World War Discussion

Use a name

Feb 15, 2010
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Max Sanctions

I play this game lot, and I'm amazed at the amount of religious freaks who play this game and their foul mouths. They swear and quote bible versus, tell people of their wrong doings and warn them of impending hell suffering that will follow death if they don't conform.

So I guess this message goes out to those poor people who've had their uneducated minds brainwashed by their parents into believing in some make believe "God" in the sky.

Do your research, think for yourself and live a life! Don't follow one!


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Mar 15, 2010
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I've been playing for about 3 weeks myself and a trick I know some folk do is get they're ally mates to add them to sanctions before bed, then , when they're attacked there, they have no health after and so ppl can't " farm " your money while you sleep.
Oh and on farming... I learnt the hard way that over 3 attacks on anyone with money is considered " farming " and ppl get really REALLY R E A L L Y ****ty LOL :) add me jtduxd


Jan 22, 2010
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I am sad to see these people that seem to think that they need to attack people to get their health below 27 so people won't attack them and take their money during the night hours while they sleep. This is the only storm8 game that you can protect yourself enough to not lose to others of your level and number of allies. I have been successfully camping without being farmed for 2 months now and i never bank my money. I guess it really isn't camping. I call it waiting around to be attacked. I have been at the same level for 2 1/2 months now just building up my income and defenses. Even before i got to my current level I wouldn't ever lose to almost anyone. How do you do this without the normal camping? It is easy but you can only really do it from levels 8-15.

First Buy income buildings Second, you must get some allies. 3 to start. Send your code to as many people in your level by going to "attack" and then taping on a players name and then on their comment wall ask them to add you and drop your code. Send out lots of requests but only add three. After getting those for allies you need to get 24 water Transports. These will give you some good defense while you are in a income building mode. Next buy more income buildings and start saving your money for tankers. You will need 24. During this time it is very important that you bank your money. When you get to 24 tankers then i would rotate between buying an income building, then a defensive building and then another tanker. When you get to 54 tankers then you can add more of the allies you have in waiting. add 5 more so you have 9 allies under your command. Keep buying a tanker, then a defensive building and then an income building. when you have 84 tankers add 5 more allies. 114 tankers add 5 more. do this in these increments until you have the max number of allies available for you level. Don't buy any infantry because they are worthless. land and air units are good but water units are the best defensive units. at level 8 you should max out at 40 allies, 9-45, 10-50, 11-55, 12-60 and so on and you need to arm all of these allies with six units each. at level 9 you should have 270 tankers. 10 -300. during this time. don't do any missions because it will cause you to level up. It is best to build in these lower levels and leveling up too soon can leave you in a level that you cannot afford the best defensive or attack units available. in these lower units we use tankers because they have no upkeep and high defense. once you have the maxed out allies and tankers start building your income and defense. I am doing this with the game i am playing on my ipod. I have 16,000 defense points at level 9. Only people who can beat me "by the numbers" have to be level 16 or higher and they have to be fully loaded. The last time i was sanctioned, i lost to one guy who was level 24 but i regularly beat attackers of level 30, 40 and one time i beat an attacker who was level 76, remember, I am level 9. I have an 82% win percentage and it is rising. I now only lose when sanctioned and i mostly don't lose to those attackers either. i have not lost a non sanctioned attack since i was early level 8 at the beginning of December. Because i don't lose, i don't need to bank my money. I spend it as i go, mostly on income and defense. before i level up to level 10my income will be close to 28 million and my defensive buildings will give me 20,000 points and with my tankers my defense will be around 25,000. at level 10. One last recommendation. buy just calculate it at the App store. it is 2 bucks and way worth every penny. you can find it at too but you must buy it at the app store. Happy Camping!!!


Apr 5, 2010
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Here is a dumb question

How is it that someone with the same level as me can fight with more people.


I am at level 14 with 133 alliance members. I can take 70 in to battle with 420 units.

Someone else at level 14 is bringing 1140 units into battle with 70 alliance members....

Anyone have any idea?



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Mar 27, 2010
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Getting Kicked

So far I've been a bit board but I don't understand the game yet. It's getting more interesting because I have a guy that won't leave me alone. I have sanctioned him a couple times but he keeps coming back. I have read a few sites but don't get a clear strategy so far how to kick this guy. I'm reading not to build up my force because of the maintenance costs but I'm not sure that is the right choice.

I have been busy buildings and building my alliance but feel like I need to get this guy back. As a result I have a few questions, that may I think indirectly will get me there. I understand sanctions from reading this forum.

