Disgusted with iPhone


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Nov 1, 2008
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Being a senior and loving to keep in touch with the kids and grandkids I was proud as punch to walk out of the ATT store with the ultimate in cell phones. The kids were all jealous. I went in to upgrade because I was having problems with my old phone, certainly not to get the new iphone. With my old cell phone they could send me pictures of them just goofing off or I could show them the sites of where we were. The sales person showed me how great the camera worked, I even took a picture of him and it was great. Of course we didn't try to send it anywhere. Imagine my frustration when my granddaughter sent me a picture of her in her Halloween costume and I couldn't find it. I have called the company and have figured out how to do it but the whole process is disgusting. I couldn't believe that I wasn't misunderstanding. It simply can't be that complicated to view a picture. I kept saying that to each representative and they kept repeating in monotone that iphone does not have the capability to view pictures like my old phone. Who keeps a pen and pencil in hand to write all the letters and numbers down and then log in to see a picture on a cell phone and then when I got it there was no way to save it. I bought my granddaughter a camera phone and put her on my plan so we could send the pictures back and forth. Now forget it. I don't want her to send them on the phone. If I can get to them they are gone in a day or two. What good is that. I hope a representative of AT&T calls me. I want my money back for the phone and out of the extra $30.00 a month for the next two years. I can't believe that sales person even was aware of this problem or he certainly wouldn't have sold me an iphone.

Rene Ritchie

Old Man Ritchie
Jan 12, 2007
The iPhone can send and receive photos via email, or can upload and browse them via the web.

It doesn't support MMS, however, which is what feature (standard) phones and many (most?) other smartphones use to exchange pictures.

AT&T should have explained that to you prior to selling you the iPhone.

No single phone (or gadget) does everything or is everything to everyone. They each have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. I can't imagine the frustration you're feeling being stuck in a situation where you have the wrong tool for the job.

I hope you can exchange your iPhone for a handset that supports MMS so you can enjoy your grand daughters photos.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Just a note, you can save pictures from web pages and email by touching and holding your finger down for a few seconds. It then brings up a menu which allows you to save it to the camera roll.


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Nov 1, 2008
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Saving Photos

Thanks for the tip on saving texted photos. If that works it will help a lot. Can I then save it on my computer?


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
i really hope one day apple will release an update that u can have MMS. anyone think that will ever happen?

Doubtful but you never know. I recently was using MMS on another phone and I have to say it is way over rated. So much so that I started email photos from that phone as well and left MMS alone. Garbage quality, unreliable delivery, etc... stick with emailing photos. You will thank me later.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
The best thing would be to have att setup an option that allows MMS sent to your phone FWD to an email inbox of your choice. That would solve the MMS issues right there.

Because you can easily send MMS out just by sending to the phone email address vs just the phone number...for example someone on att you just do 3055551234@mms.att.net.

So I think this is something ATT should do to fix, not apple.


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Oct 27, 2008
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Caveat Emptor anybody?

If the salesperson specifically told you that you could do that on the iPhone, then I really do feel sorry for you. However, in today's internet age, a wealth of free info is available to help the consumer make an informed decision.

If you're about to purchase something that you'll be using on a daily basis, you really should put in the time to research what's out there, and not just rely on a salesperson who may not know (or care) about what a product does. Their job is to make the sale. If sending pictures via MMS is so important to you, you should've specifically asked about that feature.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2008
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I really can't disagree with you; it does suck that this otherwise wonderful device can't do MMS -- but isn't MMS going to go the way of the dodo? I thought I heard someone (can't remember who) say on these forums that MMS was an obsolete technology that is soon to be phased out?


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008

I really can't disagree with you; it does suck that this otherwise wonderful device can't do MMS -- but isn't MMS going to go the way of the dodo? I thought I heard someone (can't remember who) say on these forums that MMS was an obsolete technology that is soon to be phased out?

One reason it won't be phased out is b/c the phone company can make a lot more money charging you really high fees unlimited fees for sending low BW data or by the message vs 1 flat rate for all data.


Retired Moderator
Mar 27, 2005
One reason it won't be phased out is b/c the phone company can make a lot more money charging you really high fees unlimited fees for sending low BW data or by the message vs 1 flat rate for all data.

And that is just crazy how they can get away with that... especially with the garbage quality that MMS offers. But as long as you have a messaging plan it does not cost anything extra. At least with AT&T. And you are right, it is not going anywhere. Sprint finally offers MMS via Windows Mobile devices. Something they never had up until the release of the HTC Diamond.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
And that is just crazy how they can get away with that... especially with the garbage quality that MMS offers. But as long as you have a messaging plan it does not cost anything extra. At least with AT&T. And you are right, it is not going anywhere. Sprint finally offers MMS via Windows Mobile devices. Something they never had up until the release of the HTC Diamond.

Luckily more and more of my friends have iPhones so MMS isn't really a problem :)

Death to MMS!

The Radness

Nov 3, 2008
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MMS was my mine gripe with the iphone, but after I got one I noticed thats it wasn't really that big of a deal.........but now I have to gather up everyones E-mail adds.

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