Flight attendant...do I want cellular or wifi? New or refurbished?


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Apr 2, 2017
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Hi, I'm a flight attendant and want to get the iPad Pro 9.7. I've been doing a lot of research and want to get one for the following reasons:

-I'm an artist and want to use the Apple Pencil. I've been spying on people using the iPad on the planes and the people that use it to draw always seem very happy. I tend to draw in a journal which is about the same size as the 9.7 tablet so I know I don't need the bigger size (or want it)

-my kindle got stolen by another flight attendant so I want to use it to replace that and read books

-when we are just flying to our next destination and not working, I want to download movies so I plan to get the 256gb plus I'm a photographer and end up sitting a ton of photos, my iPhone gets full a lot and it has plenty of space. I also want to download some of my Pandora songs since I have the pro version and you can do that.

-I like to write stories too and plan to get the keyboard. It seems to work well for the people I've seen on the plane and I tried it out at the store and since I have small fingers I can type pretty fast. I am curious if I'll need a cover for it along with the keyboard?

-we have to carry a lot of stuff with us so it would be really nice not to lug around my MacBook Pro. I don't do a lot of international trips currently, but I know it will be helpful when I do.

Now that you know just a few of my reasons, here are a few of my questions:

1) I am debating between getting it New or refurbished from apple. A friend said refurbished is better than New because they fix problems with it. I've asked that question to people since and gotten mixed reviews. What do you recommend? We do get a tiny discount from apple as flight attendants which I plan to use.

2) is AppleCare worth it or needed? I had my last laptop for 5 years and didn't really have any problems. The kindle got stolen by another flight attendant, not broken, and so I plan to use my credit card with insurance on it to buy it. (Just in case, can't trust anyone these days) so I don't think I'd be dropping it..and everyone says most problems happen in the first year...is this true?

3) should I get cellular or just wifi? I had a nextus tablet when I lived in Australia and paid extra to have data on my tablet. That worked well because my phone didn't cost much and I heavily used the tablet instead. (I had some cheap stupid phone) now I have the iPhone and use it a lot and still plan to. Also my phone plan has gone up a lot. I don't think I'd use the data on my tablet that much, only pay for it when I went international. However, with my job, we have an iPhone plus that has international data on it. We can't use it for phone calls, Facebook messenger or any apps other than directions and google. I was able to use my gmail chat to communicate with my friends when I arrived in New Zealand. So I could probably kinda make it work. I don't have enough data with my current plan (might be switching it in November when my plan is up) to tether and so I really wouldn't have a phone for international. But I currently don't fly international YET for work so it's only when I go on trips. Another flight attendant said since we don't have a lot of money, it's just not worth it. What do you think?

Thanks for any and all suggestions. I really appreciate it. I am on a limited budget and would be using a credit card that has no interest for the next year so I can buy more stuff now...but obviously it needs to be paid off as quickly as possible.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Based on what you stated, a cellular model would indeed be beneficial and whether or not you should get a new or refurbished one is a matter of preference. If you can get a good deal on a refurbished one from a reputable retailer then go for it.

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