Gul Oil Spill


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Jul 22, 2009
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Where's the OUTCRY... Millions and Millions of Gallons of Crude being released into the Gulf, Millions of wildlife species being KILLED, Yet NO PUBLIC outcry, NO MEDIA Coverage... BP Lying to the Public, U.S. Government LYING to the Public... Why did it take this Administration over 30 Days to RESPOND? Gulf of Mexico will NOW be the World's NEW DEAD SEA...


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Oct 7, 2009
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just read that it will be a few more months before it is completely stopped

yeah, we're screwed


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Apr 28, 2009
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You must be living under a rock and covered with oil if you haven't seen the public outry or the media coverage. Or maybe it's cause I actually live on the gulf coast where the oil is already on shore that it's all I see.

Our way of life is over. But no amount of coverage or outcry will change or stop it. The best we can do is try to get through it.


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Jul 22, 2009
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You must be living under a rock and covered with oil if you haven't seen the public outry or the media coverage. Or maybe it's cause I actually live on the gulf coast where the oil is already on shore that it's all I see.

Our way of life is over. But no amount of coverage or outcry will change or stop it. The best we can do is try to get through it.

Locally, Alli it's getting coverage. BUT not NATIONALLY. I drive truck across country, Read National papers everyday, on the internet everyday... NOTHING compaired to Exxon Valeze, Katrina or other Disasters that have hit our country.

My questions are:
1.Why did it take this Administration over 30 Days to respond?
2.Why did BP and the Administration try to cover up the amount of oil being pumped into the Gulf?
3.Why did the Army Corps of Engineer's need to do an Environmental Impact Study BEFORE the State of Louisianna can build sand burms to PROTECT their Shores?

I can go on and on with questions, Unfortunately they are being asked in the wrong arena and I've heard no other pressing these issues...
As for "living under a rock or being covered with oil". I take GREAT offence to that. Out here it's even Difficult to have an Intelligent and informed conversation about the issue. People are NOT interested NOR are they informed as to the the Siverity of this issue. I drove across I-10 this weekend and the stillness, lack of wildlife and yes, with even the slight stench of oil in the air it was almost impossible to find an informed individual discuss or WANTED to discuss the subject.

I remember the Valdeze and the 24/7 coverage. The Environmentalist were ALL over the airways and print.
I remember Katrina and the 24/7 coverage. The Environmentalist and the "Bush Basher's" were ALL over the airways and print.

"Our way of life is over".

I heard that repeatedly after Katrina. In fact it's STILL prevelant in certain areas of New Orleans and surrounding areas. Just take a drive through.

Katrina was a "Natural Disaster".
This has man's hand "ALL" over it and People need to be held accountable. From the laborer who was taking a nap on his/her watch to the Engineer who was told there was an issue with a pressure relief valve or a leaking seal. On the Government, side from the inspector who turned his/her eye to the White House who failed to react in a timely manner.
Both BP and the Fed knew and KNOW the amount of crude being pumped out of that well. Why did they LIE and are STILL?

Let's all just roll over and play dead while our world is being destroyed....


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Oct 1, 2009
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BP does something stupid every year. A plant blows up here, a plant blows up there. I read the headlines on all major news outlets online and keep my info that way. Here's my take. It happened, those responsible need to fix it and pay for it, the environmental situation is horrible but not earth shattering and we'll move on. This will be an issue for the next 30 years in some ways.

Once the next big news story hits, this will pass, but not as much as other disasters. How much do we hear about Haiti now?


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Apr 28, 2009
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Why the hell does anyone expect the administration - the government - to do anything? They are not the parents of errant children. They are not financially responsible for everything that happens within our borders or to our citizens.

As for media coverage...don't get me started. Katrina did less damage in New Orleans than it did in coastal MS, and most people don't know that AL was effected at all. You don't hear about that on the news. They tell you what they think you'll be comfortable hearing. You don't know about coastal MS, so why report it. You don't know that AL extends to the gulf, so why mention it.

