new user: spell check, battery, and one more


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Jul 2, 2009
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Hello All-
I am a brand new iphone owner- i still haven't divorced my blackberry, however, we are separated.

Couple of things on my mind...

As a business user, i dont understand why apple doesn't have a general last look-over spell check option. I like the fact that i dont need to look at the keyboard any longer with apple's intelligent typing. However, i cant understand why i must worry that i may send an important email with incorrect spelling.. Its just a precautionary that so much to ask?

Secondly, the battery life isn't that good. I haven't yet been able to retire to sleep and not noticed that i am under the 10% battery life..

Third, searching a contact and then calling them requires more that three steps. With the bb, it was one.. All you needed to do was enter in any combination of text. Scrolling over the desired name would display the stored numbers. Press send, and whala - your waiting for you party to answer.

And finally, why isn't there a app or program like BB messenger. It was so convenient to communicate- having the capability to see if your mess was delivered, and subsequently read. To top it all off, there was no cost to this method of communication. No text charges or the like. Perhaps an app that can tie in iphoners to bbmessengers.... What apple may find is an overwhelming switch from bb to iphone...

These are most of my issues with the iphone. Any comments?

Casper TFG

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Jul 7, 2008
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Yeah recent BB switchover user here too. I am dyslexic but actually my job is all about written word so I am worried like you are. On a potentially unhelpfull but cheery note, iPone communications are well known for typos....

So "sent from my iPhone" as a signature is less a proud boast and more a blanket Apology.

Sigh.... Oh well.....
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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2009
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Hello All-
I am a brand new iphone owner- i still haven't divorced my blackberry, however, we are separated.

Couple of things on my mind...

As a business user, i dont understand why apple doesn't have a general last look-over spell check option. I like the fact that i dont need to look at the keyboard any longer with apple's intelligent typing. However, i cant understand why i must worry that i may send an important email with incorrect spelling.. Its just a precautionary that so much to ask?

Secondly, the battery life isn't that good. I haven't yet been able to retire to sleep and not noticed that i am under the 10% battery life..

Third, searching a contact and then calling them requires more that three steps. With the bb, it was one.. All you needed to do was enter in any combination of text. Scrolling over the desired name would display the stored numbers. Press send, and whala - your waiting for you party to answer.

And finally, why isn't there a app or program like BB messenger. It was so convenient to communicate- having the capability to see if your mess was delivered, and subsequently read. To top it all off, there was no cost to this method of communication. No text charges or the like. Perhaps an app that can tie in iphoners to bbmessengers.... What apple may find is an overwhelming switch from bb to iphone...

These are most of my issues with the iphone. Any comments?
I have been griping about spell check since day one. I don't know why they won't give it to us.

Battery life isn't as good as a blackberry. This is mostly because of the larger screen. It drains battery. Try turning off wifi when not in use, dimming the screen below half brightness, and turning off 3g when not necessary. Kind of a pain, but it helps.

BBM is a great thing in the BB world. Apple may implement some type of system like this in the future, but don't hold your breath. This would take text message revenue from at&t. Also, iPhone/BBM integration will never happen.


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Nov 28, 2008
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Not to be a smart @#$ but if it spell checks every word as you type it hasn't the message already been spell checked? Then all you need to do is proof read the message to be sure that you got all the correct words in there, or at least I do.:eek:

Battery like is weak. I have WiFi in the office so days I am in the office I turn 3G off ans use Edge and WiFi. Greatly increases battery life. When I am out on the road I turn 3G on but charge in the car as much as possible. If I can get in 20 mins. of charging I can last into the night even on a heavy day. BB are legendary for battery life, but some of the newer ones are not quite as good because of some of the extra features that BB pit on them to compete with the iPhone market.

BB messenger is great...IF you have a BB. Not so good for anyone else. I guess you could always do IM. That is what my brother and I do. He has a BB but he uses GTalk for everything. Does very little texting.


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Jun 20, 2009
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i'd bet system-wide spell check is coming a la OS X..

also, after tweaking with settings, i get pretty great battery life now -- it just takes a while. i ditched the curve on iPhone launch day in 2007, that thing was a POS compared to the iPhone (hardware & software). Also agree that BB Messenger is GREAT for BB users, personally, i've taken to BeeJive IM and connect to MobileMe, AIM, Facebook, and GTalk all at the same time (w/ push notifications).


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2009
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Not to be a smart @#$ but if it spell checks every word as you type it hasn't the message already been spell checked? Then all you need to do is proof read the message to be sure that you got all the correct words in there, or at least I do.:eek:

This doesn't always work for me. Sometimes the "auto" correct doesn't work if you butcher the word. Also, when I use spell check on a computer, I am positive that I spelled everything correctly. I don't have that option with the iPhone.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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Hello All-
I am a brand new iphone owner- i still haven't divorced my blackberry, however, we are separated.

Couple of things on my mind...

As a business user, i dont understand why apple doesn't have a general last look-over spell check option. I like the fact that i dont need to look at the keyboard any longer with apple's intelligent typing. However, i cant understand why i must worry that i may send an important email with incorrect spelling.. Its just a precautionary that so much to ask?

Secondly, the battery life isn't that good. I haven't yet been able to retire to sleep and not noticed that i am under the 10% battery life..

Third, searching a contact and then calling them requires more that three steps. With the bb, it was one.. All you needed to do was enter in any combination of text. Scrolling over the desired name would display the stored numbers. Press send, and whala - your waiting for you party to answer.

And finally, why isn't there a app or program like BB messenger. It was so convenient to communicate- having the capability to see if your mess was delivered, and subsequently read. To top it all off, there was no cost to this method of communication. No text charges or the like. Perhaps an app that can tie in iphoners to bbmessengers.... What apple may find is an overwhelming switch from bb to iphone...

These are most of my issues with the iphone. Any comments?

"i dont understand why apple doesn't have a general last look-over spell check option"

No one understands probably 90% of the things Apple does.

You will just have to watch the auto-correction as you go. Or the unthinkable, give your email a once over after you finish.

The battery lasts a day max, get used to it. Charge it every night, keep a cable at work so you can top it up at work by connecting it to your computer.

Setup your favorites list for quick calls.

Apple doesn't operate it's own messenger service like RIM. They do now have a push notifications that apps can use. Will take some time, but check the app store there are several messengers out there already.


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Jul 2, 2009
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thanks all.... its been a some time since i wrote the above... I've had some time to get used to things. Still bothered with the spell check and non-ease of making a phone call.... I have managed to free myself of the bbm worries and figured out how to deal with the bat issue...
overall, i am happier here than with the new bb curve 8900...
Have a real web browser always at my fingertips is definitely something i have gotten used to...


Jul 18, 2009
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Really glad to hear you've come to accept and enjoy your iphone. I'm also coming from the BB world and posts like this help me get a true grip on what I'm gonna do.

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