Missing Mail account configuration


May 2, 2009
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I seem to be the only one with this particular problem from the searching I have done. :-(

I was setting up a new IMAP account for my work email. I probably had some detail wrong or my access wasn't ready, so I went ahead and saved the configuration and got past the warning that the account may not work.

So then I go to check/modify the newly set up account, but it is nowhere to be found! Crazy, I think, but I will just set it up from scratch again.

Except I can't!

The IMAP account "xxxxxxx" is already configured. Press Edit to change the account information, or press Cancel to stop configuring a new IMAP account.

Aaaargh! It's got the configuration somewhere but I cannot see it in either the mail account configuration or the mail.app accounts page. So, I am completely stuck. Help!

(Also posted on Apple Discussion)


May 2, 2009
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I found out what happened.

I had another account configured that I hadn't been using (an IMAP config for GMail, since supplanted by an Exchange one) which had all the details I had been entering!

So it would seem the bug is it saved it over another account. There's no way in a million years I did that by accident - the account descriptions (the new one defaulted to the email address) were nothing like one another!