So a major corporation had an "accident." Local authorities and the company are dealing with it together. Do they need federal authorities? Absolutely not.


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Jul 22, 2009
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Why the hell does anyone expect the administration - the government - to do anything? They are not the parents of errant children. They are not financially responsible for everything that happens within our borders or to our citizens.

As for media coverage...don't get me started. Katrina did less damage in New Orleans than it did in coastal MS, and most people don't know that AL was effected at all. You don't hear about that on the news. They tell you what they think you'll be comfortable hearing. You don't know about coastal MS, so why report it. You don't know that AL extends to the gulf, so why mention it.

So a major corporation had an "accident." Local authorities and the company are dealing with it together. Do they need federal authorities? Absolutely not.

Boy, talk about having one's panties tied in a knot... You my friend are completely missing my point. NO, the Fed is NOT Financially responsible for things happening within our borders... Where was it mentioned they were? IF that be the CASE, why the GOVERNMENT take over of nearly 1/5th of the GNP? If THAT be the CASE why Nearly a 14 TRILLION DOLLAR Deficit. Over 13 Trillion of that this current Admin. IS RESPONSIBLE for. WE, yes WE, now as a nation OWE more than we CAN produce. IF "they are NOT parents of errant children", why do WE continue to cry for MORE GOVERNMENT control in our lives for more Government Handouts?

I can tell you what the Fed IS responsible for. To PROTECT the HOMELAND from attack. To Protect the Citizens of the United States and her Borders. This (Oil Disaster) is man made. The FED and BP knew about it more than 45 DAYS ago. THEY knew of its catastrophic potential from DAY 1. As I mentioned earlier, BOTH BP and the FED were aware of this wells production. Why have they Both LIED and continue to due so? The containment booms, the sand dunes, the manpower could have been in place days ago. Hundreds of thousands of acres, Hundreds of thousands of species of wildlife will be annihilated, hundreds of Proud, Hard working men and women will be put out of jobs. No, NOT jobs, They will LOOSE their Heritage because of this.

As for Katrina and the devistation she left behind in MS and AL.. I'm not the one trying to rewrite history. I do know there are more than Bull dogs, Country singers and mud pies that these two GREAT states have and do produce. I also know that the citizens of these Great Southern States are Proud and unafraid of pulling together and doing for themselves, unlike some we saw in New Orleans. Don't get me wrong, there are those in LA. that are JUST as Proud and just as hard working. BUT Pride in who one is and Pride in one's Country does NOT ENFORCE the Socialist agenda. They need to sell the picture of the lost New Orleans native still sitting in the middle of a pile of rubble. How long now? Years after the storm. They'll do the same with this. Sell us the one who DOESN'T want to pull up his/her bootstraps and work their way out of this. They'll use it to justify their need for higher taxes, their need for more control over our workplace, their need for more control over our movement.

My point of this thread was simply to point out the False and Deceptive pathway our Government, the media and certain members of our Society are directing this Great Nation.
We should be offering each a hand. We should be kneeling together in prayer. We should be doing what needs to be done to protect our shore's, our habitats, our children's inheritance.


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Feb 19, 2009
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The prez is too busy sending attorneys down there instead of oil booms, which we have by the hundreds of miles ready for this stuff. Also, he's way too busy having parties at the White House and concerts and state dinners.

The media actually said that he interrupted his vacation to go to the gulf coast to visit. For three measely hours. After a month. The press practically behead Bush because it took him four days to make it to New Orleans. :rolleyes:


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Apr 28, 2009
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We didn't need/want Bush after Katrina (and he never did visit us...only the media whore New Orleans), and we don't need/want Obama now. Pffffft.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2009
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We didn't need/want Bush after Katrina (and he never did visit us...only the media whore New Orleans), and we don't need/want Obama now. Pffffft.

Alli, You are ONE ANGRY woman. For whatever reason, it's blinded you to reality. Does the local Shrimper have the tools needed to PROTECT His/Her livelyhood? Protect His/Her homeland? To Protect an already threatened Eco-System?

