Apple will not stand anymore in Front of Android / samsung


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May 26, 2014
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I usually stay out of threads like this, but this time I thought I might chime in. In the immortal words of ....The Joker, "Why so serious?". I have both devices (5s and Note3) and LIKE both devices (Apple/Samsung). They are totally different, but each are VERY good devices for what "I" use them for. There are times inwhich I enjoy the simplicity of Apple, but I aslo enjoy the complexity of Samsung.... ALL, I repeat ALL smartphones have pro's and con's. Just get the one you want and not worry about everyone else, it's just that simple. Who's on first?, Who's on second?, does it really matter anymore....There are just to many different types of smartphones out there for me to be faithful to one brand. I personally like to explore and not get trapped into one eco system because everybody else does.
I am FATHFUL to my Wife and Myself and that's it......Have a GREAT DAY....SMILE.

Totally RESPECT your opinion.

The USER INTERFACE and the general design of Apple IOS just looks simple but when it comes to customization, sharing files, it is the most complicated OS I have ever seen as restrictions all over there, meanwhile Android may just looks complex in its settings and interface, but it can simply serve your needs much better than apple in a very flexible way.

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Mar 31, 2012
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To me, it's almost impossible to get Samsung and Apple to settle their differences.

Samsung started all this Apple-copying in a way, so for Apple to forgive all of that and all future Samsung shenanigans? It would take major time before these two can settle...


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I usually stay out of threads like this, but this time I thought I might chime in. In the immortal words of ....The Joker, "Why so serious?". I have both devices (5s and Note3) and LIKE both devices (Apple/Samsung). They are totally different, but each are VERY good devices for what "I" use them for. There are times inwhich I enjoy the simplicity of Apple, but I aslo enjoy the complexity of Samsung.... ALL, I repeat ALL smartphones have pro's and con's. Just get the one you want and not worry about everyone else, it's just that simple. Who's on first?, Who's on second?, does it really matter anymore....There are just to many different types of smartphones out there for me to be faithful to one brand. I personally like to explore and not get trapped into one eco system because everybody else does.
I am FATHFUL to my Wife and Myself and that's it......Have a GREAT DAY....SMILE.

'Nuf said...:)


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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Totally RESPECT your opinion.

The USER INTERFACE and the general design of Apple IOS just looks simple
Simple and elegant is what a lot of people like and want, but not everyone.
but when it comes to customization, sharing files, it is the most complicated OS I have ever seen as restrictions all over there,
That depends on the method in which you're sharing your files.
meanwhile Android may just looks complex in its settings and interface, but it can simply serve your needs much better than apple in a very flexible way.

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Depending on your needs, the same can be said in regard to iOS. Both are appreciated by the people who prefer them, but neither is for everyone.

iOS Gravity

Well-known member
Sep 24, 2013
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To me, it's almost impossible to get Samsung and Apple to settle their differences.

Samsung started all this Apple-copying in a way, so for Apple to forgive all of that and all future Samsung shenanigans? It would take major time before these two can settle...

iOS 7 is based off of many other platforms too... Samsung also used to make the chips for Apple devices... Hmm...


Nov 6, 2011
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I usually stay out of threads like this, but this time I thought I might chime in. In the immortal words of ....The Joker, "Why so serious?". I have both devices (5s and Note3) and LIKE both devices (Apple/Samsung). They are totally different, but each are VERY good devices for what "I" use them for. There are times inwhich I enjoy the simplicity of Apple, but I aslo enjoy the complexity of Samsung.... ALL, I repeat ALL smartphones have pro's and con's. Just get the one you want and not worry about everyone else, it's just that simple. Who's on first?, Who's on second?, does it really matter anymore....There are just to many different types of smartphones out there for me to be faithful to one brand. I personally like to explore and not get trapped into one eco system because everybody else does.
I am FATHFUL to my Wife and Myself and that's it......Have a GREAT DAY....SMILE.

And sometimes, I'm not even faithful to my wife! Just kidding!

Well stated Spencer!!

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Jun 2, 2014
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I think this person goes by another name on

Samsung has not won anything in reality,they are just providing phones and products to those who are either not in a position to afford a better product,or blinded by by the misconceptions of what they give up with their free services.Yes they sell more world wide but there are more people world wide who can't afford one or the alternatives aren't available.

For now I own a Nokia 1520 WP 8.1 DP and came from a Galaxy world scoffing at all who would challenge it. How
childish I was to believe this nonsense .My desktop is a new 27" IMac and my mobile phone will be a iPhone just as soon as they come out with a 5.5" one. I don't own a tablet so my needs are for a phablet. This is why I use my 1520....I had all of the Galaxy series,and gladly traded them in for this one. Much better quality overall..but ....still not 100% happy with the os.

