TiPb 32GB iPhone 3G S Give Away - Day Three!

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Jun 18, 2009
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I work in the live events department at my company and all of my employees have iPhones which do wonders for what we do with concerts since we're always on the road. Everything from taking video/pictures, to GPS with the blue dot on Google Maps, to finding the closest restaurant QUICKLY (the EDGE network is killing me!). Quite frankly, I'm very tired of my Blackberry and seeing how I use a mac for all my work, it'd be nice to finally sync up to my mobile device for once...

Thanks for all you do!


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Jun 18, 2009
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It's all about the speed for me. I would love to have everything snappier. Also, the compass feature integrated with Maps and an auto-focus camera sound like a worthwhile upgrade.


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Jun 18, 2009
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iPhone.. that would be nice

Every since Steve announced the iPhone, I have been determined to learn as much as I can about it. I secretly watched the keynotes at work; I did reports on the iPhone in school; I of course went to the stores to play with the iPhone when it arrived. I was and still am a tad bit obsessed. Over the last three years, I tried to get one of these beloved phones, but AT&T always got in the way, until yesterday. I am on a family plan that is on a business plan, which the original iPhone did not support. Foiled there. When the iPhone 3G came along, I wasn't eligible to upgrade, again thank you AT&T. I am not up for upgrade until September 2009, until yesterday when AT&T decided to cave (thank you!) and let everyone who can renew in the next 3 months, renew early. Everything is finally falling into place. My roommate got an iPhone in March and it just kills me. The iPhone is an incredible device, and I feel like half the people who have one, don't use it correctly! People today don't care to learn how their tech devices work, thus when something goes wrong, they freak. I am constantly sending emails to my roommate, giving her tips and apps to download. Many of my friends assume I have an iPhone already, because I know everything about it. It's like there are two parts of me that don't connect properly. It's a person who is an expert in Chinese culture, but never been to China. It doesn't work. So I guess that is what I'm trying to get across. Help me fit those two pieces of my life together. If this doesn't work out, I'll be fine. The iPhone will come to me in other ways, but I thought I'd give it a shot!


Jun 18, 2009
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When I was little, my family was poor. I used to go to school in hand me down clothes, my mother's car was an ancient beat-down piece of crap, we went days without eating. Needless to say, I would get made fun of and picked on by all my school mates. When I grew up, I vowed never to be like that again. So ever since, I have been obsessed with wearing the best clothes, having the best and newest technology, never going hungry again.

Unfortunately, because of the current economic state of the country, I once again find myself struggling to save up pennies in order to pay the rent. As much as I would kill to have the iPhone 3G, there is no way I can afford it because of AT&T's contract. Even though I bought my 3G the day it was released, I would have to wait until March to upgrade. I can't wait that long, tipb!! Please, please, please pick me. Do it for that little boy wearing his cousin's members only jacket every day for two years.


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Jun 18, 2009
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I want to upgrade to the iPhone 3G S because it is, by far and away, and, some minor issues aside, the overall best smartphone on the market. It has excellent email capabilities and the absolutely best browser of any smartphone. If I were willing to settle for second best, I'd get a BlackBerry. I'm not!


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Jun 18, 2009
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I would love to win a 3G S so that I can record all of my family events because I lost my daughters first steps and first words on my other iPhones


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Jun 18, 2009
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I'm upgrading to the new iPhone because I'm still using my original 2G 8gb that I bought on the day it launched two years ago. Oh, and because my home and lock buttons have to be pressed approximately 10-12 times for it to register once. That's pretty annoying, to say the least. :(

Cheers everyone, see you around :)


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Jun 18, 2009
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I would have said compass, but that's already been said. But the thing that we need the most from the 3G S (besides a faster processor, more memory, and the like) is the Battery Percentage Indicator that is only enabled on the 3G S. :rolleyes:


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Nov 7, 2008
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I'm a student currently in my last year of high school, so my pockets aren't exactly stuffed with cash. I have three part-time jobs and pay for virtually everything I buy, including things like my monthly cellphone bill. I saved up for a few months to finally get the iPhone 3G at the end of last summer and was very happy with it.

I am generally an extremely organized person and relied very heavily on the built in PIM applications as well as third party ones such as Appigo's ToDo to keep track of every single little errand I have to run or e-mail I have to send later (being a student in high school, I could never afford a data plan and relied on Wi-Fi at school and at home).

Everything was going great until a Thursday afternoon near the beginning of May (2009). I was taking the subway home at 5pm (please note this is typically rush hour) and got off at my stop as I do every day. As I was taking the escalator up from the platform back to street level, my iPhone was wrenched from my hand by one of five guys who then pushed me around a bit, threatened me, implying they had a gun on them, and ran off. Police reports have been filed and the security cameras at the station have been checked but it's been over a month so I'm very doubtful I will get it back.

