Blackberry to iPhone


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Oct 9, 2011
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I'm also coming from BlackBerry, though this isn't my first switch. I had a Pearl 8100 that I left for the 3GS and then after I cracked my 3GS screen and the phone just ... died, I went back to BlackBerry. Now I'm back with the 4S and plan on staying for a long time. iPhones just work and do so beautifully.


Oct 20, 2011
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If you miss BBM, have your contacts sign up for an account with GroupMe. It goes through your SMS texts. I was a mod in a BBM group, but I'm about to jump ship for iPhone and one of the other mods jumped ship to Android. A few of us signed up for GroupMe and each group is assigned a phone number. You text that number and it goes to all members of the group. You can use the app or you can have it delivered via SMS.

BBM was one of the only reasons I was staying until I found that.

That is good to know.. I am going to see if i can get them to sign up for this. This would be a great feature and i would never ever think about going back to bb for bbm again.


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Oct 27, 2011
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I am about to make the switch as well. I went out and bought the 9930, for full price after dealing with issues with my DroidX, and am totally regretting my decision.. All the phone has is a touch screen and keyboard. The "app world" is laughable, how can you not have a calorie counter or tumblr app?!

Hopefully it will be a smooth transition.


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Oct 11, 2011
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I am about to make the switch as well. I went out and bought the 9930, for full price after dealing with issues with my DroidX, and am totally regretting my decision.. All the phone has is a touch screen and keyboard. The "app world" is laughable, how can you not have a calorie counter or tumblr app?!

Hopefully it will be a smooth transition.

dont feel bad cuz on aug 21 i was at sprint store buying a 9930 at full price. after about a month i felt like i had another normal blackberry. yeach touchscreen was smooth and nice and keyboard too. but apps suck on app world and so many of my bbm contacts are gone to iphone or android. so decision was easy for me. i paid $525 for 9930. but i sold 9650 for $150 and an old 8530 for $50 i got 9930 new for $325 after all of that. so what i did to get iphone4S was to add an extra line to my sprint family...paid $213 for iphone. i sold my ipod touch gen 4 32gb for $225 on used in MINT conditions. i sold it since i have an iphone now why have it u know. then 2 days ago i sold my 9930 used MINT conditions on amazon for $400. then i called sprint. cancelled new line and transferred iphone to my blackberry line. yeah i paid $350 ETF fees. so after this whole mission i had $62 dollars in my pockets...LoL sorry if i confused anyone. i dont regret it one bit...totally love my iphone 4s.


Oct 12, 2011
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I've had mine about 24 hours now. Typical Rogers issue with switching from bberry to iphone service, but since that's done, all is pretty good. I do miss the physical keyboard, but am getting used to it and battery life seems very good so far


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Oct 11, 2011
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i got the iphone4s on october october 15 i didnt miss the physical keyboard anymore. apple hands down makes the best and most accurate touchscreen


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Oct 11, 2011
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i love it how it memorizes what you type and how you type it. my wife name is stephanie...but we all call her bibi. i remember 1st time typing bibi it tried to fix it for me with another word..i hit the X and now everything i type bib it adds the last i that


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Oct 7, 2011
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Just got my first iPhone yesterday. I have been a BB user for over 4 years. Have nothing bad to say about BB, just needed to try something different. So far the experience has been great, but will have to adjust to the different battery life. Love the speed!


Oct 12, 2011
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Ok folks, I have one for you. I used to use this neat little program for BlackBerry called "ontocalendar" - it was a great way to take an email and create a calendar entry from that email. a great reminder tool (it could do the same for tasks) - any ideas if I can do that on my iphone 4s??


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Oct 19, 2011
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I came from a 9700 because AT&T still has not released the 9900, and I have no regrets! Thought I would miss the physical keyboard, but I don't! I do wish there was some sort of customizable notification LED like BlackBerrys had, but it's not a deal breaker. Loving the 4S!


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Jun 16, 2011
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I officially ported out my tmobile number that was connected to my bb this past Wednesday, its official I will be sticking with my iphone. :)

Any advice on the easiest way to transfer my notes from my bb to my iphone? I tried desktop manager but the mac version always gives me issues.


