help i am an android user but tired of bugs


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Jan 7, 2013
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I had the Motorola DROID and DROID X. I hated the bugs but enjoyed the customizability of the phones. One day, I decided that I wanted to try an Iphone 4 and bought it. What a delight the Iphone 4 was and kept the phone for about a year and a half. That was the longest that I ever kept a phone. The OS was stable, it was easy to type on and the battery life was soooo much better than the DROID ever was. It was a delight to take it traveling because I never had to worry about the battery going dead on me.

Then one day, I decided to go to the Verizon store to see what all the hype was about the S3. Oddly enough there were other Iphone users drawn to the S3 besides myself. I decided to try out the S3. I have had the S3 now for about 4 months and frankly I am done with it. It requires constant tweaks, its a pain in the neck to text and send emails on and the battery life is awful. I do have a spare battery which I carried around for when the battery dies on me. I have turned off the frequency for checking for Facebook updates and email, which I hate because I want to be notified of things immediately. I have looked at extended batteries as an option but the case options quite frankly suck. They are all TPU cases or they come in black and destroy the appearance of the S3.

Over the course of the last month, I have been going back and forth about paying full retail for the Iphone. I finally got a somewhat reasonable price from Gazelle on the purchase of the S3 for $300 so, I need to pay another $400 for the full retail which has been a hard pill to swallow. Last night I finally got fed up with the S3 when I was trying to read something and the screen kept rotating. I tried my wife's Iphone 4s today and felt like home so, I am going to bite the bullet and go back to IOS.

Will I miss the S3? To a certain extent yes. I loved the widgets and customizable options. The IOS does not allow for this. I will also have to return back to Itunes and probably renew Itunes Match. Also, the contact integration between the units is a PIA. I had to manually re-enter all of the contacts so that they are correct on the phone. But, on the bright side, one thing nice about this, is that I can remove the clutter on my phone. All this will be well worth it in the long run.


Active member
Oct 21, 2011
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i think you've answered your own question and will be switching back to an iPhone and getting the 5. the power of subtle suggestion works, just ask my wife, she's been doing it to me for a few years.


Sep 13, 2012
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Yes I'm suppose to be tradi g my razrm today for an iph4s till I can upgrade to the 5. But in pretty pumped to be on a stable device.

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