in my spam folder, everything.
Its sad really as I was looking forward to trying out all the free apps.

Can someone help me? Ive managed to reset my password, and received an email from apple in the process so I know I can receive emails from them.

Second issue:

Ive always used a hotmail account and thats where I get all my mail. Ive created a gmail account because I know the iphone works with gmail,

But is there anyway I can view and snych my hotmail account with my iphone?

Thanks.....thefirst issue is the one thats really bugging me....its like having a sweet but not being able to eat it....Ive finally got my iphone but I cant access app store or itunes store cause it keeps saying, your account isnt verified....I resend the confirmation email but it never arrives,
Please helpme and thanks.

DJ DeNegron

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Jul 7, 2009
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R u working with an apple computer or windows? if its apple it should work very easy. Just plug your new iPhone in and it will let you know if you have an account, if you don't it will ask you to start one and it will walk you step by step. The main thing is you must put in a CCard on the Itunes store or it wont work that is key, if you still can't call the apple store. #2 yes you can get your other emails on your iPhone you can add a few email addresses to your iPhone. Hope this helps.

DJ DeNegron


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Jul 7, 2009
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Thanks for the reply...but I need a little more detail:

Ive created a free account on the itunes store, got to the point where it says "an email has been sent to your email addrees, please verify"

I dont receive any email verification, so when I try to connect my account says, your account isnt verified!

And How can I configure it so I can access my hotmail account?


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Jun 2, 2009
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Maybe you should give Apple a call to see what's going on. Maybe they have a technical issue sending emails currently?


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Jul 7, 2009
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yeah, thanks Ive actually just wrote to them in there support option.

It really is all a bit ridiculous. Im from Spain. I just bought my iphone 3GS...and wanted to start getting some free apps to try them out...and I find myself with this problem which in my opinion is really a Dumb one......its frustrating, having the phone and not being able to access any of the apps for it.

Im a bit dissapointed, been waiting for such a long time....decided I wanted it and spend a lot of money buying it and now I cant get them to send me a verification mail??
Oh well....

Can anyone point me in the direction of somewhere where I can learn to configure my hotmail account on my iphone?

Currently Ive created a gmail account and have it working on my iphone but of course, no one sends me email there.