Aug 26, 2011
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I had 4 BlackBerries from the past and I also love this phone.

I'm just having a hard time's been months and I'm still not used to the keyboard. Sarfari on the iPhone is superior to BB's crappy browser (I can't even stand the loading bar).


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Oct 7, 2011
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Love the iPhone 4S but miss the separate customized EMAIL notifications

Long time BB user and addict with a MacBook pro, iPad and iPod touch, have recently gone all-Apple (as of October 14th with our first iPhones, the 4S). Very sad to leave T-Mobile and our unlimited plans but they are the only carrier to not offer the iPhone. :( Was going to try the 9900 since it is a touchscreen/keyboard hybrid but we just took the leap in and went all-Apple.

Yes, I miss the physical keyboard on my 9700 and I tend to avoid writing emails on the iPhone because it just takes me so darn long and I am always hitting the wrong letters and end up backspacing all the time, whereas I would be sitting right in front of my laptop but would rather zip out emails on the BlackBerry. But I will just have to accept that it will take me a little longer to write emails and texts. ;)

I do miss a lot of the cool BB tricks but the only REAL issues for me are the email notifications. Would love if a CONTACT could be assigned a custom ringtone for email and if each EMAIL ACCOUNT (work, personal, etc.) could have a separate, custom ringtone. Right now I get the one tone and I have to check each email account to see which email is new. And I do have the notifications set to alert which is kind of a pain because I get 100's of email a day on two separate work emails, and I do use the pull-down to get the latest 10 unread emails but I still miss a lot of important emails that don't make the top ten list but come through at the same time, especially when cousin Steve is forwarding tons of joke emails to everyone and my personal email inbox is being bombarded.

Finally, since I do have two work emails and the rest are personal (individual) and a personal account shared with my husband, I would love if I could have separate signatures on each email account. I need the signature with my business address and contact info on my work emails but I definitely don't need my work address on any personal emails. I don't need cousin Steve getting a hold of my work email and forwarding more spam!

Overall, I do like the iPhone 4S a lot. I have been an iPod Touch and IPad user for a couple of years so I wasn't as blown away by its capabilities and apps like my husband was (LOL) but it is nice to be able to play Angry Birds without having to take out another device. And the CAMERA. The winner, hands down.

Finally, the personal hotspot option on the iPhone allows me to get rid of my Verizon MiFi device. Just hope the wifi works as well. Too bad the maximum data offered by AT&T is 4 GB and no unlimited plans are available anymore.


Sep 27, 2011
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Long time BB user and addict with a MacBook pro, iPad and iPod touch, have recently gone all-Apple (as of October 14th with our first iPhones, the 4S). Very sad to leave T-Mobile and our unlimited plans but they are the only carrier to not offer the iPhone. :( Was going to try the 9900 since it is a touchscreen/keyboard hybrid but we just took the leap in and went all-Apple.

Yes, I miss the physical keyboard on my 9700 and I tend to avoid writing emails on the iPhone because it just takes me so darn long and I am always hitting the wrong letters and end up backspacing all the time, whereas I would be sitting right in front of my laptop but would rather zip out emails on the BlackBerry. But I will just have to accept that it will take me a little longer to write emails and texts. ;)

I do miss a lot of the cool BB tricks but the only REAL issues for me are the email notifications. Would love if a CONTACT could be assigned a custom ringtone for email and if each EMAIL ACCOUNT (work, personal, etc.) could have a separate, custom ringtone. Right now I get the one tone and I have to check each email account to see which email is new. And I do have the notifications set to alert which is kind of a pain because I get 100's of email a day on two separate work emails, and I do use the pull-down to get the latest 10 unread emails but I still miss a lot of important emails that don't make the top ten list but come through at the same time, especially when cousin Steve is forwarding tons of joke emails to everyone and my personal email inbox is being bombarded.

