Glitch after changing my Apple ID - unable to sign out.

Andrew Rossetti

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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I recently changed my Apple ID and am unable to sign out of my iCloud account or disable Find my iPod. The Apple ID shows with my correct new email address under iTunes & App Store, however under iCloud it still shows my old address. I am able to use the App Store fine, but am unable to sign out of iCloud or disable the Find feature as every time I enter the password (which is correct, as I've signed in on the web) it just registers as an incorrect login with the old shake...try again.

Andrew Rossetti

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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Well, got it squared away but had to jump through hoops. First, I signed out of the App Store where my new email address was being used. Then I logged in via the web and changed my Apple ID back to the old email address and completed the email verification. I then was able to sign out on the iPod and disable Find my iPod. Then back to the web to change my Apple ID once again to the new address and email verification. Finally, sign back into all services on the iPod with the new email address. Whew. That's all there was to it, but it was frustrating to say the least.