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For what purpose would I lie?


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2014
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I started setting up as new with my iPhone 6 and never looked back, I get the occasional glitch but otherwise I rarely have issues.
That said, when someone accuses you of lying when you know full well you’re not... well... That gives you licence to head trip the hell out of them purely for entertainment purposes in the future:
By labeling you a liar, they established that they don’t know what to believe so you can get as creative as you like and watch them clean their phone with a mix of toothpaste, flax seed and coconut oil before microwaving on high for 30 minutes to protect them from viruses during flu season
Life’s too short not to have fun.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2015
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Since I got my iPhone six plus I tend to set up as new each new device I get just in case I unintentionally carry over any bugs I may have on my older device onto my new device

John Yester

Moderator Team Leader
May 23, 2012
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Back to my 7 Plus days. I have had issues and been able to replicate them on other devices my family has and it was confirmed. But not saying anyone was lying on her, but the blatant, "I am not seeing it, or I have no issues" seemed kinda annoying. Frame rate drops anyone............ Been confirmed all over the place, by others. But not seeing it with the iPhone 10

I do understand each user has different usage and different apps installed that might or might not cause issues. Also not saying people are ignoring the obvious, but some stuff is staring people right in the face and they choose to ignore it.

As for restoring or set up as new, I have done it numerous times, more then what I felt was resolving a issue with negative results...


Feb 6, 2012
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I started setting up as new with my iPhone 6 and never looked back, I get the occasional glitch but otherwise I rarely have issues.
That said, when someone accuses you of lying when you know full well you’re not... well... That gives you licence to head trip the hell out of them purely for entertainment purposes in the future:
By labeling you a liar, they established that they don’t know what to believe so you can get as creative as you like and watch them clean their phone with a mix of toothpaste, flax seed and coconut oil before microwaving on high for 30 minutes to protect them from viruses during flu season
Life’s too short not to have fun.


Lmao :laughing:

Rob Phillips

iPhone X & Apple TV Champion, Moderator
May 1, 2012
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No software is perfect but I think every user has a different tolerance for what is considered a bug, a minor annoyance, or completely unnoticeable. For example, the calculator bug present in iOS 11 before 11.2 came around didn’t bother me. I knew it was there but I figured Apple would eventually get around to fixing it. Other users acted as if their lives were forever ruined and many users had no idea the bug was even present. iOS 11 has performed wonderfully on my iPhone X and my iPad Pro. That said, I had a random respring on my iPhone yesterday. I took it for what it was and moved on. I didn’t immediately decide that iOS 11 is garbage. I personally know some users that would have come on here and complained about it though.
Also, negativity screams much louder than positivity, especially in settings like online forums. The people that aren’t having a ton of issues tend to keep quiet about it.


Trusted Member
Oct 23, 2012
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...But not saying anyone was lying on her, but the blatant, "I am not seeing it, or I have no issues" seemed kinda annoying.

Right, the original post is great, but there are also posts like that which I see here. "It's not happening to me, so it must not be a bug," is, as you say, frustrating for those having a problem. I know I'd be ok with "it's not happening to me, so it's not happening to everybody" to clarify that an issue isn't universal over "it's not happening to me, so it must not be a bug."

As for restoring or set up as new, I have done it numerous times, more then what I felt was resolving a issue with negative results...

A week after the iOS 11 update, my phone was still burning battery much faster than with iOS 10 just the week before, with nothing else different except iOS 11 itself. I ended up doing a clean install, which is its own pain in the neck - setting up the Apple Watch again, setting up my credit card for Apple Pay in Apple Wallet again (which required a call to my credit card company), getting all of the settings right, manually getting my custom ringtones onto the phone now that iTunes sync doesn't do that anymore, etc. And, my battery issues aren't any better. I'm a pretty high-end user, but I could see that if I was what I will call a normal, generally non-technically minded user, I might be a little frustrated with all of those steps just to have everything basically the same.

A clean install is sometimes a necessary last step, but it doesn't always solve somebody's issues, and I think anybody suggesting this to somebody should make sure that it's the last step, point out what that means for lost iMessages (at least until iMessage syncing in iCloud is here), changing settings, etc., so that they know that there is some work ahead of them.

However, all that said, I can't believe that I have ever seen anybody suggesting that you might want to try setting up as new is doing so just to troll or lying about their own experience that they are not having issues. I can't think of anybody who posts here on these forums when somebody has a problem with a suggested solution has done so without a genuine desire to help somebody solve their problem, at least from what I have seen. That's one of the things that I like about the iMore forums.


