Am I the Only Person Having This HomePod Issue?


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Dec 19, 2011
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I have a pair of original HomePods. When I set them as the default output for my AppleTV4K, after about 8 hours or so, they no longer work for Apple Music. I ask for a song and I get “there was a problem with Apple Music, please try again.” The only way I can bring back Apple Music is to break the stereo pair. Then I re-pair them, but if I use them for AppleTV, the problem reoccurs. I’ve tried it with both of my AppleTV4K boxes, and the same thing happens.

I really love the Atmos audio with the HomePods, but I can’t use it because it breaks their first purpose, Apple Music.


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I have a pair of original HomePods. When I set them as the default output for my AppleTV4K, after about 8 hours or so, they no longer work for Apple Music. I ask for a song and I get “there was a problem with Apple Music, please try again.” The only way I can bring back Apple Music is to break the stereo pair. Then I re-pair them, but if I use them for AppleTV, the problem reoccurs. I’ve tried it with both of my AppleTV4K boxes, and the same thing happens.

I really love the Atmos audio with the HomePods, but I can’t use it because it breaks their first purpose, Apple Music.

I doubt you’re the only one who has experienced that, but I only have one original HomePod so I’m unable to see if I can replicate the issue. I do, however, have two HomePod Minis. I’m curious to see if they’ll act in the same manner. I’ll try to test it out and then get back to you with the results.


Jun 2, 2011
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I had an issue similar to this when I first got my OG HomePod a few months back. Come to find out it was my internet provider. I had Boingo when I moved into this apartment, since it was a convenience provided by the community. The issue was that Boingo’s network doesn’t show as a completely private network even though it was setup to be specific to each apartment home & that was conflicting with the HomePod settings. In order for them to work on that network, I needed to provide Boingo with the serial number or something for them. I ended up switching to FiOS a few days later, which is what I had before & I haven’t had any issues since.