TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away - Day Three!

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Dec 4, 2008
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Why I want to upgrade...

I want to upgrade because I want a faster smoother running iPhone. I have the iPhone 3G that is 16gb and I want the 32gb so that I can also have more apps and download movies. I have a 3 year old and a new baby on the way, having the opportunity to take videos of my kids whenever they're doing something cute.

One thing that I am most looking forward to using on the iPhone 3G S is that I can use the voice control. This is the one thing I miss from having my old windows mobile device that I ditched when I bought the original iPhone.


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Jun 18, 2009
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College Experience

I've started a web page to show how college students can tell an integrated story of their college experience through things like twitter, blogs, and youtube. I could really use the help of an iPhone 3Gs to show proof of concept on how easy it is to get students using things like twitter and youtube. There are a lot of people that have heard about these aspects of social networking, but they're hesitant to act on them because of the newness and mostly untested nature of the programs. Check out the concept at chrisacollins.com Can you help me out iPhone forums?


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Jun 18, 2009
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Need productivity boost

When my 1st gen iPhone switches over to the Edge network from Wi-fi my productivity takes a nose dive. While waiting for data to load, I sometimes fall asleep for hours. You can image that this is really putting a damper on my productivity at work. Hope the boss doesn't hear my snoring.

Sleepy 1st Gen User


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Jul 18, 2008
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Because I am addicted to smartphones. The problem is they are never "good enough" for me. Every phone I have ever owned has been hacked, whacked, and even my beloved 3g is jailbroken. I have come to admit I am a criminal for my jailbreaking and hacking addiction. I need help and I told the good lord that if I win this 3gs it would never ever be jailbroken or hacked. Please help me get my life on the straight and narrow!


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I have wanted an iPhone since they arrived, but had verizon and couldn't afford the phone or the data plan. I have since switched to AT&T but still don't have a smart phone. Of course, I want the iPhone for all of it's fun apps and camera, but I also want it for its Medical apps. I am going into my 3rd year of Pharmacy school and the iPhone will be very helpful on my rotations next spring.


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Jun 2, 2009
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I've been with TMobile for the last 5 years or so. Unfortunately, instead of getting better their coverage in my area has gotten worse. My first smart phone was the TMobile/HTC Wing.

Since getting the "smart" phone (it's running WinMo, I can only call it so smart :( ), I've found I don't think I can ever real go back to a normal phone, but I also cannot continue with the horrible memory leaks, slow downs, randomly botched syncs that leave my contacts and calendars empty, and pretty pitiful battery life of my WinMo Wing.

After looking over my calling & texting habits I can actually save money if I go to ATT ( ok, who gasped? ) b/c I can get the 450 minute package with unlimited mobile to mobile. Do I really only talk 450 min a month? No, nearly 3x that, but it's all to my girlfriend who is on ATT.

I had been trying to decide between a Blackberry and an iPhone for the last few weeks, but with the announcement of the iPhone 3GS, the faster processor & more ram, I was ready to make the plunge. The iPhone has the capacity to do everything I want, and then some ( if I jailbreak it ). I look forward to ditching TMo for an iPhone in 45 days ( August 2nd ).


Jul 31, 2008
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I'm really looking forward to the increased snappiness in just about everything. As I always say: the faster the better! (That's what she said. No wait...)


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Jun 18, 2009
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Currently I'm the owner of an iPod Touch and a Treo 650 and I've been continually frustrated with my Treo especially doing web browsing and syncing my google account. My iPod Touch, on the other hand, has been a dream to use and has vastly exceeded my expectations, practically replacing my laptop when traveling. The only downside, of course, is that I'm limited to Wireless hotspots.

The iPhone 3G S is the perfect solution to my problems - getting a mobile, 3G, powerful platform for staying in contact with my friends through syncing of data, social networks, and web browsing.


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I have been in love with my iphone ever since i took the leap on June 26, 2007 and dropped 6 hundo on my shiny, 2g iPhone. A year later when the 3g was released, its speed and gps features (and incredibly low price) drew me in, and my love affair only grew. I took fantastic care of it, never dropping it once, until, one day, i allowed a friend to check out all of its amazing capabilities and features. I watched as his face glow with amazement, and i also watched him drop it on the pavement, breaking its glorious multi-touch display. i was heart broken. on june 8th, i was so excited to hear that a new, faster model with video capabilities would be arriving, and i was all geared up to upgrade from the old MOTO SLIVR i was forced to use for the past 3 months. But my heart was broken again when i discovered that att would charge me full retail price, $599, to upgrade to 3gs, since i already utilized an upgrade a year ago.

