I can no longer connect to iCloud email using Yosemite email


iMore Question

As of June 16, 2017 my Apple provided email client "Mail" will no longer connect to my iCloud account. I assume it has something to do with the recent enable of 2FA for all third-party apps which is why I'm surprised that I cannot use the Apple Mail client. What is the workaround? I tried enabling 2FA months ago, but the Yosemite email client would not authenticate - something tells me that it doesn't support 2FA. Upgrading Yosemite at this time is not an option. Calendar and Address Book are working and updating properly.


MBP15 Mid 2012, Yosemite 10.10.5, Mail Version 8.2 (2104)

Thank you.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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If you’re still unable to “authenticate”, i recommend you contact Apple Support.