First iPhone 5


Oct 19, 2012
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Well guys and gals I made the jump and got my iPhone 5 though Verizon wireless. Let me tell you from going from android to apple. I can't believe I waited this long I look everything about it very user friendly and smooth to operate. Still learning about it but it will take time.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2013
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Good luck with the iPhone 5. I currently have the Stellar on Android, and I am thinking of trying out the new iPhone.


Oct 19, 2012
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Good luck with the iPhone 5. I currently have the Stellar on Android, and I am thinking of trying out the new iPhone.
I've all ways owned an android system and liked them. But after a while the phones started acting up app all ways crashed. Did really never get any updates plus the phone was super slow. Now this is my first ever iPhone and all I can say are good things about it


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2013
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I've all ways owned an android system and liked them. But after a while the phones started acting up app all ways crashed. Did really never get any updates plus the phone was super slow. Now this is my first ever iPhone and all I can say are good things about it

That's one of my gripes with Android. Very buggy apps, and freeze ups. Updates?? What is that?? :-D
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Jul 27, 2009
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Welcome aboard OP; joemd60: come join in the fun! The i5 comes from a great line of devices; I jumped in with the 3GS and haven't looked back since. iOS is very stable and smooth, and the same can be said for the apps. I think I've had one lock-up in 3+ years of owning an iPhone, and I'm pretty sure that was user error. You'll find tons of useful info here: try Search as many questions have been asked & answered before, but don't be afraid to post away if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.


Oct 19, 2012
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Welcome aboard OP; joemd60: come join in the fun! The i5 comes from a great line of devices; I jumped in with the 3GS and haven't looked back since. iOS is very stable and smooth, and the same can be said for the apps. I think I've had one lock-up in 3+ years of owning an iPhone, and I'm pretty sure that was user error. You'll find tons of useful info here: try Search as many questions have been asked & answered before, but don't be afraid to post away if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.
thanks I'm doing research as we speek


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Nov 27, 2010
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I just ditched my note2 and grabbed an i5. My only complaint (which isn't iOS related) I got the 16gig model. I didn't have the $ for a 32gig.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2013
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Welcome aboard OP; joemd60: come join in the fun! The i5 comes from a great line of devices; I jumped in with the 3GS and haven't looked back since. iOS is very stable and smooth, and the same can be said for the apps. I think I've had one lock-up in 3+ years of owning an iPhone, and I'm pretty sure that was user error. You'll find tons of useful info here: try Search as many questions have been asked & answered before, but don't be afraid to post away if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.

Thanks! Upgrade is still a couple of months from now, unless Red let's me do it sooner.

peter klein

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Feb 23, 2013
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Yeah, gotta love that century old 4" screen, a limit on how many apps can fit into one folder, a dated OS, and not being able to add anything outside of the Apple kingdom, no microSD card removal, no accessible battery, proprietary hardware and add ons and a very limited home screen design.

Yeah, gotta love that Apple.

Think I will stick with my 4.5" screen on my Galaxy SII with an open source code, the ability to pretty much do whatever I want to it; rearrange my home screen to how I want it; download and play music and movies from multiple platforms; read books on any platform including iTunes if I want; add more storage or a bigger battery if and when I want; use NFC to exchange information from one phone to the next without wires or having to use a computer. The ability to choose default apps for web browsing, email and more.Support for multiple app stores like GO and Google, not just Apple. The ability to choose from over hundreds of manufacturers, screen sizes, power, storage and options versun just the iPhone. Having standard cables and dock connections like the micro usb versus whatever Apple is forcing you to do. Androids widgets are better looking, have more information and are more versatile. Good luck with iCloud versus Google or any of the other cloud options I have.


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Feb 6, 2013
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hope you enjoy it! by biggest problem was the narrow screen. Id like to see apple innovate a bit more, push the buck so to speak, but the ip5 is a very solid phone. best iphone yet. If it suits you, enjoy! :)


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Jul 3, 2010
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Welcome mrwaylon... You've made a wise choice and won't regret it. The iPhone 5 is solid. iOS keeps getting better. Stability and reliability are two words that don't go in the same sentence as Android :D


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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Yeah, gotta love that century old 4" screen, a limit on how many apps can fit into one folder, a dated OS, and not being able to add anything outside of the Apple kingdom, no microSD card removal, no accessible battery, proprietary hardware and add ons and a very limited home screen design.

