Do NOT DL itunes 8.2!


New member
Jun 11, 2009
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the apps in my jailbroken phone started to disappear ...even my SKYPE disappeared despite iTUNES confirming i have it on my fone...i had to restore ...:mad:


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Sep 19, 2008
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Not sure what happened there when your phone is jailbroken, but i'm sure plenty of people have downloaded 8.2 with no problems, including myself. Your title is a bit dramatic don't you think?


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Jun 11, 2009
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The iPhone Dev-Team has confirmed that updating to iTunes 8.2 will make the current versions of QuickPwn and Pwnage Tool inoperable. They are warning users who wish to jailbreak iPhones to wait until the new versions of their tools are available before upgrading iTunes to the new version.

The Dev-Team plans to release updated jailbreaking software after Apple makes a public release of iPhone OS 3.0. An update to the unlocking software yellowsn0w will also have to wait.

According to the Dev-Team, any possible release of a yellowsn0w version for basebands newer than 02.28.00 would only come after iPhone OS 3.0 is out of beta.

Jailbreaking the iPhone provides added functionality to the user by making it possible to run software not approved by Apple. The yellowsn0w tool is available on Cydia and allows jailbroken iPhones to be used with any GSM carrier.

The iPhone Dev-Team has determined that iTunes 8.2 has updated a low-level USB protocol and this inadvertently breaks the jailbreak tools.

From the Dev-Team Blog, the reasons jailbreakers and yellowsn0w-users should NOT update iTunes to version 8.2:

It breaks your ability to use QuickPwn, PwnageTool, and iPhone Tunneling Suite (ssh over usb). We don?t think this is a deliberate breakage of these tools. It?s just that Apple has updated a low-level USB protocol that normally only Apple cares about (but jailbreakers care about).

So far, the only appreciable change to iTunes 8.2 is the Genius function working on videos.

On an added note, the Dev-Team also thinks the iTunes 8.2 update may break the Palm Pre's ability to communicate with iTunes.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2009
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Thank you...

Thank you for that copy/paste of the 2 week old news. Most everyone here likely read all that stuff about... 2 weeks ago.

You can upgrade to iTunes 8.2 just fine. The jailbreak issue only deals with people who want to jailbreak 2.2.1 prior to the release of the new jailbreak 3.0 tools. I'm guessing we can expect the new tools somewhere between Wednesday and Friday of next week.

If your apps are disappearing, then your iTunes folder is likely messed up... either that, or you're running pirated apps in such a manner that your phone knows they are pirated.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
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im very new to all the tech talk but i have forrest gumped my way through the jailbreak. I think. i have 3g 2.2.1 (purchased that way) i have read all over the internet and cannot figure out the safest way to unlock my iphone. i have vista and was able to jailbreak my phone with itunes 8.2 on my computer.(not runnning) any suggestions on what i should do next. from reading it seems that yellowsnow will not work. im wondering now if i even jailbroke it properly. it seemed succesful and i have the cydia app on it?