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2013
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Over the years, people have insinuated that I have straight up lied about not having the same issues with my iPhone as they are/were having with theirs. There are several of us in this forum whose experience with the iPhone and iOS are similar. On top of that, we pretty much do the same thing in that we are quick to set up our devices as new. I’m quick to tell you that I don’t care what phone you use and whichever you use is your business. I’ve also stated on numerous occasions that it bothers me to see others having problems with their iPhone. Yet, when I tell people that it is my belief that restoring and setting my device as new over the years is what has kept me from having the numerous issues others have reported and that setting up as new is what I recommend that they do, they refuse and choose to believe that I’m lying about my excellent experiences with the iPhone. For what purpose would I lie? Neither iMore or Apple pays me a salary. What are your thoughts about this matter?

I don’t question your integrity at all. I think the issue is that some people, myself included, don’t view setting up their device as new after every update as reasonable or practical. Apple fans like to say that they are loyal to iPhones because they “just work”. I’m finding this to be less true with every new version of iOS. However, I’m willing to accept less than ideal performance to avoid reinstalling every app and setting with each update. But that’s Just_Me_D. 🤪


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I don’t question your integrity at all. I think the issue is that some people, myself included, don’t view setting up their device as new after every update as reasonable or practical. Apple fans like to say that they are loyal to iPhones because they “just work”. I’m finding this to be less true with every new version of iOS. However, I’m willing to accept less than ideal performance to avoid reinstalling every app and setting with each update. But that’s Just_Me_D. 🤪

Ha ha....Good one........Don’t misunderstand me. I do not set up my device as new with “every” iOS update. I don’t have the time to do that. Having said that, I do set up as new with a major iOS update, but not necessarily immediately. Setting up as new is not a big inconvenience to me because I do it on a somewhat routine basis. I’m also not advocating that everyone go out and do that. With that being said, I do recommend setting up a device as new if you’re experiencing problems. Is it a guaranteed fix? Nope. Does it often fix problems? Heck yeah. I’ve seen lately where people are reporting that the Mickey / Minnie Mouse watch faces are speaking the time on Series 3 Watches after the update to iOS 11.2. We’ll, I have a Series 3 Watch. After switching from the Explorer face to Mickey Mouse, I tapped on the watch face to hear the time. There was no sound. I swiped up from the bottom of the watch face to bring up the control center, scrolled to the bell icon and saw that it was highlighted. After de-highlighting it, I went back to the Mickey watch face, tapped on it, and then heard the time being spoken. That did not require a set up as new.....
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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I started setting up as new with my iPhone 6 and never looked back, I get the occasional glitch but otherwise I rarely have issues.
That said, when someone accuses you of lying when you know full well you’re not... well... That gives you licence to head trip the hell out of them purely for entertainment purposes in the future:
By labeling you a liar, they established that they don’t know what to believe so you can get as creative as you like and watch them clean their phone with a mix of toothpaste, flax seed and coconut oil before microwaving on high for 30 minutes to protect them from viruses during flu season
Life’s too short not to have fun.

All I can say is you and I deserve to be friends in real life ... the possibilities...:biggrin:


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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Yet, when I tell people that it is my belief that restoring and setting my device as new over the years is what has kept me from having the numerous issues others have reported and that setting up as new is what I recommend that they do, they refuse and choose to believe that I’m lying about my excellent experiences with the iPhone.

I agree, that's probably one of the reasons you're having fewer issues than others... Actually, some of the best advice you can give anyone regardless of platform.


Trusted Member
Sep 17, 2012
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I read here way more than posting.
Lost count on you saying, set up as new.
Maybe for that reason, I have always set up as new. Have had zero issues, in my iPhone endeavors.
Thanks for all the replies on people’s issues!


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2013
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I always restore and set up as new. Keeps things fresh. I don't have anything important enough to warrant dragging a bunch of junk over in a backup.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I always restore and set up as new. Keeps things fresh. I don't have anything important enough to warrant dragging a bunch of junk over in a backup.

I hear ya......Like you, I enjoy the freshness of restoring as new and since I’ve not had many of the issues various people have reported, I’m going to keep on doing what I’ve been doing all these years of owning an iPhone.


Feb 6, 2012
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I only start fresh when I get a new phone. I never set up as new after a software update though. Just my personal preference.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2014
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“For what purpose would I lie?”

That is a question that really, only you can answer for yourself.

Just to add a bit of levity...


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2015
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I think people generally have a hard time accepting that their problems may not be universal and endemic to the system. So they believe everyone should be experiencing it. Therefore if you claim to not have the problem you must obviously be only promoting a false reality.
I do not subscribe to this chain of thought.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I think people generally have a hard time accepting that their problems may not be universal and endemic to the system. So they believe everyone should be experiencing it. Therefore if you claim to not have the problem you must obviously be only promoting a false reality.
I do not subscribe to this chain of thought.

Well stated........Thank you!

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