The Apple 🍎 ecosystem is solid and growing and is moving forward to being fully integrated across all platforms,and will achieve this sooner than any other platform.

Apple is known for quality over quantity and does come at a higher cost than Android,but it is the price tag that keeps it unavailable to many,and as such,the misconception that they have lost. They haven't,they are perfecting their ecosystem not fracturing it by giving away devices just to claim victory in sales....this victory is hollow...and only weak minded people continue to believe as the op does.

We as consumers have to look deeper at all of the platforms and see where they are headed by what they offer the end users now,and next year and beyond.

Apple isn't perfect,but overall they are still driving the market with each new device and operating systems they bring out....why...if they aren't leading in sales...quality..commitment to the public who use their products.

This is something you will never have from Samsung..why..because they don't give a rats **** about you after the sale,and while they are certainly more prolific in sales since they can give products away,more and more people are realizing that to use one they are missing out on many other things

If costs are all you care about,be happy with your cheap devices,learn to make do with them in your day to day life.but don't believe the bs Samsung is feeding you,because they will never be better at integration and quality than Apple,nor will they ever go out of their way to help you if you have issues with their products.



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May 26, 2014
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I think this person goes by another name on

Samsung has not won anything in reality,they are just providing phones and products to those who are either not in a position to afford a better product,or blinded by by the misconceptions of what they give up with their free services.Yes they sell more world wide but there are more people world wide who can't afford one or the alternatives aren't available.

For now I own a Nokia 1520 WP 8.1 DP and came from a Galaxy world scoffing at all who would challenge it. How
childish I was to believe this nonsense .My desktop is a new 27" IMac and my mobile phone will be a iPhone just as soon as they come out with a 5.5" one. I don't own a tablet so my needs are for a phablet. This is why I use my 1520....I had all of the Galaxy series,and gladly traded them in for this one. Much better quality overall..but ....still not 100% happy with the os.

The Apple ecosystem is solid and growing and is moving forward to being fully integrated across all platforms,and will achieve this sooner than any other platform.

Apple is known for quality over quantity and does come at a higher cost than Android,but it is the price tag that keeps it unavailable to many,and as such,the misconception that they have lost. They haven't,they are perfecting their ecosystem not fracturing it by giving away devices just to claim victory in sales....this victory is hollow...and only weak minded people continue to believe as the op does.

We as consumers have to look deeper at all of the platforms and see where they are headed by what they offer the end users now,and next year and beyond.

Apple isn't perfect,but overall they are still driving the market with each new device and operating systems they bring out....why...if they aren't leading in sales...quality..commitment to the public who use their products.

This is something you will never have from Samsung..why..because they don't give a rats **** about you after the sale,and while they are certainly more prolific in sales since they can give products away,more and more people are realizing that to use one they are missing out on many other things

If costs are all you care about,be happy with your cheap devices,learn to make do with them in your day to day life.but don't believe the bs Samsung is feeding you,because they will never be better at integration and quality than Apple,nor will they ever go out of their way to help you if you have issues with their products.


I will disregard all details but I will just comment on your claim that samsung is cheap devices and many people cannot afford apple devices.

It is to be noted that Samsung Galaxy Note 3?s price is around 544,98 dollars whereas iPhone 5 costs around 498,95 dollars.

While Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 price starts at 549 dollar whereas iPad air price starts at 440.

Although samsung devices are more expensive than the same category of I devices, most people still buy the most expensive, which has an important indicator.

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Apple Watch Champion
Jan 10, 2013
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For what it's worth..."One mans garbage, may be another mans treasure". People like what they like....PERIOD


Jun 2, 2014
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Disregard all details..? Gee...I would too if I had made your ridiculous statements. You have no argument,nor substance in your,silly rumination about Samsung winning anything.

Your price comparisons are not fully showing what a person actually gets with each.

Tell me,what brick & mortar store can you take any Samsung product into and have well trained staff assist you in setting it up properly and continue giving you support and training on?

How many Samsung devices are routinely given timely updates to after 1 product cycle then dropped after 2.

This support after the sale is factored into the Apple ecosystem and Samsung can not begin to comprehend this.

You point out cost differences as to show what I meant as to cheap..I suspect you don't know the difference between cheap and chintzy or why quality always cost more up front with Apple..typical Android brainwashed response.

You best go back and try to learn a little before opening your mouth again because you are woefully ignorant of many real facts.I can say this,because I was just like you not too long ago....

Let's talk quality for a while...

What Samsung phone do you believe is of the same or better build quality as a. IPhone?

The simple answer is none are. Sure they may look better to you,but quality goes further than skin deep. Now HTC build quality is even better than Samsung's,but we aren't discussing Nokia is better built than either of those,but again,that's for a different time too..