1. If I see a person that I want to invite to my alliance, how can I get their alliance code? I have been just posting a comment asking them if they want to join up and posting my code, hoping they will send me a request to join. I would rather just invite them. There has to be a way.

2. Should I spend more time building my alliance or more time building my force (expensive).

3. Sometimes my alliance asks me to help them attack someone with a given name, but I have no clue how to do that because they don?t show up in the lists I see. How do I do this?

4. One of the guys that did a kill for me says the only way I can get the guy that has been attacking me is to sanction him. That doesn?t seem right. Seems like I can build more than this person has and take them out.

5. When I first joined the forum you mentioned that you look for people to attack. I have tried, looking at what they have in terms of resources but from what I can tell, you can?t really tell how much defense or attack points they have. I added all mine up and tried to compare before attaching but I?m still losing. What?s the clue?

6. Are honor point build only through missions or buying them?

7. Is it true that only people at my level can attack me? If that is the case then I should be able to build a better force and get them back, correct?

Thanks for your help.

lord kaan hfgbcp

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Apr 6, 2010
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hi all

Hello all. I just love world war and I play it more than my 360 buti hav some questions. I am lvl 15 generating about 334k income through buildings hourly. Should I start to farm at this level ? If so wat generating income buildings should I wear ? All feedback is greatly appreciated thanks to u all. Also add me to ur alliance my code can be found in my name but also here it is. HFGBCP

treboR JE29P*

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Apr 22, 2010
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Question about units

Been playing for about 5 months now. Addicted is more like it.

I'm Level 60, $300,000,000 per hour income.
97 alliance members

I'm still in the midst of camping, and have sold everything except for my Horizon Frigates. At that level, with that many in my alliance, how many should I have for a successful defense against possible attacks?

This is what I'm thinking:
60 x 5 = 300 allies x 6 = 1800 units?

is that right?


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Apr 27, 2010
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Been playing for about 5 months now. Addicted is more like it.

I'm Level 60, $300,000,000 per hour income.
97 alliance members

I'm still in the midst of camping, and have sold everything except for my Horizon Frigates. At that level, with that many in my alliance, how many should I have for a successful defense against possible attacks?

This is what I'm thinking:
60 x 5 = 300 allies x 6 = 1800 units?

is that right?

From my understanding, and reading everyones post and official in-game help, each of your alliance memebers can use your 6 best units for attack/defense, and you can only take 3 times your level of alliance members into battle with you. So what I'm thinking is

60*3=180 maximum number of alliance you can take with you to battle.

But you only have 97 alliances, so you're no where near max # of alliance for your level.

97*6=582 maximum number of units your alliance members can take.

If I'm wrong, lemme know


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Apr 27, 2010
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How is it that someone with the same level as me can fight with more people.


I am at level 14 with 133 alliance members. I can take 70 in to battle with 420 units.

Someone else at level 14 is bringing 1140 units into battle with 70 alliance members....

Anyone have any idea?


Those are probably defense building that are activating. In defense mode you do not need your alliance members to use them, they are independent.

attack me

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May 12, 2010
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1 Man Army Question

I have reached level 44, I have dropped all my alliance members so I am now solo, Alliance of 1.

I want to remain alone for now and keep my overhead to a min, and just focus on investing in money making buildings for a while.

I also want to be able to fend off any attackers at my level.

Can I be successful at this with enough defensive buildings and a few good defensive units as a solo player?

How many units can I actually use when Attacked? I think it is 6. So I baught 6 subs with the highest defense of all the units.

When getting attacked by someone, can they only use 1 alliance to attack me since I am an alliance of 1? this is a big question for me, or can they use all their alliance and the massive number of unitits? If I am solo, how many units can an enemy use to attack me with? I am hoping only 6 units as I only get to use 6?

What is my best move to win when being attacked as a solo alliance when i am level 44?


Jan 22, 2010
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Defense builings for defense

How come my buildings don't fight in battles? I just keep on losing like this :(

defense buildings only help when you are attacked. You cannot use them when you attack someone. It is very important that before you attack someone that you look at their profile, check out what units they have, how many allies they will be using and see if you have enough points to overtake the units the have plus their defensive buildings. Don't attack until you are sure you can overtake the combined points of usable units and deffensive buildings and never think your defensive buildings will help you when u attack because they just won't.


Jan 22, 2010
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This is a response to "attack me's" question. By the numbers. If you are a level 44 and you are attacked by someone who is maxed out with the best offensive units you will need to have a minimum of 180,000 defense points in structures only to beging to mount an effective defense. Honestly, you are going to be attacked a lot and you camping will be short lived by people who will try to farm you. You will move up levels very quickly whether you win or lose those battles.


