TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away - Day Three!

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Jun 18, 2009
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windows mobile = ew

I got a free first Gen iPod Touch last year as part of the student promo. I love it, but I wish it made calls!

I recently got a Verizon VX6900 (made by HTC), which is better than nothing, but just makes me want an iPhone more. Windows mobile is just so clunky!


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I would enjoy upgrading from the 3G to the 3Gs so that I may record a daily video blog of myself while I'm on the go and upload it to YouTube from the palm of my hand. I also would like the upgrade because from the day I got my 3G it's felt flemsy and weak. Then when I synced my phone it cracked to back of it. That's always been kinda depressing having a nice little butt on the back of your iPhone.


Jun 18, 2009
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Im ready for my iPhone 3GS!!!!!

Well I am an Mac/apple fan. I love to have the latest tech. I have wanted the iPhone since the first one came out but wasn't able to receive the up grade then. When that time came for the upgrade i was told of the 3G iPhone coming soon. So i got a silly samsung Blackjack instead to wait it out. well when the 3G came out i was not able to afford it then either (sadly one of my good friends were able and that was painful:(). Now the 3Gs is out and im back in school on a fixed income so this may just be my best bet of getting one. lol. Its funny because I check the site almost once a day and i know more about the iPhone than people who actullay have one. lol I did the twitter thing and now this. Id love to have the new iPhone and not be taken advantage of by att in another over priced 2 year sentence..I mean...contract. Winning this phone would be big deal for me. Looking to hear something soon. Thx!:D
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Why I would like an iPhone 3Gs.

My current phone is the cheapest model at&t offers. It has no features. I'm sure you are well aware of all the iPhone can do. Believe me, I salivate over it daily (All my friends have one, and I'm exposed to it all the time).


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I'm embarrassed to admit what kind of phone I use right now, but let's just say I'm in need of an upgrade. Most of my friends are fanatic iPhone users, so I've grown to love the phone through jealous observation, and I think I'm now financially ready to make the switch. However, the price tag is still quite daunting to a college student... hint hint. :)


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I believe that I am the person best suited person to get iPhone because, unfortunately, I had not had the opportunity to buy it cose of material circumstances. Therefore, it could very well assessed winning IPhone.
I have to say that I am a big Mac fan - my first computer was a Mac.
I follow up with IT developments and believe that the iPhone is very advenced mobile phone and give me a lot of freedom and new opportunities. I could listen to much music when I travel, I use twitter, writte, and often do read e-mails and it could greatly facilitate the use of the case.


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Feb 27, 2009
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I need a new iPhone upgrade because I have severely cracked my 3G screen. I was foolish and didn't have a case on it. I have learned from my mistakes though and even now have my cracked 3G in a slider. I promise I will do the same with the 32GB 3GS!


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32GB iPhone 3Gs Give Away

I bought the iPhone 2G back in December '07 and have loved every minute of the phone. I love the features that it has to offer. When the iPhone 3G came out i was going to upgrade, but waited till this new iphone to come out because of better amount of storage. I'm beginning to learn about 3.0 programming and can't really use all the API's on the 2G model. I don't own a video camera and the iPhone 3gS would be great to have to take video and edit at the same time. Please pick me for the new phone.


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Ok some one must have deleted my post please forgive me.

I would love win the 3Gs for my work mate as he dropped his last week and apple won't fix it, I would love to give this to him and I will also buy one myself, so please let this come true tipb. This is just perfect. So if I do win he won't have to cancel his plan. And loose all his stuff.

Thanks again for reading.


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the first iPhone i've got was one of the first ones here in Lithuania. i was proud, and the iPhone was happy to discover undiscovered countries. i've given him name similar to mine. and now ieverything's gone. i'm fired, my precious' iPhone's screen is broken, and they're not going to sell the 3Gs here for a months (or maybe forever). it's terrible, guys! give me some hope, fellas:)
skomantas, sincere follower from LT.


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Mar 11, 2008
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My #1 Reason

The #1 reason I want to upgrade? Capacity! I've had my 8GB fist gen iPhone since day 1 and I have loved every moment of it. It's been a real top notch device and even after nearly 2 years of use, and some accidental abuse. Can you say flying out of my lap across a blacktop parking lot face down? :eek: And that was just on day 2 but despite this and other calamities it still looks practically new. Bet no one will be saying that about a Pre 2 years from now when all their soft "real" keyboard keys are warn down, the letters are illegible, and the plastic screen is all scratched to hell. I will miss the metal back but I digress.

