Dreams about our iPhones and other Apple devices


Mar 2, 2016
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So admittedly, this is a "fluffy" type post, but it might be fun to share when we dream about our devices.

Last night, I dreamt, for what seemed like all night, that someone took my iPhone. It was your typical frustration dream... I traced it via find my iPhone on my iPad to some sort of biker bar. I was trying to rally the troops to go with me to get it. The other people in the dream were friends and family members that I haven't seen in forever. Nobody was in a hurry to help me, and I was determined to get moving on this. Of course, there were all sorts of aggravating obstacles... and the biker bar changed to a church wedding... and I would get close, and then the location of my phone would change again. I don't recall if I actually ever got my iPhone back, but when I woke up, I grabbed for my iPhone. It was right where I put it last night, and the relief was great.

The dream has started to fade. But I can still remember that sense of panic, of urgency and frustration, and best of all, the relief of realizing that it had all been just a dream.

If you have had similar dreams, please feel free to share with us!


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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(laughing)...I have not had any dreams about my iPhone, but I did panic after I thought I left my iPhone at the counter in a grocery store. When I got back to my car, I realized that I didn't have my phone and ran back inside to the cashier who processed my grocery sale. She and the bagger stated that they had not seen it and the person who was originally behind me in line was nowhere to be found. My next step was to go home, grab my backup phone to locate my iPhone.

When I got back into my car, I saw that my iPhone was exactly where I had left it - in one of the cup holders. I thanked GOD and then drove home relieved....:cool:


Oct 2, 2013
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I've had some weird dreams before. Tornadoes, nakedness, spiders, but never a dream about my iPhones. Not yet. I might now!


Mar 11, 2013
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I’ve had lost broken stolen dreams about my phones for years and waking to find out it was a dream is so relieving it hard to put into words

As for phone misplacement to my stupidity I was three sheets in the wind once and was talking to my friend on my flip phone while searching my car looking for my phone till my friend asked what’s going on and I said I can’t find my phone. Gotta say that truly sobered me up


Mar 2, 2016
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Not a dream, we gathered this past weekend for a destination family reunion in Cape May, NJ. My cousin arrived late Friday evening and realized that he'd lost his iPhone somewhere between the airport and arriving at our Air B&B. An epic search ensued. His wife logged in from home and tried to access the phone via Find My iPhone... but no luck. He thinks he left it on the roof of the Uber he used to get in from the Aiport. I was more anxious about it than he was.


Oct 2, 2013
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Not a dream, we gathered this past weekend for a destination family reunion in Cape May, NJ. My cousin arrived late Friday evening and realized that he'd lost his iPhone somewhere between the airport and arriving at our Air B&B. An epic search ensued. His wife logged in from home and tried to access the phone via Find My iPhone... but no luck. He thinks he left it on the roof of the Uber he used to get in from the Aiport. I was more anxious about it than he was.

That would've been a NIGHTMARE, rather than a dream.


Active member
Jan 24, 2017
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Not a dream, we gathered this past weekend for a destination family reunion in Cape May, NJ. My cousin arrived late Friday evening and realized that he'd lost his iPhone somewhere between the airport and arriving at our Air B&B. An epic search ensued. His wife logged in from home and tried to access the phone via Find My iPhone... but no luck. He thinks he left it on the roof of the Uber he used to get in from the Aiport. I was more anxious about it than he was.

Is there anything more annoying in life that the realisation that you left something on your roof before driving off? :mad:. Especially if it was like a 20 miles drive LOL.

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