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Jul 27, 2010
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Hi BadShah, All,

First of all, I am glad that you are trying hard and willing to get the real value of playing WW.

To answer your initial question, there is a WW discussion on IMMO forum.
There is an excel sheet that can help you identify the different aspects of your game play and where you should best invest your income.

My own learnings of the game are:
- reset your account multiple time when you start till you reach level 6 and see your code, WHY do you do this? simple answer to get a code that is easy enough for players to memorize and invite you, most players ignore strange codes like (ex. 9E8A4X2) however if your code is like (ex. MTT9MT) it is much easier and faster to memorize and invite you.
- Number of Alliance is a very very very important factor, you can utilize 5x of your level number (if you are level 10 you should have 50 members in your clan)
- WW is harder than the 'impressive iMobsters game' where each of your clan members will use 6 weapons in their attack or defense (so if you are in level 10 and you have 50 members they will use 300 weapons in attack or 300 weapons in defense), I am sure that by now you are aware that attack weapons are different than defense weapons.
- Make sure that you are fully armed with the full gear of defense and attack weapons of your level.
- Personal Experience: I have reset my account from level 32 to start all over because the above were not fullfilled, and I used to attack ppl till i got leveled up and suddenly my weapons upkeep is more than my income and i was stuck.
- No I am level 8 with net income of 80,000,000 and NO UPKEEP.
- Defense buildings are MANDATORY, as they are ADDED to your defense weapons, so if your total defense weapons points is 5000 and you have buildings that provide 3000 points, your total will be 8000 defense points. Why all this? Imagine you attach a level 20 guy and grab 200K x 3 attacks, and when he find that you are level 8, he will have no other choice other than sanction you, in that case you will find that the at least 35-50% of the sanction attackers will LOSE and you won't loose any of your cash.
My example is given for level 8 so imagine how can you be in level 20 ?! you will be untouchable most of the time during your game play.
- Do not Vault (bank) your money, as the amount of 10% cut off your deposite will be more than the % of money loss due to attack on you, IF you had that powerfull defense, in my level 8 I can lose upto 15,000 per attack on me, IF THEY CAN ATTACK ME.
- Now I will start o level up and give the guys some hard time :D:D:D

- Honor Points: you can use the Honor points to get cash or loot weapons, my advise is: if you are making net cash up to 5,000,000 then use the HP you have to get cash from the president to be able to build more properties that will help you cover your upkeep when you level up, once you are making 30-40 Millions net then you can start using any HP you have left to buy loot weapons (very weak recommendation) they will make a difference for your attack power specially if you attack guys of your level who are fully geared with the level weapons, but as i said before the DEFENSE buildings can make you life difficult to attack them.

My own stats as an example:
Level: 8
Income: 80,000,000 per hour
Attack points: 20,000
Defense Points: Units 6000, Buildings 30,000 TOTAL Defense: 36,000

I can easily attack some of the level 25 guys :D:D:D

they have no option other than putting me on sanction list and in my worst case if the keep on listing me, i loose 150-300K per day (around 15,000 per attack if i lose the fight) !! because Sanction also has a daily maximum i think it is like 30-40 times.

(Another Catch: if you have a very powerful setup as I have done, be aware that every attack they do and loose, you win! and that my friend will push you to level up so quickly and start to be vulnerable to attacks and money loss, so my advise, at the beginning CHOOSE who you want to hit, preferable hit only when needed and hit ATMs:p)

Imagine you are level 8 and your level 20 friend asks you to hit someone for him, because he cannot??!



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Aug 13, 2010
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World war certainly is an addicting game. For me, the best part is joining a "clan". Clans are essential to growing strong. My clan, Flaming Skulls, is one of the best there is. We are a camping clan, dedicated to protecting it's members while they camp from farmers, sanctioners, and all-around bullies. We are accepting new members if anyone is interested. Very few requirements. Just contact me, my code is 4HT5SK. We could all use some bully protection :)


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Aug 27, 2010
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I dunno about this database but all I do is divide the cost of the building by it's return. For example if one money making building costs 1m to build and nets u 10,000, it equals 100. that's 100 hours to return it's investment. You could have a far cheaper building, say 50,000 that gives 1,000 per hour, that equals 50 so the return is much quicker. For defence buildings you divide the same way to get the value in dollars per defence point, the smaller the number in both cases, the better. Don't forget when buying to adjust the figures for multiple buildings.
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