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I am receiving other peoples photos in my iCloud photo stream!!!!

Aug 28, 2013
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I was wondering if anyone has had other peoples photos posted to their iCloud photo stream. The other day I open my photo app and noticed another person photos in my iCloud photo stream. I thought this was wired and kinda freaky. If I'm getting other people photos then someone else may be getting mine. I sent apple an email about this, but have not heard back from them.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2012
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I have to admit I have never heard of this occurring either.

With everything tied to an account, i'm not sure how those photos would appear in your account unless from a device you attached to your account.

Have you sold any Apple devices in the last few months or do you have other family members also with devices on this account?
Aug 28, 2013
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I have not sold any IOS devices and I'm the only one on the iCloud account. That's why receiving these photo on my iCloud photo feed kinda worries me. Does anyone think if I changed my iCloud account log in and password that would prevent this from happening. I have also noticed a few apps that show up under purchase that I never downloaded. I guess with the use of the cloud it was bound to happen. I have always used iPhones and did not think this would be possible either. I have not received anymore. I just wanted to get the iMore forum community opinion.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
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I have not sold any IOS devices and I'm the only one on the iCloud account. That's why receiving these photo on my iCloud photo feed kinda worries me. Does anyone think if I changed my iCloud account log in and password that would prevent this from happening. I have also noticed a few apps that show up under purchase that I never downloaded. I guess with the use of the cloud it was bound to happen. I have always used iPhones and did not think this would be possible either. I have not received anymore. I just wanted to get the iMore forum community opinion.

Another device has your iTunes email iCloud and password this is only way it could happen I would be worried because apps appearing means they could easy rack up a bill by purchasing content. I would change passwords ASAP

Sent from my iPhone using iMore Forums mobile app


Ambassador Team Leader, Senior Moderator
Jan 8, 2012
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I was wondering if anyone has had other peoples photos posted to their iCloud photo stream. The other day I open my photo app and noticed another person photos in my iCloud photo stream. I thought this was wired and kinda freaky. If I'm getting other people photos then someone else may be getting mine. I sent apple an email about this, but have not heard back from them.

Do you have "AirDrop" enabled? If so, is it possible that you or someone with access to your device knowingly or unknowingly accepted a few photos from nearby people with i-Devices with AirDrop capabilities?

John Yester

Moderator Team Leader
May 23, 2012
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I would call up Apple and go throw some trouble shooting.... Or take it in and have the visually see what's going on.


Oct 2, 2013
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A photo sharing glitch?

Sent from from my iPhone 5

Filip Vasilev

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Jan 10, 2015
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I am having the same problem!!! I think the photos were coming from people I had on Viber, there was a group discussion on Viber that I was part so many people that I don't know at all.
Suddenly I started seeing their pictures in my iPhone photo album! Clouds are awful! Disabling it all right now.


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Jan 30, 2015
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I might be having the same problem but I found three pics in my iPad Photo app in my "photo/albums/recently deleted" folder. One was a nudee of a female taken with a low resolution phone or camera (I only state that cause I know people will ask LOL). Definitely not my pics so I search the net and couldn't find others with the same exact issue. Definitely scary if pics do get mixed up in the cloud!


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May 21, 2015
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The same happened to me! I haven't been using iClod, as I'm fairly new to the Apple/Mac world. In my iPhoto when I click use iCloud suddenly other people's personal photos loaded up, including some VERY personal one, it's super freaky. :/
How can I contact apple or how did you sort out this problem?
I'm not even sure how to change iCloud password and don't really understand how it all works. Please enlighten me.
Thank you!


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Jun 18, 2015
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My wife and I are also receiving other peoples photos. They are the same photos on both phones and I tracked the photos down to a co-worker. The first time I received about 60 photos to my recently deleted folder and the second time I received about 150 photos. The first time I was about 3000 miles away from my co-worker, which made me think it is my icloud account. We both do not have airdrop or photsharing turned on and he never even deleted the photos I'm receiving. He contacted Apple about the problem and they said they will start a trouble ticket but haven't responded back and it's been over two months. So, he bought a new iphone one week ago and I haven't received any photos as of yet. He does have me as a contact but he doesn't have an icloud account. I personally thinks its a problem with IOS 8.3 and I'm waiting for the next update.


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Oct 28, 2015
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I received two photos on Sunday on both iPhones and into Photos via the Photostream. Apple was no help. Does anyone know a way to reverse tag the sender etc. One picture is a guy with a beard and the other a sunset. Don't look malicious but who knows came with the photos.


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Dec 28, 2015
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I JUST had the same thing happen this morning. two photos, one of a ski resort setting with many people, the other of a guy taking a photo of himself reflecting in his ski helmet. It freaked me out.


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Dec 28, 2015
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I have figured out my situation. Though I have all of my iCloud photo sharing settings OFF and have always had them OFF, the photos came through Whatsapp - a texting app. When he sent them through that app, they automatically downloaded onto my camera roll. Just wanted to share in case it helps anyone in their mystery photos appearing.


Oct 2, 2013
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I have figured out my situation. Though I have all of my iCloud photo sharing settings OFF and have always had them OFF, the photos came through Whatsapp - a texting app. When he sent them through that app, they automatically downloaded onto my camera roll. Just wanted to share in case it helps anyone in their mystery photos appearing.

Thanks for sharing that. I don't use WhatsApp. But many here do.


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Nov 16, 2016
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I had the exact same experience. And it felt pretty creepy !!
My exact thought was - where the F** does my photo end up then?
I switched the Apple ID password right away - But they kept turning up.
Then I turned to different chat apps, and realised that I was in a massive group chat on Whatsapp, and somehow the function "save media" was switched on. I have now switched that off - and it seems to have done the trick.
good luck!


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Oct 2, 2017
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I was wondering if anyone has had other peoples photos posted to their iCloud photo stream. The other day I open my photo app and noticed another person photos in my iCloud photo stream. I thought this was wired and kinda freaky. If I'm getting other people photos then someone else may be getting mine. I sent apple an email about this, but have not heard back from them.

I am suddenly receiving other peoples photos in my peoples folder as well and I too wonder if my photos are being shown in other proples photos as well. I have a Windows Phone. kinda scary!


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Oct 16, 2017
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I Just started receiving someone else's pictures in my stream. I am the only one with devices on my device list through iCloud, (an iPad iPhone and a mac) I called Apple and they said that they have never heard of this happening. it was taken from an iPhone 4(i don't own one). And Apple said that they could be from me saving from the web. Does anyone know how to find out which of my devices that it came from? These pictures are also inappropriate. There is NO WAY they are something I would keep.

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