I want a new iPhone 3GS not only because its an amazing smartphone but also because I no longer have access to the organizational tools like Appigo's ToDo (they are working on one for the BlackBerry but it won't be released for some time, and I don't like BlackBerries that much anyway) and going off to University next year, I really need to be able to keep track of all the little things I need to do. It also doesn't help that because smartphone upgrades are every 2 years, if I wanted the 3GS I would have to pay the contract-free price for it or wait until next year because of Rogers' new policy. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed they make a similar announcement to AT&T.


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Jun 18, 2009
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Wow look at how many people signed up for the forums just for a chance to win! (Me being one of them =)

Reason: The iPhone 3GS is full of win, and winning one would be an epic win! That is all.


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Jun 18, 2009
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Nana wants to keep up!!

My son has an IPHONE, my daughter has one, my daughter-in-law has one, my adopted honorary grandson has one, even my older brother has one! I hope I get one before my grandchildren....maybe my "cool factor" would rise!?!


Apr 13, 2009
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The more I use my current 16GB iPhone 3G and am seriously running out of storage space for music, videos, photos etc.
Before getting an iPhone I was an avid Blackberry user and STILL AM for one reason: VIDEO capabilities. Carrying 2 devices has branded me the nickname "Gadget Girl".
I'd love the new smudge proof screen because I am constantly wiping mine with LCD screen wipes...yeah I'm a teeny itsy bit of a neat freak. The compass would definitely come in handy due to me using the map feature very frequently as I live in a metro area and can get turned around quite easily. I hate having to have all of my music split across a 30GB 5th gen Video iPod and my iPhone as I am frequently listening to music to drown out the sounds of annoying ppl (airport, work, airplane etc)
I've seriously become addicted to Peggle and Sims 3!! The faster iPhone would help in adding to my de-stress time that I need as a single mother because I'd hate to have to take away from my twin 11 yr olds summer fun because I squeezed into the budget a much needed device.


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Jun 18, 2009
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Pick me, pick me, pick me!!!

I've never had an iPhone but love the touch screen features. Right now I'm sporting the LG Vu. What pains me is not being able to put my music on there because it's all on iTunes. Do you know how long it took me to build up my library? It would be totally BOSS (love the retro slang, right?) if I could combine my iPod (which is currently a Nano) and my touch screen phone. Just in time for my Father's Day present...my kids would love you for it, too!

Frazier "the gadget guy" Damon

P.S. I read the review of the Jawbone Prime yesterday and had to go out and buy one. Love it! Let me know if you want me to blog it's attributes.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2008
The biggest reason I want to upgrade from my current 3G is because of the Speed and Battery Life.

I am currently in Iraq and although I can't use the phone as a phone here currently, I still use every other aspect of it daily. I connect to a wifi router and it keeps track of my life, both here and back in the "real world." I use alarms, notes, to-do apps, evernote, and a slew of other apps - not to mention the built in iPod, games, etc just to give me my daily dose of relaxation in a hellish existence. 32GB would just about contain my whole collection instead of having to randomize playlists all the time.

As a corollary should AT&T offer the discounted upgrade path I will miss out because I will still be here when the offer expires! :(


Jun 18, 2009
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O iPhone, O iPhone, where art thou,
As my Razr acts like it's always sweating at the brow;
Buzzing and whizzing is what it's best at,
I'm surprised I haven't already reunited it with a bat;

Along with weather and mail and stocks and maps,
iPhone, I know I'll never run out of your beautiful apps;
Trism, TapTap and Google Earth,
O iPhone, I'll buy you what you're really worth;

O iPhone, O iPhone, where art thou,
I'll always have you, to this I give my best vow,
Although some carriers choose to ignore you at your best,
O iPhone, with you I'll always be truly blessed;

O iPhone, O iPhone, oh how I adore thy,
A prisoner to my Razr, to thee I cry;
Dear iPhone, Dear iPhone, one I've never had,
I promise I'll never treat you like another Apple fad;

O iPhone ... O iPhone ... where art thou;
I really hope I win this contest, truly now;
O iPhone ... O iPhone ... come to me soon,
With out you, it's like eating spaghetti with a spoon;
Although it may work after try and try,
O iPhone, my dear iPhone, please try not to make me cry...

*Freddie Mercury appears out of nowhere and begins singing You're My Best Friend*


Jun 18, 2009
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The main reason I want the 3Gs:

I have two adorable daughters under the age of 5, who routinely are doing something crazy funny. I don't always have my video camera with me, but I always have my phone. The 3Gs will allow me to capture those moments.
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