Samsung builds a cheaply assembled product without a care in the world for quality,why,simply because they can replace them easier than to build them to a higher standard. There getting to a point where their entire phone line is disposable

Yes..please disregard my comments,because you bring no substance to posts.



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May 26, 2014
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Disregard all details..? Gee...I would too if I had made your ridiculous statements. You have no argument,nor substance in your,silly rumination about Samsung winning anything.

Your price comparisons are not fully showing what a person actually gets with each.

Tell me,what brick & mortar store can you take any Samsung product into and have well trained staff assist you in setting it up properly and continue giving you support and training on?

How many Samsung devices are routinely given timely updates to after 1 product cycle then dropped after 2.

This support after the sale is factored into the Apple ecosystem and Samsung can not begin to comprehend this.

You point out cost differences as to show what I meant as to cheap..I suspect you don't know the difference between cheap and chintzy or why quality always cost more up front with Apple..typical Android brainwashed response.

You best go back and try to learn a little before opening your mouth again because you are woefully ignorant of many real facts.I can say this,because I was just like you not too long ago....

Let's talk quality for a while...

What Samsung phone do you believe is of the same or better build quality as a. IPhone?

The simple answer is none are. Sure they may look better to you,but quality goes further than skin deep. Now HTC build quality is even better than Samsung's,but we aren't discussing Nokia is better built than either of those,but again,that's for a different time too..

Samsung builds a cheaply assembled product without a care in the world for quality,why,simply because they can replace them easier than to build them to a higher standard. There getting to a point where their entire phone line is disposable

Yes..please disregard my comments,because you bring no substance to posts.


Thanks for your decent reply!

I did not mean to disregard or ignore your post or comments, I meant not to enter in a deeply detailed discussion and argument because if i will comment on your post it will take pages, just wanted to highlight that samsung devices are more expensive than their opponent apple devices, this is the end result two figures (i meant disregarding the many things on the top of my head i want to mention) sorry for this misunderstanding which might be caused by myself.

Yes apple material and manufacturing quality is much higher, but samsung offer much more features and a flexible operating system.

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Jun 2, 2014
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Thanks for your decent reply!

I did not mean to disregard or ignore your post or comments, I meant not to enter in a deeply detailed discussion and argument because if i will comment on your post it will take pages, just wanted to highlight that samsung devices are more expensive than their opponent apple devices, this is the end result two figures (i meant disregarding the many things on the top of my head i want to mention) sorry for this misunderstanding which might be caused by myself.

Yes apple material and manufacturing quality is much higher, but samsung offer much more features and a flexible operating system.

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No,in this you're sadly mistaken.

The os Samsung has is not as flexible,it only is if you root it. It is chocked full of useless bloat ware which cannot be removed unless you root it. Also it like IOS is basically locked down and since they have started installing e-fuses and Knox have pretty much eliminated the average person to change them. If not for the folks at xda and cydia neither would be changed.

Android on Samsung is a real hit or miss proposition and is known for more bugs,than anything from Apple. While it's so called flexibility of adding things like 3rd party keyboards and such may appeal to you,you are still at the mercy of the developers to ensure that it works across all carriers which many times it doesn't.
Once IOS 8 comes out IMHO you will see how it should work for a os.

In the end,believe Samsung is a better value if you want,but when you go to trade in a 2 year old Galaxy,see what the value really is...



Well-known member
Nov 12, 2012
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I love how this guy's calling himself a fan. I'm drinking the Windows Phone kool aid and I'm still a bigger iOS fan than you.


Jun 2, 2014
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I love how this guy's calling himself a fan. I'm drinking the Windows Phone kool aid and I'm still a bigger iOS fan than you.

Him or me?

I've got the 1520 because of the screen real-estate for now anyway. No tablets to stand in or laptops to use that are up to date.

That doesn't mean I can't enjoy a IOS phone or want one with a bigger screen. The lack of the larger screens is what has kept me using what I have and being detoxed from Google is why I have my Nokia..



Well-known member
Nov 12, 2012
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Him or me?

I've got the 1520 because of the screen real-estate for now anyway. No tablets to stand in or laptops to use that are up to date.

That doesn't mean I can't enjoy a IOS phone or want one with a bigger screen. The lack of the larger screens is what has kept me using what I have and being detoxed from Google is why I have my Nokia..


No, the OP. I'm a Windows Phone fan who likes a lot of aspects of iOS myself. With iOS 8, if they release a bigger screen I might actually consider it though I really don't like the aesthetics of the OS. Windows Phone is just too pretty and... Alive.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2013
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How is this thread still alive? The OP (seawhale) obviously made this to stir up a fight. It should be closed by now!

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