Yeah, gotta love that Apple.

Think I will stick with my 4.5" screen on my Galaxy SII with an open source code, the ability to pretty much do whatever I want to it; rearrange my home screen to how I want it; download and play music and movies from multiple platforms; read books on any platform including iTunes if I want; add more storage or a bigger battery if and when I want; use NFC to exchange information from one phone to the next without wires or having to use a computer. The ability to choose default apps for web browsing, email and more.Support for multiple app stores like GO and Google, not just Apple. The ability to choose from over hundreds of manufacturers, screen sizes, power, storage and options versun just the iPhone. Having standard cables and dock connections like the micro usb versus whatever Apple is forcing you to do. Androids widgets are better looking, have more information and are more versatile. Good luck with iCloud versus Google or any of the other cloud options I have.

My, what a lovely first impression to make in a forum... perhaps you should stick to the Android Central forum with this kind of stuff... we'll be more than happy to converse with you about how to better make use of any iOS devices you may own... have a nice day, evening, or whatever it is when you read this.


Dec 25, 2011
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Yeah, gotta love that century old 4" screen, a limit on how many apps can fit into one folder, a dated OS, and not being able to add anything outside of the Apple kingdom, no microSD card removal, no accessible battery, proprietary hardware and add ons and a very limited home screen design.

Yeah, gotta love that Apple.

Think I will stick with my 4.5" screen on my Galaxy SII with an open source code, the ability to pretty much do whatever I want to it; rearrange my home screen to how I want it; download and play music and movies from multiple platforms; read books on any platform including iTunes if I want; add more storage or a bigger battery if and when I want; use NFC to exchange information from one phone to the next without wires or having to use a computer. The ability to choose default apps for web browsing, email and more.Support for multiple app stores like GO and Google, not just Apple. The ability to choose from over hundreds of manufacturers, screen sizes, power, storage and options versun just the iPhone. Having standard cables and dock connections like the micro usb versus whatever Apple is forcing you to do. Androids widgets are better looking, have more information and are more versatile. Good luck with iCloud versus Google or any of the other cloud options I have.

You know the problem with open source? It's open source. This means anyone can tweak with it and mess with it. This in effect means any bad programmer can destroy the effectiveness of your device. How about an analogy? Let's say your car breaks down, are you going to take it to a mechanic or are you going to take it to a comic book store because it's a popular car? And Apple has standard Apple chargers. Again, they have kept a tight leash in the lightning cable because a poor quality cable can wreak havoc on your device as well. And do you really need more than 64GB on your phone? How many useless things sit around doing absolutely nothing on your device that you need that much storage? iCloud works fine, who cares how many options you have to choose from? Widgets drain battery, it's constant dataflow.

So go ahead and stick with poor color quality, non app closing, open source device destroying, massive flash drive of excessive uselessness.

Don't get me wrong, Android is nice operating system, but the fact that you can't close apps and keep them closed, and poor color quality keeps me away from it. And Apple's onscreen keyboard is so much better than any of the keyboards I ever used on Android.

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Dec 25, 2011
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Well guys and gals I made the jump and got my iPhone 5 though Verizon wireless. Let me tell you from going from android to apple. I can't believe I waited this long I look everything about it very user friendly and smooth to operate. Still learning about it but it will take time.

Welcome to iOS, glad to hear you're enjoying it. And if you think iOS is getting boring, look into the jailbreak community here. All kinds of fun tweaks there. And it's much easier to unjailbreak than it is to unroot an Android.

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2012
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Well guys and gals I made the jump and got my iPhone 5 though Verizon wireless. Let me tell you from going from android to apple. I can't believe I waited this long I look everything about it very user friendly and smooth to operate. Still learning about it but it will take time.

I just got the iPhone 5 about a month ago, upgrading from a two year old Android. The only reason I got the Droid was because at the time Verizon still didn't have the iPhone. I had an iPhone 3G on AT&T when it was released, and I had it for about a year. There was no problem with the phone (it was the best phone I'd had to date), but I started having mega problems with AT&T so I jumped over to Verizon.

I've got the 16GB version, wishing I could have afforded the 32GB version.

Over all, I like both iOS and Android, they each have their pros and cons, but for me the one item that has me back with iOS is the media management. It's nearly seamless on iOS with iTunes and damn near non-existent on Android.

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