How can I revive my iPad Mini after a failed downgrade attempt w/o a computer or iTunes?


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Jan 17, 2018
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I have a iPad mini 5 I believe that's what it said when I looked up the model number on back anyways I decided to try and jailbreak my tablet to try to downgrade the iOS firmware from 9"3"5 to iOS 5.1.1 thinking it would allow me to download the updated version if my app I use big mistake!! I jail broke it using phe0nix and Cadiz the.n a tool in Cydia to upgrade or downgrade firmware well after I did all that I lost everything can't download barely nothing the App Store won't even open normally like I can't even download the Phoenix app now it won't allow me to update the iOS I tried every reset beside e iTunes one cause I don't own a computer help anyone???


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Re: Jailbreak disaster help!!

Unless I’m mistaken, without access to a computer and iTunes, you’re S.O.L.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2014
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As Just said your in a S.O.L situation unless you can get tour hands on a computer of s family members or friend. You would need to download the current ispw to get yourself out of the situation your in. Also I don't recommend jailbreaking at this point in time. But I do tip my hat off to you for attempting what you did with out a computer. Best of luck


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Jan 15, 2016
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Gonna have to agree with the others. Without a computer and iTunes you have no way to put your tablet into DFU mode so you can reset the device. Either find a friend with a computer you can borrow, or set an appointment with the Genius Bar at your local Apple store. Be up front with them and tell them what you did to the tablet so that they can help you.