Finally, since I do have two work emails and the rest are personal (individual) and a personal account shared with my husband, I would love if I could have separate signatures on each email account. I need the signature with my business address and contact info on my work emails but I definitely don't need my work address on any personal emails. I don't need cousin Steve getting a hold of my work email and forwarding more spam!

Overall, I do like the iPhone 4S a lot. I have been an iPod Touch and IPad user for a couple of years so I wasn't as blown away by its capabilities and apps like my husband was (LOL) but it is nice to be able to play Angry Birds without having to take out another device. And the CAMERA. The winner, hands down.

Finally, the personal hotspot option on the iPhone allows me to get rid of my Verizon MiFi device. Just hope the wifi works as well. Too bad the maximum data offered by AT&T is 4 GB and no unlimited plans are available anymore.

To help organize your multiple email alerts I personally use a free app called boxcar. It's a notifications app that can pretty much set up a specialized alert for individual email accounts. It may help.

Sent from my iPhone 10
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Sep 27, 2011
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I came from a 9700 because AT&T still has not released the 9900, and I have no regrets! Thought I would miss the physical keyboard, but I don't! I do wish there was some sort of customizable notification LED like BlackBerrys had, but it's not a deal breaker. Loving the 4S!

If you go to settings/general/accessibility there's a way to set up your led to flash whenever you get a notification.

Only one color but it's as close as you're going to get.

Sent from my iPhone 10


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2011
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Long time BB user and addict with a MacBook pro, iPad and iPod touch, have recently gone all-Apple (as of October 14th with our first iPhones, the 4S). Very sad to leave T-Mobile and our unlimited plans but they are the only carrier to not offer the iPhone. :( Was going to try the 9900 since it is a touchscreen/keyboard hybrid but we just took the leap in and went all-Apple.

Yes, I miss the physical keyboard on my 9700 and I tend to avoid writing emails on the iPhone because it just takes me so darn long and I am always hitting the wrong letters and end up backspacing all the time, whereas I would be sitting right in front of my laptop but would rather zip out emails on the BlackBerry. But I will just have to accept that it will take me a little longer to write emails and texts. ;)

I do miss a lot of the cool BB tricks but the only REAL issues for me are the email notifications. Would love if a CONTACT could be assigned a custom ringtone for email and if each EMAIL ACCOUNT (work, personal, etc.) could have a separate, custom ringtone. Right now I get the one tone and I have to check each email account to see which email is new. And I do have the notifications set to alert which is kind of a pain because I get 100's of email a day on two separate work emails, and I do use the pull-down to get the latest 10 unread emails but I still miss a lot of important emails that don't make the top ten list but come through at the same time, especially when cousin Steve is forwarding tons of joke emails to everyone and my personal email inbox is being bombarded.

Finally, since I do have two work emails and the rest are personal (individual) and a personal account shared with my husband, I would love if I could have separate signatures on each email account. I need the signature with my business address and contact info on my work emails but I definitely don't need my work address on any personal emails. I don't need cousin Steve getting a hold of my work email and forwarding more spam!

Overall, I do like the iPhone 4S a lot. I have been an iPod Touch and IPad user for a couple of years so I wasn't as blown away by its capabilities and apps like my husband was (LOL) but it is nice to be able to play Angry Birds without having to take out another device. And the CAMERA. The winner, hands down.

Finally, the personal hotspot option on the iPhone allows me to get rid of my Verizon MiFi device. Just hope the wifi works as well. Too bad the maximum data offered by AT&T is 4 GB and no unlimited plans are available anymore.

likewise...but as days go by i get used to it and totally appreciate the switch from blackberry to iphone. i dont know how good you are with smartphones. but with iphone...once you jailbreak its like a total whole new phone. it gets even better. once an offical ios5 jailbreak is out most of the stuff i missed on blackberry i shall be able to do on iphone.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2011
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To help organize your multiple email alerts I personally use a free app called boxcar. It's a notifications app that can pretty much set up a specialized alert for individual email accounts. It may help.

Sent from my iPhone 10

Cool, thanks for the tip! Will definitely check it out! :)

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