How do I connect a printer to a MacBook?

island par

Jan 26, 2014
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Hi Guys

So i tried to connect to our printer via our company intranet (wifi) and did the following steps

1) Clicked system preferences
2) Clicked Printers and Scanners
3) Clicked "+" to add our printer
4) Clicked IP and added the address
5) Selected Protocol : IPP
6) Indicated the name of the printer

When adding message is "Unable to verify your printer in the network" " Unable to connect to " due to an error"

Any thoughts? Really would appreciate the assist.



Well-known member
Mar 13, 2011
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Have you tried bypassing the above and just connecting the printer to the network (hardwired or wi-fi) and see if the MacBook finds it on its own? This is the procedure I've used on both types of networked printers and my Air has found and setup the device on its own.
Only ever used the System Prefs > Printers and Scanners to set the default printer or remove one.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2011
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Hi Bazza,

Where do i search on Mac where it shows the printer being discovered

Hello, island par -

It's been awhile since I installed a new printer. As I recall, in my case, plugging in the USB and then turning on the printer allowed the Air to 'see' the printer and it opened a box in the Desktop advising me of that new printer found.
Plan B to that is a bit more manual - going into System Prefs > Printers and Scanners and clicking the plus (+) button at the bottom of the left column. That should open up another window and, in the list of printers, there should be the one you plugged into the Air listed, as connected by USB. Click on that one to initiate the install process. Once done, you'll be returned to the Printers and Scanners window and you should see the new printer there. You can then set which printer is set as the default. Thereafter, Software Update should be able to automatically update drivers as they are released.

Now, I suppose its possible that the Air can't find your printer - maybe a new one not in its database - and for that, your best bet is to go to the printer manufacturer's website and track down the most recent Mac drivers for it and note the download and install process there.

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