World War Discussion


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Jul 13, 2009
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I disabled Push for all the Storm 8 games and haven't had an issue with battery life or any issues with the game. The only thing push really did was let me know that I was attacked or had a comment so I didn't really need it. I just check manually whenever I have time.

Interesting - I'll have to check this out. Wonder if I reinstall World War that my account will still be there or I will be back to square one.


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Jul 13, 2009
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Still building up my income producing buildings...what units do you guys stock-pile on to actually battle people? I'm level 11 but I can't really find too many people that I can actually defeat consistently.


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Jul 20, 2009
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Still building up my income producing buildings...what units do you guys stock-pile on to actually battle people? I'm level 11 but I can't really find too many people that I can actually defeat consistently.

I always look for the unit with the highest attack and highest defense and try to buy the max of each. Right now, the highest attack is a B2 bomber with 110 attack and the highest defense is an aircraft carrier at 60 defense.

Since I have an alliance of 34, I have 102 carriers which is the max amount of units I can attack/defend with right now. I'm still building my defense through buildings now, and then I'll work on buying the B2s.

Also, when buying buildings, I look at how much it costs me for each "defense point). For example, I can buy a mine for $10 million and get 50defense points which is $200,000 per defense point. All of the other defense buildings are much "cheaper per defense point" (<$150,000) so I'm stocking up on those for now. This strategy can also work for income producing buildings.


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Jul 22, 2009
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Link to check out

Hello, I too was having proplems with this game resulting from leveling too fast. I found this spreadsheet online you can fill out. It breaks down your income to help you financially spend smart on your buildings. It shows cost per defense point, including 10% increase fees, and cost of $1 per hour income. it shows you where the greatest 'buy' is. Makes sense, why buy a guard tower for 10 defense for 200,000 when you can buy 5 bunkers for 180,000 and get 15 defense. anyways check it out


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Jul 3, 2009
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I've been hanging out at the justcalcit website for a few days now. It is a very useful tool for figuring what to buy, in terms of real estate. I am using it now to build myself up financially. Once I am content with that, I will start defending my base.

Someone ingame, who's opinion I respect, told me to take a break from leveling/fighting, and build myself up in this way. So I sold off all my units, and since monday have been doing this. Hopefully by next monday I will be back, better than ever, to harass you all (non-Americans, that is).


P.S. Only since monday, my hourly is over 5 million, and growing.
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Jul 13, 2009
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I've been hanging out at the justcalcit website for a few days now. It is a very useful tool for figuring what to buy, in terms of real estate. I am using it now to build myself up financially. Once I am content with that, I will start defending my base.

Someone ingame, who's opinion I respect, told me to take a break from leveling/fighting, and build myself up in this way. So I sold off all my units, and since monday have been doing this. Hopefully by next monday I will be back, better than ever, to harass you all (non-Americans, that is).


P.S. Only since monday, my hourly is over 5 million, and growing.

You just sold off your units that have an upkeep? Just to try to grow your money as much as possible? What level are you? 5 million an hour is least it seems like that to me now since I'm pulling 200k an hour.


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Jul 3, 2009
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I'm level 43, but I leveled too fast. I kept doing missions and that kept pushing me higher and higher. Without the upkeep units my income is growing fast. The only thing I am not sure of is exactly when to quit building my income and start the defenses. My 'mentor' didn't tell me that.

Another issue I'd like to hear some discussion on: How do you distribute your points? Those 3 points per level... I mean. Do you raise your stats across the board, or concentrate on Attack/Defense, or how?

At the present time I am just letting the JustCalcIt website guide my growth. At some point I'll stop with the income building... not sure when. On an interesting sidenote: I do not miss when the hourly deposit is made. Every hour, at 20 minutes past, I move the monies into my vault. This means, literally, I have been awake each and every hour at 20 minutes after, for the last two weeks... :eek:

I'm Tired,
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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2009
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Hi, I also made the mistake of leveling too fast when I began. I am currently at level 17 and when i began to progress through the game, I noticed that I was not making nearly enough. Recently I came up with a strategy that seems to be working pretty well. I disbanded all my units that require upkeep except the Medics and Naval Tankers. Although Naval Tankers are not the units with the highest defense, the M80 Stilettos are extremely overpriced. Now that my only upkeep comes from Naval Tankers and Medics, I now make about 700K an hour, although an improvement, I am still no where close to others.

My strategy now is to keep purchasing profit-producing building until I am making at least 5 million an hour (although I was told to wait until I make 10 million an hour). After reaching my profit goal, I will then start to purchase offensive units. Since I am at level 17 my highest amount of allies is 85 even though I have about 110. This means I can only command 255 units. I plan to buy many B-1 Lancers and M80 Stilettos while maintaining a 5 million dollar pay rate.

I have been playing this game for a while now and I am truly addicted :)

I do have one question for which I have not found a definitive answer.
What exactly do the Defense and Attack Skill Points do? Are they the same as unit attack/defense and building defense (in which case they are pretty useless)? Or do they multiply your defense (in which case they are extremely, almost too helpful)?

