Been out of the game for a LONG time, help please


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Jan 26, 2009
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Hey everyone. I used to be into jailbreaking quite a lot a couple of years ago and jb'd my iPhone 4 on FW 4.0.1, learned how to SSH into it etc. Then I kind of stopped getting involved at all and just left my iPhone on FW 4.0.1. Today, however, my phone randomly decided to go into recovery mode and despite my efforts, I was left with no option but to restore. Now stupidly I just restored to the latest FW (even though I should've known better) and then I find out that there is currently no untethered jb available. So I just wondered if anyone was working on an iPhone 4 6.1.3 jb (not keen on tethered) as searches on google have left me frustrated - I don't know who to trust anyone after being 'out of the game'. Also, more generally, what have I missed? Any major jb apps which have been released and you can't live without (similar on scale to biteSMS), for when a jb eventually does come out. And what features of iOS 5 and 6 are the biggies which are worth looking into. God, I feel like an old man! Cheers.

TLDR - what's happening with an iPhone 4 6.1.3 untethered jb, anyone working on it? Release date? etc.


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Jan 1, 2013
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Oh gosh sorry to hear what happened ! I asked the same question for a friend. From what I was told by the Evasi0n team there are no plans for a JB until iOS7.


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
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Don't be so hard on yourself. If you had other options for upgrading, they remain. If you didn't, you had no choice but to upgrade to the newest. If you've been jailbroken for a while, there is a good possibility you have your old SHSH blobs stored on Cydia's servers. You can use redsn0w to query the server to find out which blobs they have stored for your device and choose to downgrade with them. I've done this to get a phone to 5.1.1, so I'm sure that build works if no others.

Nobody is going to be working on the 6.1.3. The window until iOS7 comes out isn't large enough to make the update worthwhile. Here's something to be aware of though: the 6.1.3 workaround for the 4 is a semi-untethered. It's not quite untethered, but not as unforgiving as tethered.

Your best first step is to query the servers and see which options you have available and decide from there.


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Jan 26, 2009
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Thanks! I'll have a check later but I'm quite liking iOS 6 (although BiteSMS, SBSettings and a few other tweaks are sorely missed) and I think the only SHSH blobs I stored were like 4.3 etc. Thanks though.


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
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It's always possible. But, the last couple jailbreaks have come from the same group of minds. Unless someone manages to find a bootrom exploit for the newer phones, you're unlikely to see anything released. And that task is not exactly expected to happen at any point.

If you chose "make my life easier" in Cydia when you first installed, it would have been saving your SHSH blobs for you. That's why I suggested the query. It'll give you a better idea of what the server already did for you.

What is it in iOS6 that you're enjoying? I'm trying to think back to remember which things were implemented in 5 and 6 that would be a jump from 4. I'm sure you're enjoying the better app support. 5 brought iMessage. 6 got rid of youtube and google maps and brought apple maps. I don't believe the 4 gained the panoramic integrated app.

If you'd like, I can go through the steps to rock the semi-untethered jailbreak for you. It just means it'll reboot as stock and you'll need to find a computer to reboot it into a jailbreak state.


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Jan 26, 2009
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Aha, nah it's okay, I won't waste your time. If I choose to take the plunge, I'll find a tutorial online.

Thanks for all your help!

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