My iPhone first gen has been by far the best consumer device that I've ever owned but it's time to move on. I love it to death but 8GB just doesn't cut it anymore. At least I didn't settle for the 4GB which almost happened. After standing in line at an AT&T store on day one they ran out of 8GB 2 people ahead of me. I nearly settled for 4GB just so I could have one in my hands. Wow that would have hurt, but a quick trip to a nearby Apple Store and I was one happy camper. :D

Now that I have nearly 2GB of apps but still want to use my iPhone for Music, Audio Books, Podcast, email, photos and everything else we love our iPhones for without having to reshuffle my content constently. Needless to say, although there are several exciting features on the new iPhone 3G s, all of which I will put to good use, capacity is still my #1 reason for wanting to upgrade.
Jun 18, 2009
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How About Them Apples? OR Why I Should Win the 3G S

My loyalty to Apple began at age 8, when I used my underdeveloped persuasive skills to convince my mom to buy a Macintosh 128k from a nearby garage sale. I would retreat to my room for hours, pecking at the keys and pretending to be a scientist. Apparently, scientist spend a lot of time on Mac Paint. You can imagine my disappointment when the "happy computer" image changed to a "sick computer" image for the last time.

After my first computer's destruction, my father enforced a strict "no Macintosh under my roof" policy. Never mind that his PC crashed every two or three weeks, my ancient machine had gone to pot, which meant anything bearing an Apple logo was complete junk.

I spent my adolescence as a Mac addict in a PC world. I reveled any chance I got to use a Mac, but never got one to call my own. Salvation came in 2001, in the form of a little device called an iPod.

I was one of the first people to purchase an iPod in my state. The significant problem with this purchase was that I had no MP3s whatsoever. I bought the iPod simply because it was an Apple product that my father wouldn't recognize as such. Eventually, some music found its way onto my device.

I've been a chronic updater ever since. I've owned nearly a dozen different iPods from several generations. As soon as I went off to college, I bought an iBook, and have since upgraded that. I also own an iMac. I've stood in line for both the iPhone and the iPhone 3G.

Now, though, my Apple addiction takes second priority to a new part of my life: my burgeoning family. With a lovely new wife at home and a (hopefully lovely) baby on the way, upgrading my already-awesome phone seems pretty frivolous. Fighting against the impulse to camp out in front of the Apple store and drop a few hundred bucks has made this week especially trying.

I would love to win the 3G S so as to not break tradition, to add to my collection of Apple gear, and to quiet the nagging little voice that whispers buy it, buy it, buy it.


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I Would really like to make this my first Iphone, because I've always wanted to have one but just because I've been under contract with Sprint, i just haven't been able... I think this is the chance just because my contract is over already, and I'm tired of this Black Krzr that I've had for almost 2-3 yrs already. I know there are going to be a bunch of people that will say oh so now that you're not under contract with you don't switch to A&TT .. And I would love to, but I don't have the money to pay for an Iphone and then get under contract. I'm 21 Yr college student , that has been paying for all my classes since 05' , and currently Unemployed , trying to land a Job.

So after I read this Iphone 3G S contest, the other day I've been hoping, and praying every single night to be the winner so I could have my first Iphone ever.

Thanks so much, and God bless ya'll for doing this for people "like me" that has been Apple fans since their beginnings



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Jun 18, 2009
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I Would really like to make this my first Iphone, because I've always wanted to have one but just because I've been under contract with Sprint, i just haven't been able... I think this is the chance just because my contract is over already, and I'm tired of this Black Krzr that I've had for almost 2-3 yrs already. I know there are going to be a bunch of people that will say oh so now that you're not under contract with sprint, why you don't switch to A&TT .. And I would love to, but I don't have the money to pay for an Iphone and then get under contract. I'm 21 Yr college student , that has been paying for all my classes since 05' , and currently Unemployed , trying to land a Job.

So after I read this Iphone 3G S contest, the other day I've been hoping, and praying every single night to be the winner so I could have my first Iphone ever.

Thanks so much, and God bless ya'll for doing this for people "like me" that has been Apple fans since their beginnings



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I would love an iPhone 3GS for the fact that I think it is the best phone out there and would love to be able to call one mine. I have a 8GB 3G right now and it has been the best phone I have ever owned.


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Jun 18, 2009
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Why I want the iPhone 3G S?

I do not have one. But my wife has an iPod Touch. And I want one because it is simply, without question, the most amazing gadget I have ever seen.
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