So please, tiPb, help me return to the glorious, app filled life of the iPhone, you are my only hope.

Chris Dreiling
Twitter name- DthCbFrCHRIS
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Apr 8, 2009
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Wife needs one

I bought a 3G for my wife for Xmas last year. Well, last weekend she dropped it on the ceramic tile and shattered the glass. It still works but has a nice glass spider web all over one corner. I'd even pay the cheap upgrade price to replace it it I could but I'm not "upgrade eligible" until May. =(


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Jun 18, 2009
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I currently have a Samsung Omnia i900. As you probably know, this has Window Mobile on it...

Need I say more?



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Apr 8, 2009
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Sure, I could ramble on about how I NEED a 3GS to record video of my daughter riding her bike for the first time, or I NEED the compass so I don't get lost in the Oregon hills while picking wild huckleberries, or I NEED the extra speed and storage because my 3G is maxed out and I need my iPhone to be faster for work related tasks. But these would all pale in comparison to the REAL reason why I NEED a iPhone 3GS. I NEED the iPhone 3GS simply because it is the latest evolution of the coolest, baddest, hippest, technologically orgasmic devices on the planet and I just can't stand to not have the best when it comes to "my Precious" iPhone (yes, that was said in a Gollum voice.) So there you go. I'm sure plenty of people will submit heart-wrenching stories about how it's their wife's birthday and they can't afford it, or that they just lost their arms in an roller coaster accident and the iPhone is the only phone they can dial with their toes, or that their 3 year old really just needs their own iPhone, but I laid it out for you straight, honest, and to the point (kinda).
Long live the iPhone Blog!


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Jun 18, 2009
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why i want to upgrade

Voice control is a big incentive for me. Especially when I am running or biking with my iPHONE and need to access different functions.


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Jun 18, 2009
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Me Me Me Me !!!!!

My brother desperately needs an iphone. If you give me the new 3gs, I will generously GIVE him my current 3g. What a nice guy right?


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Jun 18, 2009
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For my loving husband...

Hubby and I bought first gen iPhones a few weeks after they were first released. We were unable to afford upgrades last year to the 3G, and actually I'm grateful!

For my birthday this week, Hubby reserved a 3GS for me (I'll be in line tomorrow!) and I am so excited because of the improved maps due to GPS, compass, etc. Also excited about video, better camera, super fast web page loads, everything! This is a fabulous upgrade for us first gen users!

The reason I'm posting is to win one for my wonderful hubby, who has cheered me on for my upgrade without once complaining that we can't afford to upgrade his.

He is wonderful!


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Jun 18, 2009
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I bought my 3G 2 weeks after it was introduced last year. I was PO at my better half :)mad:) and said to hell with it and bought it. 2 weeks later I went out and bought an IMAC because I was so impressed with my 3G. Pissed the wife again, darn!:rolleyes:

Not PO'd this year (YET). I wasn't going to ugrade to 3.0 for a while but instead took 3 hours of vacation in order to go home and update my 3G. Took me about 3 hours and about 200 mouse clicks to get through to the authorization server.

I am tech junky I guess. I like the latest in new tech toys. Spent $6000 on a new ham radio transceiver last year because it was new and it is a lot better than my older 1. Bought a HTC Fuze off of EBAY just to play with it (I like to tweek it, I guess I have tinkeritis). So since the 3GS is out I need 1. Next year I know I will buy the new IPHONE 4G (?) when it comes out.

Thats why I need the new 3GS.:eek:
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Jun 18, 2009
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Help a new guy out

I want to win the iPhone 3gS because I am JUST out of university, and I am just getting settled down in the real world. I am entering into the business setting, and want/need to be professional. I have very little startup money, and so anything that helps me along my way is greatly appreicated. I have been on Verizon Wireless, and even though many love it, I have never had a good experience with them. I think an iPhone would raise my level of professional appearance, and be a great start for me in the "real world" during tough economic times.
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