Thanks in advance,
Alliance Code: KV85XT


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Jul 20, 2009
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Another issue I'd like to hear some discussion on: How do you distribute your points? Those 3 points per level... I mean. Do you raise your stats across the board, or concentrate on Attack/Defense, or how?

I just started to distribute 2 to defense and 1 to attack. Earlier in the game I kept adding to Energy, Health, and Ammo with some going to attack/defense occasionally. I am at Level 37 now, with 34 attack, 37 defense, 230 energy, 180 health, and 12 ammo. I think my health and ammo is more than enough for attacking now and I'm not doing any missions so thats why I focused on attack/defense.

In thinking about this though, I think I'm better off adding all to attack because I can "buy" defense buildings to add to my defense points with no max. However, I'm limited to attack according to level/alliance size and the max units attack points that is available to me so starting now I'll probably switch to all attack.

I do have one question for which I have not found a definitive answer.
What exactly do the Defense and Attack Skill Points do? Are they the same as unit attack/defense and building defense (in which case they are pretty useless)? Or do they multiply your defense (in which case they are extremely, almost too helpful)?

Good question. I doubt they would multiply your defense. I always assumed it would simply add 1 attack point for 1 attack skill point when you were attacking someone. Basically giving you some extra attack points above what your max units have.


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Jul 13, 2009
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What's the thinking behind leveling too fast? Why is this detrimental? I find doing the missions to be a good source of additional money at my current level (12).


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Jul 3, 2009
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The only problem I have had with leveling is finding myself surrounded by enemies that I can't ever hope to beat. I've had some levels where I made out OK, and others where I got my clock cleaned on a regular basis.

Otherwise, I don't know if it's all that bad. I do miss the extra income.


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Jul 23, 2009
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Leveling too fast is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. As you said you are faced with people that are way above your skill level and have the max attack and defense. Also, the money you make from doing missions is hardly anything compared to income from profit-producing buildings. Furthermore, missions require you to purchase useless units with money you could use to buy something more productive like a building.

Alliance Code: KV85XT


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Jul 23, 2009
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Good question. I doubt they would multiply your defense. I always assumed it would simply add 1 attack point for 1 attack skill point when you were attacking someone. Basically giving you some extra attack points above what your max units have.

If you think about it, one attack/defense point is basically nothing. If you add up all your defense points it's somewhere in the thousands and maybe even the ten thousands. Even if a battle was close, there is hardly any chance of being a single attack/defense point away from your opponent.

Alliance Code: KV85XT


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Jul 20, 2009
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If you think about it, one attack/defense point is basically nothing. If you add up all your defense points it's somewhere in the thousands and maybe even the ten thousands. Even if a battle was close, there is hardly any chance of being a single attack/defense point away from your opponent.

Alliance Code: KV85XT

Very true. I think the attack/defense skill points are probably more important in games like imobsters and vampires where you can't buy extra defense buildings. On imobsters I have almost 50 extra defense points which really helps me when I'm attacked. They probably don't play much of a role in war.


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Jul 3, 2009
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Leveling too fast is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. As you said you are faced with people that are way above your skill level and have the max attack and defense. Also, the money you make from doing missions is hardly anything compared to income from profit-producing buildings. Furthermore, missions require you to purchase useless units with money you could use to buy something more productive like a building.

Alliance Code: KV85XT

Well said, Sir. I couldn't agree more. By the way, I tried to add you but you are already in my alliance. It's good to have you.

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Jul 13, 2009
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At your level and income - how much money do you get when you pay the 10 honor points to the president? I've been storing my points from the start and it seems to keep scaling higher as my income/level increases...only level 11 or 12 but I'm able to get $1.4m for 10 points - was just curious to see what you are able to get.


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Jul 3, 2009
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To be honest with you, I can't remember. I feel like it was about 6 million per each 10 Honor Points. I haven't received any lately, but I've been trying hard not to level, so maybe that's why.


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Jul 13, 2009
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Yeah, I've decided to forgoe leveling and stay at 12 for the time being - just getting my income going...around $350k an hour...slowly but surely. Started playing iMobsters as well which is a lot harder to get money going without leveling but its fun as well.


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Jul 20, 2009
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At your level and income - how much money do you get when you pay the 10 honor points to the president? I've been storing my points from the start and it seems to keep scaling higher as my income/level increases...only level 11 or 12 but I'm able to get $1.4m for 10 points - was just curious to see what you are able to get.

I'm at level 37 and the president is offering 9.589 million for 10 honor points. I have 80 that I'm holding onto until it gets higher as it keeps increasing.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
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The JustCalcIt website is the perfect tool for intelligently improving your financial infrastructure. I strongly suggest you take a look at it, if you want to build up. It also works the same way for your base defenses, but I have not started on that yet.

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