Delete some photos completely from Mac?


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Apr 10, 2015
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So the new Photos app has inspired me to finally organize my photos, but I'm running into a problem.... I can delete any number of photos from the Photos app and then from "recently deleted" but they still are showing in the iPhoto app on my mac. It seems like all I did was remove a hard link from the one app and the photos I thought I deleted, really aren't. I really want to clean house, not leave garbage in the closet. Must I do so in both places? And would that even really get rid of it. I've searched the inter webs and haven't found an answer yet. I'm not using iCloud for this at all. Does anyone know?


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Apr 10, 2015
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Thanks for the link, and I did read it. I also read "How to delete, recover, and eradicate pictures and videos in Photos for OS X".

I still don't see an answer to my question in those articles though.

I'm not using iCloud for Photos or iPhotos and don't intend to. I'm using my Mac which has photos in iPhoto and then those got imported into the new Photos app.

If I want to delete a photo completely off my Mac, how am I supposed to do that under the above scenario?

I've already tried deleting the photo from the new Photos app and then deleted the "Recently Deleted". When I look in iPhoto, the photo is still there.

How do I get it completely off the Mac? What is the best process? I'm really talking about getting rid of the junk. I don't want to have to do it twice. And again, if I were to, would it really be gone from the "container" and please don't bring iCloud into any of this, I'm not interested in that.

I'm starting to wish I hadn't upgraded until I sorted this all out first.

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