Do we have to deal with crapware now?


Well-known member
May 30, 2008
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The iPhone used to be a special animal. It was controlled completely by Apple and At&t was merely the carrier. Due to the arrangement, it was left untouched by At&t, and all firmware updating was handled by Apple.

Things have changed.

The price is now "technically" subsidized, and the revenue sharing is gone. Apple is now more akin to a normal device manufacturer, and At&t has received much more control over it. The iPhone specific data plan is already gone, and there are rumors that future firmware updates will need special At&t approval, and At&t may be given the right to charge for them.

What could be next?

Could we possibly have to suffer through the loads of At&t branded crapware that all their other smartphones suffer from? BlackBerrys, Windows Mobile devices, Palm devices; all preloaded with tons of crap that 90% of us don't want, won't use, and hate to be stuck with. There are ways to remove the crap on Windows Mobile devices, but with the closed nature of the iPhone, will it still be possible? Will it just not happen?

I don't know about you, but I am getting a bit nervous. I think I may have preferred paying $400-$500 for it if Apple retained the same level of control they used to have....

Or am I just reading to much into the fresh rumors and news?
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Well-known member
May 30, 2008
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Where did you read about the AT&T approval? I hope Apple doesn't let AT&T approve them or charge for them. That would be beyond ridiculous.


Well-known member
May 31, 2008
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I will try and find the link...


Gizmodo link. It is the first "update" to the article that mentions it...

It was updated again:

"Also, it's been pointed out Apple is still counting its revenue for the phone over the course of two years despite dumping revenue-sharing with AT&T, so iPhoners can probably continue to lord free updates over iPod touchers."


Well-known member
May 30, 2008
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It was updated again:

"Also, it's been pointed out Apple is still counting its revenue for the phone over the course of two years despite dumping revenue-sharing with AT&T, so iPhoners can probably continue to lord free updates over iPod touchers."

Yeah, I noticed that when I posted the link. That is good news, but we could technically still be hit with bloatware...


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Aug 19, 2004
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This is interesting. I don't think it will get all the bloat-ware. Sounds like they want to get the iPhone out to as many people as possible. To me, it sounds like Apple is controlling the Device and Att the service. Not a big deal to me as long as apple keeps the updates and great devices rolling.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
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I don't think Apple would unzip its pants like that, tea-bagging its own brand. Their sole advantage coming into the market late is learning from others' mistakes. If they start making decisions based on the Earth being flat, they are goners. Windows is just beginning to learn it is round.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
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AT&T ruining everything

This is really sad that Apple would even think about doing this to its users. Steve mentioned in his speech that Apple Iphone users have 90% satisfaction. I feel some of the major reasoning for this is Apples control over the phone and At&T's lack of control. I've had my problems with At&t, calling in and having to ask them to reset my phone because i wasnt receiving calls, and the worst part is the people on the phone know nothing, and all they have available to them is a drop down menu which they can generalize about the error and inform you how to trouble shoot by turning on and off your phone. DUH... But anyway, the more control that At&t has on this thing the lower the satisfaction is going to be.

Im still going to go buy my new iphone, and will still love it. but I also have to accept that im going to be making a few more calls to At&T for them to tell me i have to turn on and off my phone.

:confused:WHY STEVE WHY!?!?! you let one of your 3 pillars slide out of your hands, and your going to have to watch it fall all the way to the ground with the rest of the phones out there today.

ps. sorry for the negativity, it sorta just keeps getting to me. I just wanted my amazing 3G Iphone to be the phone i've always dreamed about.

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