Can I Return a Phone From Walmart to Apple Store?

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Jan 25, 2013
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I picked up a new iphone 5 and am amazed overall by the phone.

I have babied this phone, keeping it in a case and using a screen protector the entire time. I didn't really follow the roll-out closely at all, but for whatever reason, I knew that scratches were a potential problem with this phone (intuition? recollection of stories about scuffgate I barely paid attention to months ago?).

Sure enough, within a few days, I've discovered some scuffs around the lightning port. I am truly mystified by this. The port was used once to activate the phone, a second time to transfer some data from my previous phone, and once more to charge it. Before I charged it, I checked the port, just out of curiosity to inspect and appreciate the phone, and voila, scratches.

I can't fathom how such light use could cause scratches to the case. I used the usb port on my previous phone many hundreds of times, and the port and surrounding area show no scratches. One week and less than a handful of uses, and the iphone is scuffed noticeably.

I can exchange it at walmart if they have stock, but if they don't, I would have to go to an apple store. Will they exchange an iphone in this type of situation? It's possible the scratches were present initially, but I think it's much more likely that the phone suffered scratches as a result of completely normal lightning port use.


Sep 7, 2010
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Like mentioned before, warranty work on the iPhone can (and should) be done in the Apple store. Your scratches issue will probably be something they deny you, and it shouldn't be surprising, when you take delivery of the product, and you walk away with it after purchase, you could easily have scraped it against something or dropped it...and if Apple started replacing every phone that these kinds of things happened to, especially when the person didn't buy the Apple Care + plan, they'd literally go bankrupt before the next iPhone release.

Give it a shot though, Apple's customer service is second to none, and I've seen them jump through hoops to make customers might get lucky.


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Jan 25, 2013
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Thanks. The Apple store will not do an exchange. Walmart will accept a return, and hopefully they will have some phones in stock when I'm able to go in this weekend.


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Aug 22, 2012
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What a mess a phone that scratche easily and apple is not covering their own mistake. I'm happy I reupgrade with the iPhone 4S for the second time let's hope that the next version of iPhone will be better built and scratch and ding resistant or else I might consider staying for a long while with the 4S or switch to one of the newest blackberry.ImageUploadedByiMore Forums1359216543.214870.jpg


Sep 7, 2010
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What a mess a phone that scratche easily and apple is not covering their own mistake. I'm happy I reupgrade with the iPhone 4S for the second time let's hope that the next version of iPhone will be better built and scratch and ding resistant or else I might consider staying for a long while with the 4S or switch to one of the newest blackberry.

Don't let the door hit ya...


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Jan 25, 2013
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The store allowed an exchange, but the second phone is scratched right out of the box. I inspected the item in store, and while it seemed the phone had some dirt and lint (not quite sure why this would be the case, as it was a new, sealed phone), as I brought it home, I was treated to a nasty surprise: the dirt was not dirt after all; it was gleaming aluminum alloy with it's anodization scratched in multiple spots along the chamfer top right and side right.

This is heartbreaking, as it is my introduction to the iphone! Apple won't up to any issue: as long as the phone works, they won't do anything for me.


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Jan 11, 2011
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The store allowed an exchange, but the second phone is scratched right out of the box. I inspected the item in store, and while it seemed the phone had some dirt and lint (not quite sure why this would be the case, as it was a new, sealed phone), as I brought it home, I was treated to a nasty surprise: the dirt was not dirt after all; it was gleaming aluminum alloy with it's anodization scratched in multiple spots along the chamfer top right and side right.

This is heartbreaking, as it is my introduction to the iphone! Apple won't up to any issue: as long as the phone works, they won't do anything for me.

If you saw some dirt or lint in the store while you inspected it you should have mentioned it right then and there.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2013
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I DID mention that the phone was dirty. I thought it would be a simple measure of wiping the phone clean with a cloth once I got home. I was wrong. How much does apple pay you to post on this site?


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Jan 25, 2013
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What did the sales guy say when you mentioned it was dirty?

Nothing. Just helped me finish the exchange. I mentioned it in a joking fashion. I was certain it was dirt, no big deal, just a minor issue I would take care of later at home.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2011
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Actually Sean's post was the most intellectual comment.

These phones don't scratch themselves.

It's scratched... You scratched it.

Be part of the solution not the problem....


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2013
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Wrong. Comments can't be 'intellectual.' Intellectual is either a noun or adjective which describes a person, not a comment. In addition, even if you had used the term intellectual correctly, which you didn't, an intellectual comment is not necessarily an accurate observation.

On top of all of that, the phone was scratched out of the box. Therefore, not only do you not know how to use nouns and adjectives properly, you have also failed in basic reading comprehension.

You will be taken seriously when you learn how to read, write and use the english language. The solution for you is to return to school to take a course, most likely several, in basic grammar and reading comprehension.

You're welcome.

Actually Sean's post was the most intellectual comment.

These phones don't scratch themselves.

It's scratched... You scratched it.

Be part of the solution not the problem....


Sep 7, 2010
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Wrong. Comments can't be 'intellectual.' Intellectual is either a noun or adjective which describes a person, not a comment. In addition, even if you had used the term intellectual correctly, which you didn't, an intellectual comment is not necessarily an accurate observation.

On top of all of that, the phone was scratched out of the box. Therefore, not only do you not know how to use nouns and adjectives properly, you have also failed in basic reading comprehension.

You will be taken seriously when you learn how to read, write and use the english language. The solution for you is to return to school to take a course, most likely several, in basic grammar and reading comprehension.

You're welcome.

I'd go on and on about what it would take for you to be taken seriously, but you won't be here long enough to actually see it through... ;)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2011
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Thanks for the English lesson.

Big help there.

Your phone was not scratched out of the box. Your full of it. You would have noticed right away. It's was after you scratched the phone with your lightning connector that you noticed the scratches. Anyone who would complain of scratches would have noticed immediately not after a data transfer and a full charge. Your telling me you never looked at the bottom of the phone before the 3rd time using it. Admit it, you scratched your phone. Try practicing accountability it goes a long way. Your in that I have improper English.. Try looking at yourself.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2011
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This is heartbreaking, as it is my introduction to the iphone! Apple won't up to any issue: as long as the phone works, they won't do anything for me.

1st off read this ^^^^ , your English ain't so hot either.


Your telling me after you damaged your first phone Apple gives you a new one and you don't even bother to inspect it until you get home.


Gene pool kinda small over there or what ????

You walked out of the store with a damaged phone, you deserve what you get son.

Life is not always fair, be on your game.
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