Or am I reading you wrong and your ACTUALLY Protecting your "Messiah"?

Go back and check the History books. Bush was in Alabama as well as Mississippi.

You've done nothing but attack with every post in this thread.

"You must be living under a rock and covered with oil if you haven't seen the public outry or the media coverage".
"and most people don't know that AL was effected at all. You don't hear about that on the news. They tell you what they think you'll be comfortable hearing. You don't know about coastal MS, so why report it. You don't know that AL extends to the gulf, so why mention it".


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
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I dunno, dude. It's on CNN every day. It's on Fox every day. Where do you get your news that you're not seeing coverage? I know we don't get a special gulf coast edition of NBC nightly news.

Of course the local shrimpers are hurt by this, but the feds aren't the ones to go to - BP is.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2009
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It's on National CNN Now, ONLY because the Left Wingers are beginning to ***** about the "Messiah's SLOW response time. See, your STILL attacking.
"Where do you get your news that you're not seeing coverage"?

As for your Last statement: BOTH are ACCOUNTABLE. BP was drilling on a FED CONTROLLED Area. YOU HONESTLY think the FED had NO idea what that well was producing? You need to wake up...


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Sep 17, 2009
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Hopefully the government puts enough pressure on BP(and the other two companies involved) so that they take full responsibility for what happened. The government is not financially responsible for the stoppage or the cleanup, the companies are. But the govt. does have the responsibility to protect us citizens buy ensuring that our livelihood remains intact.
Oh and Alli, im from New Orleans and I 'hear ya' on the whole media whore thing. I'm tired of hearing "post Katrina" blah blah blah..
As for oil spill media coverage, I've been seeing reports of it ever since the incident. It's constantly on CNN and nightly news segments during the times I turn on the TV.

I'm sure glad to see someone else pondering about this, and care enough to create a post for it.

I just hope they're doing everything they can to end this as quick as possible. I've got family involved in this..
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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Why the hell does anyone expect the administration - the government - to do anything? They are not the parents of errant children. They are not financially responsible for everything that happens within our borders or to our citizens.

As for media coverage...don't get me started. Katrina did less damage in New Orleans than it did in coastal MS, and most people don't know that AL was effected at all. You don't hear about that on the news. They tell you what they think you'll be comfortable hearing. You don't know about coastal MS, so why report it. You don't know that AL extends to the gulf, so why mention it.

So a major corporation had an "accident." Local authorities and the company are dealing with it together. Do they need federal authorities? Absolutely not.
Amen! You are sooo very right. My mother is Cherokee and it's only when people realize that you have to STOP waiting on the Government to take care of you and your own and get up and do something about your situation yourself that things get done. I live on the Galveston Bay so we aren't in dire conditions, but your right about the Gulf not being the same. The oil industry keeps this area alive and it's Government regulation that pushed us into deeper and deeper waters where it's so unsafe to drill.
We are all very sad about this. This part of the country has been hit with a lot over the past few years, but we are strong.


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Jul 22, 2009
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Information to ponder:

Rev 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
Rev 8:9 and there died the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, even they that had life; and the third part of the ships was destroyed.


Today is the day of Salvation. Do you know where you'll spend your eternity?


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
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Information to ponder:

Rev 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
Rev 8:9 and there died the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, even they that had life; and the third part of the ships was destroyed.


Today is the day of Salvation. Do you know where you'll spend your eternity?

I hardly think a few oil covered birds resembles the Revelation.


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
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I'm not really sure this is the forum for all that. I'm not sure this oil spill is from Rev. Either. One might have said the same about Exxon years ago. Someone is always predicting the end. Besides, I think if people focus on their own shortcomings then they would be too busy to be questioning others. It just feels a tad judgmental to me. Besides, I read very well. I don't need people to quote me the scripture. I'm more impressed when people show it by how they LIVE- with an open, loving heart and don't stand in judgement. I believe that job is taken. :)

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