Getting iphone 3G - Sick of Blackberry Storm


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
Hi Everyone. I too have switched from the Storm to the iPhone. I have owned nothing but BBs for the past 9 years so switching to an iphone was def. a big deal for me. I must say so far I love this phone. I have only had an iphone a day, but it has been so easy to adapt to it. I look forward to chatting with everyone.

Congrats on the new phone. I also came from the Storm. I think you will be happier with the iPhone. Even more so when 3.0 comes out.


Well-known member
May 12, 2009
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I had a storm for 3 maybe 4 months, i use it for work i needed a email app that supports full imap, not inbox only like the storm... i miss the push email, but i can deal...

even if the storm had a full imap email app it was just not reliable enough to use for work. it was the worst phone i have ever had. never have i wasted so much time trying to tweak things just to make a device work like it should.

three days ago i picked up an iPhone to try out for 30 days, then decide which to keep. well on the third day i called up verizon and canceled my service. they said there will be a 295 dollar early termination fee ( i have two phones ) i said thats fine !

the iphones email client meets my needs better then the blackberry did, but i was shocked at the difference in performance. its like night and day, the storm is an embarrassment...

im sure it will improve, and turn out to be a nice blackberry. but it was not in any way ready to be released.

I have seen the light !


Active member
May 11, 2009
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Thanks! I already love the iPhone! The only thing I'm really missing is bbm, but the iPhone performance fills that void. I admit I use to be an iPhone hater (it can't even copy and paste) but now I will highly recommend the iPhone to anyone!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
Thanks! I already love the iPhone! The only thing I'm really missing is bbm, but the iPhone performance fills that void. I admit I use to be an iPhone hater (it can't even copy and paste) but now I will highly recommend the iPhone to anyone!

When 3 comes out you will be able to copy and paste. That won't be too much longer. Or, you can jailbreak and be able to do that now.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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I had a storm for 3 maybe 4 months, i use it for work i needed a email app that supports full imap, not inbox only like the storm... i miss the push email, but i can deal...

even if the storm had a full imap email app it was just not reliable enough to use for work. it was the worst phone i have ever had. never have i wasted so much time trying to tweak things just to make a device work like it should.

three days ago i picked up an iPhone to try out for 30 days, then decide which to keep. well on the third day i called up verizon and canceled my service. they said there will be a 295 dollar early termination fee ( i have two phones ) i said thats fine !

the iphones email client meets my needs better then the blackberry did, but i was shocked at the difference in performance. its like night and day, the storm is an embarrassment...

im sure it will improve, and turn out to be a nice blackberry. but it was not in any way ready to be released.

I have seen the light !

This sounds like my story.

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